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Suicide Prevention and Postvention in Elementary and High Schools | SAMHSA & NASMHPD

Welcome to CEU By Net's course catalog for online training in Assessment and Intervention planning for your behavioral health clients, including suicide prevention and postvention in schools.

We offer NBCC, EACC, NAADAC, IC&RC, and State-approved CE courses in assessment, diagnosis, and treatment planning for difficult client populations.

Understand the inherent professional risk of these assessment and treatment activities for Mental Health and Addiction professionals.

Learn the actionable details of developing a suicide prevention plan in elementary and high schools, and a postvention plan of action if suicide occurs.

In these courses, learn the ethical and effective approaches to assessment and counseling with transgender and other LGBTQ children, adolescents, and their families.

Understand why assessment and counseling with trafficked youth, war zone veterans, and other trauma victims requires a different approach than for many other struggling individuals. 

Develop your skills in assessment and treatment of families struggling with grief, couples coping with unacknowledged SUD issues and domestic violence, and assessment and treatment of PTSD in Telemental Health.

Gain insight into the assessment of potential mass violence shooting perpetrators and the path to prevention, in the landmark publication by the National Institute of Justice (New! Course 4V). 


To see a list of ALL courses which we have included in this Assessment and Diagnosis Catalog, go to the BOTTOM of this page and click the + sign next to any course title that interests you. 

And consider our Unlimited CEUs for one full year - only $49. 



Public Mass Shooting Violence — Clinical Factors, Challenges, & Prevention. New training guidance from the National Institute of Justice for K-12 schools and employers. 


Human Trafficking of Adolescents in America - Identification, Assessment, Intervention, and Support, approved by Texas HHSC for license renewal.


Preventing Suicide:  A Tool Kit for High Schools - Establishing a Suicide Prevention and Response Program in High Schools.


Ethics of Working with LGBTQ Youth - Ending Conversion Therapy - An Ethics-Based Assessment and Family Intervention Approach for a Challenging Population.


Telemental Health Assessment and Treatment of PTSD - Program Setup, Ethics, Safety, and More 


In Course 3C, 'Beyond the Yellow Legal Pad,' we pay particular attention to assessment and documentation of dual diagnoses as a RISK MANAGEMENT safeguard. 

Course 3C addresses not only the technical approaches to assessment of children and adolescents, but also explains how Assessment and Diagnosis (and indeed the entire treatment process) is closely connected to legality, ethics, and Risk Management. 

Course 3I - Bullying: Recognition, Intervention and Prevention - 3 Credit Hours (Clock Hours).  How to assess situations, perpetrators, and victims from a group dynamics and individual perspective.

Course 3H - Principles of Adolescent SUD Treatment - A Research-Based Practical Guide.  This course deals with assessment, diagnosis, and working toward recovery from SUD issues with the adolescent population. 

Courses 5K and 5L - Parts 1 and 2 of 'Finding Balance After the War Zone - Considerations in the Treatment of Post-Deployment Stress Effects in Veterans - A Guide for Clinicians'. 
Course 5K focuses extensively on Assessment and Diagnosis of trauma-related mental health and substance abuse issues with Iraq and Afghanistan WAR ZONE VETERANS.

Course 5L continues this theme, and also moves into details of a 'CBT approach' to treatment of post-traumatic Stress Injuries which include PTSD, Substance Use Disorders, Depression, and TBI. 

Courses 4J and 5H - Anger Management and Domestic Violence. These are DUAL DIAGNOSIS courses.  Course 4J presents a group treatment format for Anger Management.


Course 5J - SUICIDE PREVENTION and Intervention with LGBT Youth.

Course 4G - Assessment and Treatment of Non-Alzheimer's EARLY COGNITIVE DECLINE in aging individuals.

Course 2E - Assessment and Stepped Intervention with DEPRESSION in adults

Courses 2B, 2C, 1C, 3B (changes in the addiction field), 4A and 5A - The Documentation and Assessment of 'Need for Treatment' under a managed care scenario for both Mental Health and Addiction - Learn to think like your Care Manager! 

Avoid charge-backs by the HMO or insurance company and denials of your treatment requests.   





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Plus    Course 8K - Harm Reduction Strategies & Challenges with Co-Occurring HIV, SUD, & Mental Disorders
Plus    Course 8T - Human Trafficking of Adolescents in America
Plus    Course 4V - Public Mass Shootings - Predictive Factors, Challenges, & Prevention
Plus    Course 1K - Introduction to Effective Harm-Reduction Strategies for Prevention and Treatment of HIV in Persons with Co-Occurring Behavioral Health Disorders
Plus    Course 3TMH - Ethics and Practice of Telemental Health Treatment of PTSD
Plus    Course 5P_A - Part I - Preventing Suicide Tool Kit for High Schools
Plus    Course 5T - Traumatic Grief in Childhood
Plus    Course 3T - Trauma-Informed Care in Behavioral Health
Plus    Course 2J_Basic Guide to Traumatic Stress, Complex Trauma, and Resilience
Plus    Course 6J - The Ethics of Working with LGBTQ Youth - Ending Conversion Therapy
Plus    Course 3C - Beyond the Yellow Legal Pad! Assessment and Diagnosis of Children and Adolescents - From Ethics to Practice and Into the Courtroom
Plus    Aging Course 4G - Assessment and Treatment of [Non-Alzheimer's] Cognitive and Behavioral Dysfunction in Aging Adults
Plus    Course 3H - Principles of Adolescent SUD Assessment and Treatment - A Research-Based Practical Guide
Plus    Course 5K - Part 1 of Finding Balance After the War Zone
Plus    Course 5L - Part 2 of Finding Balance After the War Zone
Plus    Course 2D - The Ethics of Advance Directives: Assisting Clients and Families with Preferences for End of Life Care Including Those with HIV-AIDS
Plus    Course 2B - They're Coming to Audit WHEN? a.k.a. 'What Can Go WRONG In That Chart?'
Plus    Course 2C - We Have to Change WHAT?
Plus    Free Course 1D Clinical Issues in Intensive Outpatient Treatment
Plus    Course 3I - Bullying Prevention and Response - A Training Guide for Use Within Schools and the Community
Plus    Course 6A - Mental Health Response to Mass Violence and Terrorism: A Training Manual
Plus    Course 5J - Suicide Risk and Prevention for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Youth
Plus    Course 4J - Anger Management: A Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Manual
Plus    Course 5H - Alcohol Problems in Intimate Relationships: Identification and Intervention with Families and Couples
Plus    Course 3B - The Big Transition in the AOD Field: Managed Care, the ACA, Justifying Need for Treatment - Oh How It's Changed!
Plus    Course 2H - HIV and AOD Issues with Adolescents and Families
Plus    Course 2E - Treatment and Management of Depression in Adults - The Stepped Care Model
Plus    Course 4H - Psychotherapeutic Medications: What Every Counselor Should Know
Plus    FREE Course 1B - It's Not Your Grandpa's Chevy - Intro to Goals, Clinical Concerns, and Opportunities In Behavioral Health Managed Care
Plus    Course 2F - Personality Disorders in Patients With HIV/AIDS and SUD
Plus    Ethics 4D - Ethics of Treatment Documentation and Other Ethical Dilemmas When Insurance and State Contracts Are Paying the Bill
Plus    Ethics 3D - The Ethics of Treatment Documentation When Insurance Is Paying The Bill
Plus    Course 5A - Welcome to Care Management! Do They REALLY Need Treatment?
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