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Course 4J - The Quiz



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This treatment model has been used successfully with substance-abusing clients, and also with non–substance-abusing clients who are diagnosed with a variety of problems including mood, anxiety, and thought disorders.
True False
Which answer below is NOT one which is mentioned as a reason to utilize this treatment approach in a group setting?
solid empirical support exists for group cognitive behavioral interventions
group treatment is efficient and cost-effective
group treatment reduces the likelihood of a negative 'transference' occurring between the client and the clinician
a group setting provides a greater range of possibilities and flexibility in roleplays and behavioral rehearsal activities.
Which is NOT one of the four types of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) interventions most often used when treating anger disorders?
RELAXATION interventions, which target emotional and physiological components of anger
COGNITIVE interventions, which target cognitive processes such as hostile appraisals and attributions, irrational beliefs, and inflammatory thinking
COMMUNICATION skills interventions, which target deficits in assertiveness and conflict resolution skills
12 STEP attendance
Combined interventions, which integrate two or more CBT interventions and target multiple response domains.
When considering this treatment program's use in individual sessions, which statement is NOT true?
This treatment program manual should not be used in individual sessions, except with adolescents.
It is possible for qualified clinicians to use this manual in individual treatment sessions with their clients.
When used in individual sessions, the same treatment format and sequence can be used.
Individual sessions provide more time for in-depth instruction and individualized behavioral rehearsal. .
Re 'who' is appropriate to attend this type of group session, which answer below is NOT true?
A group can include patients who have used many different substances (e.g., cocaine, alcohol, heroin, methamphetamine), and they will benefit despite differences in their primary drug of abuse.
Patients diagnosed with co-occurring disorders (e.g., posttraumatic stress disorder [PTSD], mood disorder, psychosis) can benefit from this anger management group approach.
Certain issues, such as anger related to clients’ family of origin and past learning, may best be explored in individual and group therapy outside the anger management group.
This intervention should be used as an adjunctive treatment to substance abuse and mental health treatment.
If a participant has a 'slip' (related to AOD) during his or her enrollment in the group, he or she must be temporarily REMOVED from the anger management group.
This Anger Management Manual contains specific instructions for conducting HOW MANY sessions?
Anger management AFTERCARE GROUPS - such as ongoing drop-in groups and more structured 12-week phase-two groups - are recommended, where participants can continue to practice and integrate the anger management strategies they learned in this treatment.
True False
SESSION #1 - 'OVERVIEW OF GROUP MANAGEMENT TREATMENT': Which is NOT one of the PURPOSES of the Anger Management Group?
Learn to manage anger
Stop violence or the threat of violence
Develop self-control over thoughts and actions
Induce family members to change
Receive support and feedback from others
if a group member makes threats to physically harm or kill another person, the group leader is required, under the Tarasoff Ruling to warn the intended victim and notify the police.
True False
Still in Session #1 ..... Re GROUP RULES: Which of the answers below is NOT one of the 'Group Rules'?
Group Safety, Confidentiality
Homework Assignments, Absences and Cancellations
Forgiveness of Others, and Need to Apologize
Time Outs
Regarding TIME OUTS: In the first session, the group leader tells the group that he/she reserves the right to call for a timeout if a group member’s anger begins to escalate out of control during a session. Which below is NOT one of the described 'time out' procedures?
The leader will ask the member to take a timeout from the topic and the discussion.
The member and the rest of the group members will immediately stop talking about the issue that is causing the member’s anger to escalate.
If the participant’s anger has escalated to the point that he or she cannot tolerate sitting in the group, the leader may ask the person to leave the group for 5 or 10 minutes or until he or she can cool down.
Eventually, group members will learn to call a timeout themselves when they feel they may be losing control as the result of escalation of their anger.
Failure to comply with the timeout rule may result in a one-week forced absence, but never in termination from the group.
Still in Session #1 ..... Which is the most accurate answer?
Whereas ANGER is an EMOTION, and AGGRESSION is a BEHAVIOR, HOSTILITY is an ATTITUDE that involves disliking others and evaluating them negatively.
Aggression is behavior that is intended to cause harm to another person or damage property, such as verbal abuse, threats, or violent acts.
Anger becomes a problem when it is felt too intensely, is felt too frequently, or is expressed inappropriately.
In this group, clients will learn helpful strategies and techniques to MANAGE anger, EXPRESS anger in alternative ways, CHANGE hostile attitudes, and PREVENT aggressive acts such as verbal abuse and violence.
All of the above.
The inappropriate expression of anger (such as verbal abuse or intimidating or threatening behavior) may result in .....
an initial apparent payoff for the angry individual, i.e., getting his or her way
serious physical health problems, when anger is felt too intensely, is felt too frequently, or is expressed inappropriately.
others developing fear, resentment, and lack of trust toward those who submit them to angry outbursts
alienation from individuals such as family members, friends, and coworkers, who may become emotionally detached
All of the above.
Still in Session #1: We give more information about 'ANGER' and 'AGGRESSION'. Which statement below is NOT accurate?
The GOAL of aggression is to dominate, intimidate, harm, or injure another person.
Effective anger management involves changing negative and hostile “SELF-TALK', challenging IRRATIONAL BELIEFS, and employing a variety of BEHAVIORAL STRATEGIES.
Research studies have found that if an individual is NOT assaulting persons or property, aggressive EXPRESSION of anger (such as screaming or beating on pillows) is HEALTHY and THERAPEUTIC..
One important anger management technique is to control the ESCALATION of anger by learning ASSERTIVENESS SKILLS.
The GOAL of ASSERTIVENESS is to express feelings of anger in a way that is respectful of other people.
In Session #1, we also explain the 'ANGER METER' technique for becoming AWARE of and MONITORING one's anger on a SCALE of 1 to 10. We tell clients that there is ALWAYS TIME - provided one has learned effective coping skills - to stop anger from escalating to a 10.
True False
Concerning the use of the 'Anger Meter', which statement below is NOT accurate?
The purpose of the anger meter is to monitor the escalation of anger as it moves up a scale of 1 to 10.
In the first session, we tell clients that there is always time, provided one has learned effective coping skills, to stop anger from escalating to a 10.
It is important for all group members to share a common definition of the meaning of each number on the 1 to 10 scale, e.g., what does a '5' mean, vs. a '3' or a '7', etc..
A '10' is always reserved for instances when someone loses control and suffers (or could suffer) negative consequences due to loss of control, explosion, or violence.
A good way for the group to think about points of anger BETWEEN 1 and 10 is, 'You have a choice! Use your anger control plan to avoid reaching 10!,'
This manual recommends that we do certain things in SESSION #2. Which option below is NOT one of those things?
Using the CHECK-IN procedure, members begin to monitor their anger and identify anger-provoking events and situations.
Begin the session with a CHECK-IN (have group members report on the highest level of anger they reached on the anger meter during the past week).
Teach the 'Progressive Muscle Relaxation' technique for anger control.
Teach members how to ANALYZE an anger episode, i.e., helping them distinguish between the EVENTS (which are the FACTS in the scenario) and their INTERPRETATION of these events which may or may not be accurate (i.e., OPINIONS, JUDGMENTS, or PERCEPTIONS).
Present the FOUR CUES TO ANGER categories, asking group members to provide examples of these cues that indicate an escalation of their anger.
In Session #2, the 1st 'ASPECT OF ANGER' to be taught is AWARENESS of events in the PAST that TRIGGER ANGER in the PRESENT, i.e., 'red flags”, referring to long-standing issues that can easily lead to anger.
True False
In Session #2, the 2nd 'ASPECT OF ANGER' is the 'Four Cues to Anger'. Which below is NOT one of the Four Cues to Anger, as displayed in Exhibit 2?
memories and dreams
Regarding the nature of 'COGNITIVE CUES' .... which is correct?
Cognitive cues refer to the THOUGHTS that occur in response to an anger provoking event.
The individual may INTERPRET events in certain ways, e.g., may interpret the actions of others as demeaning, humiliating, or controlling.
May involve 'SELF-TALK' which resembles a conversation we are having with ourselves - hostile in tone and content.
May include FANTASIES and IMAGES that can escalate anger.
All above
Still in Session #2 ..... Participants are introduced to the CHECK-IN PROCEDURE, which will occur each session. This procedure [choose the most accurate answer]
follows up on the homework assignment from the previous week
gives notice that although the individual is present, he or she does not plan to talk this week.
reports the highest level of anger reached on the anger meter during the week.
1st and 2nd answers above
1st and 3rd answers above
By SESSION #3, several basics have been established. Which below is NOT accurate for Session #3?
By now, participants have begun to learn how to MONITOR their anger and identify anger-provoking events and situations.
At this point, it is important to help them develop a REPERTOIRE of ANGER MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES.
The strategies should consist of IMMEDIATE strategies, those that can be used in the heat of the moment when anger is rapidly escalating.
The strategies should also consist of PREVENTIVE strategies, those that can be used to avoid escalation of anger before it begins.
The repertoire of ANGER MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES is called
the Anger Contingency Plan
the Anger Abatement Plan
the Anger Control Plan
the Anger Reversal Plan
the Anger Reduction Plan
In Session #3, we encourage members to develop INDIVIDUALIZED ANGER PLANS that work best for them, such as COGNITIVE RESTRUCTURING (e.g., challenging hostile self-talk or irrational beliefs), TIMEOUT or THOUGHT STOPPING, etc..
True False
The basic anger management strategy recommended for inclusion in EVERYONE'S anger plan is . . .
deep breathing, because it's hard to breathe deeply and yell at the same time.
thought stopping because that may cause you to forget what you were angry about.
the timeout, because it can be effective in the heat of the moment; you can prevent reaching 10 on the scale by taking a timeout.
discussing your anger while you still have emotion to share.
Regarding the TIMEOUT procedure ..... which below is the MOST accurate?
Informally, a timeout is defined as leaving the situation that is causing the escalation of anger or simply stopping the discussion that is provoking it.
Formally, a timeout involves relationships with other people: it involves an agreement or a prearranged plan which may involve family members, friends, and coworkers.
Any of the parties involved may call a timeout in accordance with rules that have been agreed upon; the person calling the timeout can leave the situation, if necessary but will either return or postpone further discussion.
Timeouts are also effective when they are used with other strategies, e.g., take a timeout and go for a walk, to help you calm down during the timeout period.
All of the above.
SESSION #4 ..... which below is NOT accurate?
In this session, we present the concept of the 'AGGRESSION CYCLE'.
The Aggression Cycle has three phases - consisting of escalation, explosion, and remorse.
Session #4 ends by presenting the 'Progressive Muscle Relaxation' exercise - effective in reducing anger levels, and an alternative to the deep-breathing exercise introduced in Session #3.
The AGGRESSION CYCLE is the FRAMEWORK for integrating the anger management concepts of 1) the Anger Meter, 2) Cues to Anger, and 3) the Anger Control Plan.
Looking at Session #4, which is NOT accurate?
This session presents the AGGRESSION CYCLE, and introduces PROGRESSIVE MUSCLE RELAXATION.
The Aggression Cycle has FOUR phases - Escalation, Explosion, Postexplosion, and Making Amends.
The Escalation Phase is characterized by cues that indicate anger is building; if the Escalation Phase is allowed to continue, the Explosion phase will follow.
The Explosion Phase is marked by an uncontrollable discharge of anger displayed as verbal or physical aggression; it is SYNONYMOUS with the NUMBER 10 on the ANGER METER.
The Postexplosion Phase is characterized by negative consequences resulting from the verbal or physical aggression displayed during the explosion phase.
The points BELOW 10 on the ANGER METER represent the ESCALATION PHASE, the building up of anger. To keep from reaching the EXPLOSION PHASE, the client is instructed to use his/her ANGER CONTROL PLANS to keep anger (ideally) between a 1 and a 6 on the anger meter.
True False
If the Explosion Phase is prevented from occurring, the Postexplosion Phase will not occur, and the AGGRESSION CYCLE will be broken.
True False
SESSION #5 - Which is NOT a primary focus of this session?
Clarifying and reinforcing concepts (i.e., the anger meter, cues to anger, anger control plans, the aggression cycle, etc.)
Cognitive Restructuring and Thought Stopping
The A-B-C-D Model of Cognitive Restructuring
Regarding Albert Ellis's A-B-C-D Model of Cognitive Restructuring ..... which is correct?
A = Activating Situation; B = Belief System; C = Control; D = Dispute
A = Alternative Actions; B = Belief System; C = Consequence; D = Discussion
A = Activating Situation or Event; B = Belief System; C=Consequence; D = Dispute
BELIEF SYSTEM means 'what you tell yourself about the event (your self-talk), and your beliefs and expectations of others.'
True False
'DISPUTE' in the A-B-C-D Model means identifying irrational beliefs and disputing them with more rational or realistic perspectives.
True False
We teach group members that the EVENT itself does not get people upset and angry. Rather, it is a person's INTERPRETATIONS of and BELIEFS concerning the event that cause the anger.
True False
In the A-B-C-D approach, 'C' stands for the emotional consequences of events, i.e., the feelings people experience as a result of their beliefs and interpretation of an event.
True False
Still in SESSION #5 ..... A second approach to controlling anger is called THOUGHT STOPPING. Which is NOT true about this approach?
Thought stopping provides an immediate and direct alternative to the A-B-C-D Model.
You simply tell yourself (through a series of self-commands) to stop thinking the thoughts that are getting you angry, e.g., 'I need to stop thinking these thoughts,' or 'Don’t buy into this situation,' or 'Don’t go there.'
The individual should not use Thought Stopping unless he has first tried the A-B-C-D method.
The goal is to stop your current pattern of angry thoughts before they lead to an escalation of anger and loss of control.
SESSION #6 .... Which is NOT an Anger Control Concept that is clarified and reinforced during Session 6?
the anger meter and cues to anger
the aggression cycle
anger control plans
the relapse cycle
cognitive restructuring
SESSION 7 AND 8 ..... We teach the group that one BENEFIT of the Conflict Resolution Model is that it allows for an option to be PASSIVE instead of aggressive..
True False
In SESSIONS 9 and 10 .... which is NOT done?
Help group members gain a better understanding of their anger with regard to the interactions they had with their parents and the families that they grew up in.
Help them see how these past interactions have influenced their current behavior, thoughts, feelings, and attitudes, and the way they now interact with others as adults.
If a group member appears to be overwhelmed by recalling interactions with parents and families, ask them to role-play one of the most distressing events.
Explore the behavior of the parents or other family - did they throw things, yell. become verbally or physically violent?
SESSIONS 11 AND 12 are primarily focused upon review of anger management concepts, and reinforcement for progress made.
True False


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