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Course 5K - Quiz for Study Guide 2



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Working in Chapter 3's first section entitled 'Resilience and Vulnerability in the War Zone' ..... Resilience in the context of this publication refers to
resistance to traumatic stress
willingness to re-enlist when your tour of duty is completed.
being less vulnerable to Stress Injuries in the war zone and upon return to home
the first and third answers above.
Still in the section entitled 'Resilience and Vulnerability in the War Zone': Things that occur BEFORE deployment to a war zone can INCREASE the likelihood that an individual will develop Stress Injury and Substance Use Disorders (SUDs) AFTER they return home. Which item below is NOT listed as one of those negative factors?
Multiple revisions of deadlines and locations and struggling to make all arrangements.
Routine changes in deployment orders.
Worrying about themselves and family members.
Extra stress on single parents, reserve forces, and military members not previously deployed.
The military's resilience training called 'Battlemind'.
The goal of 'Battlemind' resilience training is to
develop the ability to leave loved ones behind in order to deploy to a war zone.
develop the ability to put aside feelings about the loss of a close buddy on the battlefield.
to develop those factors that contribute to the soldier’s will and spirit to fight and win in combat, thereby reducing combat stress reactions.
Leadership by commissioned officers has been identified as an important protective factor against Stress Injury in war zones.
True False
Resilience Factors During Deployment: Perhaps the most important resilience factor DURING deployment to a war zone, cited in many governmental and non-governmental reports, is
support from loved ones back home.
knowing that one's deployment to the war zone is almost over.
cohesion, bonding, and buddy-based support within the military unit.
having a commander that you like.
being reassured that benefits will be paid on time.
Risk Factors During Deployment: The military has cited a number of factors DURING deployment as being pivotal to the risk of POST-deployment stress effects. Which is NOT one of these factors?
Severity of exposure to combat and the degree of perceived life threat
Multiple deployments and deployment length
marital concerns
not receiving a promotion that was expected
loss of combat cohesion relationships due to the death of close buddies, medical evacuation, emergency leave, and changes in task organization and FOB (Forward Operating Base) locations.
More severe post-trauma responses tend to appear among people who freeze and dissociate (influenced by cortisol, acetylcholine, endorphins, and GABA).
True False
One characteristic that serves as a deterrent to severe post-trauma responses is the ability to react in a 'Rambo' fashion by jumping into isolated, impulsive action (influenced by adrenaline, norepinephrine, and dopamine).
True False
Looking at 'Service Members’ Experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan': It is clear that the experiences of military personnel in the battlefield vary significantly, depending upon where they are deployed in the war zone (peaceful area vs. violent), the job they are assigned to do (combat vs. nation building), the cohesiveness of their unit, and where they happened to be when the IED exploded.
True False
Looking at 'Service Members’ Experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan', _________________ is categorized as 'a reality of combat' which promotes stress reactions.
unclear knowledge of enemy capabilities
handling or removing the remains of civilians, enemy combatants, US and allied service members, and animals.
Looking at the realities of an insurgency war (such as Iraq and Afghanistan), friendly-fire events are among the most tragic and the most difficult to reconstruct in autobiographical memory.
True False
Looking at 'Sleep Deprivation and Fatigue' and its impact during and after deployment to a war zone: Carrying 80-100 pounds of body armor and gear often leads to
chronic contraction of anterior (front) core muscles (e.g., the psoas muscles that extend from the lower spine over the pelvis and hip) — the very muscles involved in the dissociative “freeze” response.
This may play a role in storing trauma in the body’s procedural memory.
Both of the above.
According to the Mental Health Advisory Team, “We know from findings from the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR) Land Combat Study that the mental health status of Soldiers has been ‘re-set’ after returning from combat duty in Iraq and before they are applied again to Iraq.”
True False
Looking at the Effects of The Surge: There was a reduction in the level of violence following The Surge in 2007. Given this reduction, which is believed to be true?  
Lower levels of violence can reduce the intense levels of the post-deployment stress responses that tend to follow the worst periods of combat.
Even though the incidence of violence has decreased, the potential for violence still exists, and it is this potential that activates constant hyperarousal of stress and survival systems.
Post-deployment stress effects are not 'healed' by later reductions in violence or threat, but can remain in the body for years, until they are addressed with effective therapy and/or re-balancing measures.
All of the above.
None of the above.
Looking at the Positive Experiences in War: In an insurgency war in a new and developing democracy, a Service Member’s role might combine the traditional combat roles of guard and soldier with those of military trainer, “beat cop,” diplomat, relief worker, outreach worker, and community organizer.
True False
Looking at Military Care for War Zone Stress: The Military’s guiding principle in responding to symptoms of war-zone stress is captured in the acronym, 'PIES'. PIES means ....
proximity, immediacy, expectancy, and simplicity
powerful, in-zone, everywhere, and success
Looking at Challenges in Demobilization, Homecoming, and Reintegration: Despite the Stress Injuries that they are coping with, the vast majority of military members experience a rapid sense of relief that their military service is done and that they are 'home'.
True False
Looking at Chapter 4, Post Deployment Stress Effects: Service Members’ vulnerability to the stress of deployment depends upon intelligence, and upon how strong or brave they are, how committed they are to their mission, and how much they love their country.
True False
Which bodily mechanism issues a standing order for the body’s stress systems to pump out sympathetic ('fight or flight') and parasympathetic ('shut down, numb out, freeze') chemicals - sometimes at the same time?
The amygdala
The heart
The muscles
It is after they leave the war zone—with no more constant surge of stress chemicals to “keep them afloat”—that many Service Members and veterans first experience their worst combat stress injuries or post-traumatic stress effects.
True False
Looking at 'The Variety of War Zone Stress Effects', we learn that it is safe to categorize all post-deployment stress effects as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
True False


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