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Quiz 1 - Course 8K



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This course is written and published in the public domain by
The American Life Publishing company
CEU By Net
SAMHSA and its collaborative committees and community partners
Which is not a true statement about HIV intervention and prevention?
There is no cure for HIV.
It can be effectively managed as a chronic illness with consistent uptake of antiretroviral therapy (ART) medications.
Harm Reduction Programs include free condoms and syringe exchange services, as well as preventative medications taken prior to engaging in behavior that transmits HIV and after engaging in such behavior.
Harm Reduction medications include pre-exposure prophylaxis [PrEP] and postexposure prophylaxis [PEP]).
A diagnosis of SUD and/or Mental Illness has little impact upon the effective approaches to prevention and treatment of HIV.
Which statement below is not accurate?
People with mental illness and/or SUD are particularly vulnerable to HIV.
The risk of getting HIV is 4 to 10 times greater for people with mental illness.
SUD, in particular, can hasten the progress of HIV within the body
injection drug use increases the risk of getting or transmitting HIV
Good HIV treatment and recovery programs for dual diagnosis individuals should be designed the same way, regardless of geographic, socio-economic, cultural, gender, race, ethnicity, and age-related factors,
PRE-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) and POST-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) are medications that can be taken to prevent HIV transmission in approximately 35% of exposed individuals..
True False
PrEP has been shown to reduce the risk of contracting HIV from sex by 74 percent, and reduces the risk of contracting HIV from injection drug use by 99 percent
True False
When taken within three days of possible exposure to the virus, Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) has been shown to lower chances of HIV transmission by more than 80 percent.
True False
What is not true about the viral suppression strategy referred to as Antiretroviral Therapy (ART)?
ART is a combination of medications which block HIV replication, decreasing the amount of HIV in blood and bodily fluids.
It reduces the HIV viral load (amount of virus) in the body,
When ART treatment results in an undetectable viral load, the chance of transmitting HIV to others is reduced to zero.
When given in sufficient quantity, ART cures HIV.
ART has changed HIV from a terminal diagnosis to a manageable chronic disease.
Re HIV Testing: HIV testing of all at-risk people is essential because individuals who are undiagnosed or unaware of their HIV infection account for an estimated ______ percent of ongoing HIV transmissions
10 to 15
30 to 40
When an individual with single or co-occurring diagnosis(es) of SUD or mental illness tests NEGATIVE for HIV, all but which action is indicated?
Connect client with primary care and supportive services (housing, food, etc)
Connect client to CBT
Begin Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) medication uptake and adherence
Begin support for Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) medication adherence
After a negative HIV test, no further action is needed other than periodic retesting for HIV.
Regarding the impact of substance use upon the OUTCOME of prevention and treatment of HIV: Heavy alcohol consumption is linked to sexual behaviors that increase the likelihood of getting HIV and is associated with delay in HIV diagnosis and treatment.
True False
Research suggests that individuals who misuse prescription opioids are less likely to engage in sexual behaviors that increase likelihood of getting HIV (e.g., condomless sex, sex with multiple partners).
True False
People who actively use methamphetamines have better adherence to ART and medical follow-up, both of which are important to the successful treatment and management of HIV.
True False
In addition to depression and anxiety, trauma and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are strongly associated with HIV.
True False
Interrelated Factors that Impact HIV Prevention and Treatment Efforts: Which statement is not true?
It is difficult to engage people in HIV prevention or treatment programs when their basic ancillary needs (e.g., housing, child care, transportation, food, employment, health insurance) are not met.
Mental illness and SUD present barriers to accessing and linking to HIV care, as well as initiating and adhering to medication (ART, PrEP, and PEP).
People with HIV are at higher risk for cardiovascular disease, hepatic and renal disease, osteoporosis and fractures, metabolic disorders, cognitive difficulties due to medication and the HIV virus, pulmonary disorders, central nervous system disorders, and various forms of cancer.
Educational level does not impact prevention and treatment efforts.
People with HIV are disproportionately affected by viral hepatitis (hepatitis A virus [HAV], hepatitis B virus [HBV], and hepatitis C virus [HCV]).
What is NOT true about co-occurring viral Hepatitis and HIV?
Co-occurring HIV and viral hepatitis present challenges in managing and treating HIV infection.
Of those with co-occurring HIV and viral hepatitis, about one third have both HBV and HCV.
Hepatitis A, B, and C are all associated with liver inflammation and liver damage, which impacts the effectiveness of HIV medications and worsens the side effects of HIV medication.
Prisons typically attempt to reduce the risk of co-occurring HIV and Hepatitis A, B, and C by dispensing condoms to prisoners.
Persons with HIV who contract viral hepatitis are more likely to experience a faster progression of liver-related injury than people who do not have HIV.


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