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Quiz for Course 6J - Ending Conversion Therapy



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Gender Identity is
the same as 'cisgender'
a person's feeling of sexual and emotional attraction to other people
a person's deep seated, internal sense of who they are as a gendered being (i am male or I am female) - the gender with which they identify themselves.
the sex assigned at birth
In this report, 'Sexual Minority' applies to those individuals
whose sexual orientation (to whom they are sexually and emotionally attracted) is to persons of their same biological sex.
who most often self-identify as gay, lesbian, or bisexual
both of the above
none of the above
In this report, 'Gender Minority' refers to those who are self-identified as transgender.
True False
Transgender: A person who feels that their gender identity does not match their physical body and differs from the gender they were assigned at birth, which can begin as young as two years of age.
True False
Cisgender refers to
a person who is not transgender
a person who feels that their gender identity does not match their birth gender
a person whose self-identity matches the biological sex they were assigned at birth (e.g., male or female).
The first and third answers above
Gender Expression: A person's outward gender expression, usually reflected in clothing, hair style, vocal inflection, body language, jewelry, makeup or not - and in children, the clothes and toys they choose.
True False
'Gender Non-Conforming' - also referred to as 'Gender Diverse':
A person whose Gender Expression differs from how their family, culture, or society expects them to behave, dress, and act.
A child who chooses toys and clothes that are perceived as appropriate only for children of the opposite sex.
Individuals with medically defined biological attributes that are not exclusively male or female.
All of the above
The first and second answers above
'Intersex' denotes a person who self-identifies as bisexual.
True False
Psychological distress due to the incongruence between one’s body and gender identity is
common among persons who self-identify as cisgender.
referred to as gender dysphoria.
common among Sexual Minority individuals.
'Sexual Orientation' is self-described as
Straight (Heterosexual)
Gay or Lesbian (Homosexual)
Any of the above.
Same-Gender Sexual Orientation and variations in Gender Identity and Gender Expression ____________
are a part of the normal spectrum of human diversity.
do not constitute a mental disorder..
are part of the normal spectrum of sexuality.
are not characteristics that can or should be changed in children and adolescents.
All of the above.
In the Executive Summary: Gender Dysphoria is part of the normal development of transgender children and adolescents, and clinical intervention is inappropriate and harmful.
True False
Still in Executive Summary: With Sexual Minority and Gender Minority youth, appropriate therapeutic approaches include:
Comprehensive evaluation
Support of the youth and family in exploration of identity and development, without a presumptive goal of any particular gender identity or expression.
For some Gender Minority (Transgender) youth: Social gender transition and medical intervention (e,g,, puberty blockers, cross gender hormone therapy, gender affirming therapy)
All of the above
None of the above
In the formal INTRODUCTION on page 19, SAMHSA says that conversion therapy
perpetuates outdated gender roles and negative stereotypes that being a sexual or gender minority or identifying as LGBTQ is abnormal.
may put young people at risk of serious harm.
is a practice that is not supported by credible evidence, and has been disavowed by behavioral health experts and associations.
All of the above
Only the first and second options above
In Professional Consensus: 20% of the research supports the premise that behavioral health interventions can successfully alter gender identity or sexual orientation.
True False
The following should be done only under supervision by a licensed professional supervisor: Directing the child to be conforming to a particular gender expression or sexual orientation or gender identity.
True False
Interventions aimed at changing gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation _______________.
can be successful with children and adolescents only if all participants are 'on the same page' in the specific approach to be used.
should be pursued only with careful treatment planning and coordination.
are coercive, harmful, inappropriate, and should not be part of behavioral health treatments.
When pre-pubertal and early-stage pubertal youth present with diverse gender expression or gender dysphoria, the transgender identity more liklely than not will continue into adolescence and adulthood.
True False
When diverse gender expression and transgender identity do not appear until post-pubertal adolescence, a transgender identity typically does not continue into adulthood.
True False
In the section pertaining to 'Appropriate Therapeutic Intervention for Youth': Parents need accurate scientific information about social gender transition, sex affirming hormone therapy and surgical intervention. However, the pubertal adolescent is cognitively capable of making these decisions.
True False
In working with parents, presentation of the scientific data pertaining to gender development must be approached cautiously, as such information is oftentimes overwhelming and produces unnecessary guilt.
True False
Gender expression and gender identity are interrelated and difficult to differentiate in prepubertal children.
True False
For peri-pubertal adolescents (those just beginning to enter puberty), pubertal suppression
is an option to provide time to support gender identity exploration
can alleviate or avoid potential distress associated with physical maturation and secondary sex characteristics
can improve future healthy adjustment.
can have an effect on behavioral health disorders, cognitive and emotional development, and future physical and sexual health
All of the above.
Withholding timely, clinically indicated physical gender transition (cross gender hormone therapy and gender affirming surgery) for pubertal and post-pubertal adolescents prolongs gender dysphoria and exacerbates emotional distress.
True False
In the RESEARCH section: The majority of young children who have a cross gender or transgender identity ____________.
will continue to identify as transgender in late adolescence and adulthood.
will eventually identify with a gender consistent with their sex assigned at birth (will be Cisgender).
are likely to identify as lesbian, gay, or bisexual in adolescence and young adulthood.
the second and third options
In the 2013 edition of the DSM, the diagnosis of Gender Dysphoria recognizes the potential psychosocial challenges and stressors associated with gender diversity, which contribute to the dysphoria.
True False
What is NOT true about Gender Dysphoria?
It is a state of significant distress because one's body does not match his or her internal gender identity.
Signs of gender dysphoria may emerge as early as age 2, when a child may indicate that they want to be a different gender and dislike the gender assigned to them at birth.
Gender dysphoria persists into adolescence and adulthood, in the majority of Gender Minority children.
Gender dysphoria can result in significant school and social maladjustment, for which the use of stress reduction interventions are appropriate.
It is worthwhile to question the diagnosis of children with Asperger’s disorder, as it is possible that social awkwardness and lack of peer relationships are the result of feeling isolated and rejected due to gender identity and expression.
True False
The increased risks faced by sexual or gender minority youth are not a function of their identity. Rather, these risks stem from the stresses of prejudice, discrimination, rejection, harassment, and violence.
True False
Sexual and gender minority adolescents experience less violence, victimization, and abuse from their families than do adolescents from the general population.
True False
Sexual minority and gender minority adolescents are overrepresented among the nation’s homeless youth. What percent of homeless youth identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender?
50-55 percent of all homeless youth
10-19 percent of all homeless youth
20-40 percent of all homeless youth
Which statement is NOT TRUE as it pertains to religious communities and LGBTQ youth?
Religiosity or spirituality can be a deeply affirming and supportive aspect of identity - even for Sexual Minorities.
Religious environments are typically associated with poor outcomes in terms of psychological wellbeing and internalized homophobia .
In 'Approaches to Ending the Use of Conversion Therapy' . . . Which is NOT one of the actions taken by the previous federal Administration to reduce discrimination and negative social attitudes toward LGBT communities?
Ended the “Don’t Ask, Don’t’ Tell” policy in the military
Supported same-sex marriage and ensured that same-sex couples and their families have full access to federal benefits;
Prevented employment discrimination by federal contractors;
Implemented a Federal Ban on Conversion Therapy.
In Guidance for Families and Providers: Initial family reactions to learning that a child is lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender range from highly rejecting to highly accepting. The largest proportion of families are _______________ about having an LGBTQ or gender diverse child.
When working with families that are struggling with having an LGBTQ or gender diverse child due to religious or deeply held personal convictions, which should a counselor NOT DO?
Emphasize the importance of the key values of dignity, mercy, and compassion.
Tell the family that accepting their child's LGBTQ status is essential to ensure his or her wellbeing and safety.
Tell the family that they do not have to be accepting of the child's LGBTQ or gender diverse identity.
Teach supportive behaviors that increase parent-child connectedness despite non-acceptance of the child's LGBTQ identity.
Use the Family Acceptance Project’s strengths-based approach to families of LGBTQ children and adolescents.
Schools and Bullying: Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972
served as a measure of protection for transgender and gender non-conforming students, but has been repealed.
protects transgender and gender nonconforming students from discrimination.
When a child is bullied because of LGBTQ or gender non-conforming characteristics, we should ask the child or adolescent to change the behavior or attribute when he is at school, to ensure his or her safety.
True False
In Pediatric Care: In working with LGBTQ youth and their families, pediatricians and family practice physicians have been formally advised by their professional associations and academies to
address family dynamics as they pertain to attitudes and beliefs about LGBTQ and gender non-conforming youth
be aware of the reactions from family members toward their LGBTQ children, from subtle downplaying to total rejection.
coordinate multidisciplinary care of transgender youth in determining eligibility and readiness for pubertal suppression or cross-gender hormone therapy.
All of the above
The term AFFIRMATIVE CARE refers to
Ensuring that the family understands the need to be accepting of their child's Gender Orientation.
Exploring medical interventions (surgery and/or cross sex hormones) and social transition steps that can be taken to support and affirm a Transgender youth's gender identity.
Both of the above.
The primary purpose of puberty blockers is
to serve as the first step in the physical-medical transition process.
to give the adolescent more time to explore their gender identity prior to initiation of other medical interventions.
both of the above
Gender and Assigned Sex at Birth are the same thing.
True False
In Affirmative Care, providers and parents are encouraged to allow the TRANSGENDER child or adolescent the freedom to explore their developing gender identity without pressure to select one of two options (male vs. female).
True False


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