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Course 5L - Quiz for Guide 2



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Moving to Chapter 7 in Guide 2: Fully effective treatment with war zone veterans may require a strategically staged, multi-modal treatment approach.
True False
What is NOT on the list of topics to be covered in this chapter?
Identifying Trauma-Related Assessment Instruments such as the Suicide Risk Assessment With the SAFE-T Card.
Choosing Safe and Appropriate Treatment Interventions
All of the known treatment interventions available for post-deployment stress effects
Using Symptoms and Neurobiology in Considering Treatment Practices, e.g. the Table: Using Symptoms and Neurobiology in Considering Treatment Practices
Additional Considerations in Treatment Planning
A treatment approach that focuses PREMATURELY on exploration of the PAST may EXACERBATE, rather than relieve intrusive affective and somatic symptoms.
True False
A treatment approach that emphasizes COGNITIVE REORIENTATION to the PRESENT, while disregarding PAST TRAUMA, may not effectively address the RELIVING of the trauma in images, feelings, or behavior.
True False
Even the most compassionate assessment process can drive the stigma and shame deeper into the veteran’s heart, without ever intending that consequence.
True False
In the addiction treatment field, 'recovery capital' means:
the program location that the AOD client sees as 'mecca' for his issues.
the amount of funds that the AOD client has to devote to the treatment process.
focus on the 'problem' must be preceded by an INVENTORY of the individual’s strengths, resources, and resilience.
Despite their unique culture, war zone veterans' symptoms conform to the diagnostic criteria laid out in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, with rare exception.
True False
Which is true based upon the information in this chapter?
There are no limitations on the number of sessions that you can have with war zone veterans.
Helping veterans establish some sense of empowerment and a few safety skills and resources is a significant step in the healing process.
Neither of the above.
Moving on to 'Safety Considerations in Choosing Treatment Practices': What are we NOT told in this section? (select one)
Safety is the first and most important consideration.
For any work with trauma survivors, spend ample time, both on the establishment of safety before working on traumatic material, and on stabilization and containment of the traumatic material before ending the session.
Substance Use treatment providers should get the AOD issues stabilized FIRST, before referring the individual for trauma stabilization.
Withdrawal from addictive substances can often trigger trauma symptoms, and trauma symptoms often lead to self-medication with alcohol and drugs.
Do not use techniques that involve the recalling or re-experiencing of traumatic memories unless you are:
Well trained, supervised, and experienced in these techniques
Ready to monitor and lower arousal levels when they start to escalate, and are certain that you will be able to bring to stability and containment before the session ends
Working with clients who have strong skills in managing their emotional responses
All of the above
Only the first and second above
If you use techniques that involve the recollection of traumatic memories:
occasionally 'push the limits' to see how far the veteran can go in recalling traumatic memories of the battlefield
include ample training for the veteran in stopping or shutting down the process
always progress slowly, giving the veteran practice in “toggling” back and forth between arousal and calming
only the first and second above
only the second and third above
To gauge the level of arousal, the SUDS (Subjective Units of Disturbance Scale, designed by Joseph Wolpe), asks the client to 'rate' his or her disturbance at any given time on a scale of zero to 20.
True False
In the Table entitled 'Using Symptoms and Neurobiology in Considering Treatment Practices' ...... what SYMPTOM found on the LEFT side of the page is addressed by the use of 1) Skills for distinguishing past from present - regrounding in the 'here and now' and 2) Using cue cards, self-soothing skills training, visualization, establishing a 'safe place', focusing, and cognitive skills training,
Responding to stress by 'shutting down'
Fear, anxiety, irritation, anger, rage, sleeplessness, racing thoughts
Intrusive memories (images, sounds, smells, feelings, etc.), flashbacks, confusion between past and present events
Somatic conditions (e.g., unexplained tics, pains, numbness, tremors, etc.)
Strength-based approaches are important for veterans, who come from a culture that traditionally emphasizes strength and stigmatizes people with combat stress injuries.
True False
Which is true regarding the development of treatment plans for Veterans with PTSD?  
Plans should be custom-built for the individual veteran
Plans should be developed in a collaborative process between the veteran and the clinician
Plans should use language that the veteran finds relevant to his or her journey toward recovery
Plans should detail approaches that use the identified strengths and resources to pursue the identified goals
All of the above
Moving on to the last chapter in this course - Chapter 8 ...... The PRIMARY MOTIVATION for wellness and self-care will come from the counselor's treatment plan.
True False
When working with war zone veterans, the 'essential first step, the precondition of healing', is the counselor's plan for the client's safety, sobriety, and self-care.
True False
What bodily function brings about the following good results for war zone veterans? 1) It 'talks to the amygdala', to undo the effects of the 'freeze response' 2) it helps to regulate the heartbeat and heart rate 3) it helps to regulate the stress system and slow down the arousal process.
crying if you feel like it
deep, slow breathing, paying attention to the breath
A booklet for veterans entitled 'Post-Deployment Stress: What You Should Know, What You Can Do' .... gives this advice to veterans: 'If you have a flashback, remind yourself where you are and that you’re safe; get up, move around, and talk to someone close to you .....'
True False
In the self-help table entitled 'The Power of Common Responses to Combat Stress - and Suggestions for Getting Back in Balance: Veterans are told that the same thoughts, feelings, and attitudes that helped them survive the battlefield are also good for Restoring Balance when they return home.
True False


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