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Quiz 2 - Course 2H - Family Issues and HIV-AIDS



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Looking at the first section GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS ...... which below is NOT listed as a basic component of the ASSESSMENT of a parent or caretaker who is HIV infected?
Who makes up the household (including adults and children)? What are the relationships among household members?
What are the ages of children and adolescents? If they don’t live with the parents being assessed, with whom do they live?
Are there people in the patient’s extended families or social networks who can be called on during times of crisis?
What are the behavioral health diagnoses of children in the family?
How do the patient’s children and adolescents function? Are there problems at home or at school or during times of parent’s illness?
Moving on to section I. COMMUNICATING HIV STATUS .... Practitioners should encourage patients with HIV infection to communicate with their children, family members, and significant others about their disease. If the patient is reluctant to engage in these discussions, practitioners should respect their wishes.
True False
Continuing in this section, which statement below is NOT true?
Children need ongoing communication concerning the parent's health status and prognosis.
Such communication could play an important role in decreasing children’s anxiety and increasing their ability to adapt to parental illness.
Health care providers should respect the wishes of parents who are either unwilling or unable to explain the nature of their illness to their children, but should encourage discussion of the more general issues surrounding illness and prognosis.
If the parent has disclosed their diagnosis to their children, that is sufficient.
Often the complex mental health and psychosocial issues holding parents back from revealing the truth about their illness require mental health intervention before parents can open up to their children or families.
Looking at section II. ARRANGING FOR FUTURE CARE OF CHILDREN ..... Options that involve family court or children’s services are easily arranged when the death of a parent is imminent, and therefore there is no need to pursue this issue early in the course of the disease.
True False
In section III SUBSTANCE USE ..... Parents with advanced HIV/AIDS who have never addressed the issues that involve their children and other relations may present as _________________ with the greatest burden of psychiatric and substance use.
having the most sociopathic families
having the most disorganized families
having the most intractable families
It is inappropriate for practitioners to look for psychiatric problems, abuse, neglect,and trauma in families in which HIV-infected parents or other household members use substances, because the management of the illness itself must remain the focus..
True False
Families affected by substance use should be of special concern to the primary care practitioner (the treating physician), because within these families, there is a strong possibility of pre-existing psychiatric disorders, abuse, neglect, and trauma,
True False
Moving on the section IV RECOGNIZING AND MANAGING ABUSE AND NEGLECT IN HIV-AFFECTED FAMILIES .... Abuse and neglect of children is more prevalent in families in which caregivers are actively and chronically using drugs and/or alcohol. What is NOT listed as a sign of abuse and neglect of the children in the family?
Sexual abuse -- which is defined as any sexual act between an adult and a child OR an older child and a younger child -- may present as urinary tract infection or sexually transmitted infection.
Impaired academic performance -- which may present as excessive truancy and failing grades.
Neglect -- by far the MOST PREVALENT FORM of maltreatment -- presents as failure to provide basic needs, such as food, shelter, medical care, or schooling.
Physical abuse -- which may present as unexplained bruises or fractures.
In section V. DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AND HIV INFECTION .... we learn that
Domestic violence occurs more often in homosexual relationships than in heterosexual relationships.
Domestic violence is almost always psychological (e.g., economic control, verbal degradation) rather than physical (e.g., rape, assault).
People who access HIV-related services are at high risk for violence, related both to disclosure of their HIV status and to their risk-reduction efforts.
_________________ proportion of victims of domestic violence sustain mental health problems (particularly depression, suicide attempts, substance use/dependency, and post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD), when compared to the general population.
A higher
A lower
An equal
In Table 4,1 .... which behaviors below can help to identify the CAREGIVER OR PARTNER as an abusive psychological or physical batterer of an HIV/AIDS infecter person?
intentionally isolating the partner by revealing or threatening to reveal his/her HIV status
denying the partner access to nutrition, services, assistance, or health care, and/or refusing to let the partner be treated for injuries caused by battering
forcing the partner to undergo unnecessary treatment (including psychiatric referrals or hospitalization)
refusing to fill prescriptions or disposing of medication
all of the above
Also in Table 4-1 .... we learn that when the batterer is the HIV-infected patient, he or she may intentionally try to infect the partner by refusal to engage in risk-reduction behaviors or to practice safe sex or by not informing the partner of the HIV infection.
True False
In Table 4-2 Screening Questions to Determine Risk of Domestic Violence ..... The authors recommend that the practitioner ask SIMPLE questions to gain information about the presence of domestic violence. What interview question is NOT listed?
Do you ever feel unsafe at home?
Are you in a relationship in which you have been physically hurt or felt threatened?
Have you or your partner or other persons in your family ever been accused of domestic violence, or faced charges for this behavior?
Have you ever been or are you currently concerned about harming your partner or someone close to you?
Still looking at Domestic Violence .... in Section A we are told that living with an abusive partner is, in itself, a symptom of an underlying mental health problem, and the victim should therefore receive mental health counseling about this issue.
True False
In 'Section B. Referring Patients With HIV/AIDS Who Are the Perpetrators of Domestic Violence' ...... Patients who are batterers should be referred for mental health and substance use services if they need them for other reasons, but battering should not necessarily be treated as a mental health problem.
True False
Concluding this section on domestic violence in HIV-impacted families, with Table 4-3 ...... Which of the characteristics below is NOT listed in the description of 'Common Presenting Problems and History in Patients Involved in Domestic Violence'?
Depression, stress and anxiety disorders including PTSD and panic attacks, and/or insomnia, eating disorders, fatigue, malaise, and vague or psychosomatic complaints
Alcohol or substance dependence or use
Chronic pain, severe headaches, trauma-related injuries, and exacerbation of chronic illnesses (e.g., asthma,migraines)
Socio-economic instability, and/or involvement in criminal activity
Relationship problems, and/or suicidal ideation or attempts
Still looking at Table 4-3 .... which is NOT listed in the description of 'Behavioral Cues of Domestic Violence Victims'?
Change in appointment pattern and/or bases plans and decisions on what partner wants rather than on his/her own wishes
Flat or incongruent affectation, fearfulness toward partner, refers to partner’s temper frequently, apologizes for or rationalizes partner’s behavior
Performs degrading, inhumane, or inappropriate tasks and/or focuses on how he/she harmed partner
Flees from home or seeks shelter frequently
Becomes involved in risky or dangerous relationships with others outside the home
In the final section of Table 4-3 .... Which below is NOT listed as a characteristic of the 'Batterer’s History and Behavior'?
Intoxication, alcoholism, drug use, and/or suicide attempts
Overly attentive to partner, and/or aggressive or abusive toward partner, practitioner, or other staff
Aggressively presents self as victim and/or has a pattern of visible defensive injury
Is hostile toward authority figures such as police and other law enforcement
Cancels partner’s appointments, and/or refuses/resents needed medical or mental healthcare for partner


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