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Course 3T - Trauma-Informed Care in Behavioral Health - Quiz



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The TIP Series is published by
The National Child Traumatic Stress Network
The Military Health System
Agency for Health Care Research and Quality
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
This material is TIP 57. Which clinical information is NOT found in this Tip 57 Quick Guide?
Describes trauma-informed treatment principles and strategies, including the understanding that trauma-related symptoms are ADAPTIVE.
Provides an overview of traumatic experiences, including types of trauma and the symptoms often seen in traumatic stress.
Addresses the impact of the individual's culture upon how he or she perceives the traumatic experience including sense of guilt or responsibility for the trauma.
Describes the pathological symptoms which are experienced by Trauma Survivors.
Provides a description of Trauma-Informed treatment strategies and the need to avoid retraumatization by replicating prior trauma dynamics.
Substance abuse predisposes people to higher rates of traumas, due to dangerous situations and accidents, while under the influence and as a result of the lifestyle associated with substance abuse.
True False
Traumatic stress increases the risk for mental illness but does not increase the symptom severity of mental illness.
True False
Trauma _____________
results from an event, series of events, or set of circumstances that is experienced by an individual as physically or emotionally harmful or life threatening
is an event or circumstance which has lasting adverse effects on the individual’s functioning and mental, physical, social, emotional, or spiritual well-being.
is likely to have been experienced by those who have substance use issues and mental disorders.
all of the above
the first and second choices above
refers to the effect of being exposed to multiple traumatic events
is the process of re-experiencing traumatic stress as a result of a current situation that replicates in some way the prior traumatic experiences (e.g., smells, environment, interactions with others).
can be caused by treatment practices such as being confrontational or labeling stress reactions as pathological, which produces feelings like those experienced in traumatic situations (e.g., loss of control, being trapped, feeling disempowered).
all of the above
only the first and second choices above
Secondary Trauma refers to
trauma-related stress reactions and symptoms resulting from exposure to another individual’s traumatic experiences.
a traumatic experience which is followed by a second similar traumatic experience.
Individuals who have experienced trauma are not at increased risk for substance use disorders, mental disorders (e.g., depression and anxiety disorders, etc.), or physical disorders.
True False
Many clients with severe mental disorders meet the criteria for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
True False
Clients’ trauma-related behavior and symptoms
are adaptive even when you believe that their methods of dealing with trauma have been detrimental
can be viewed with a 'resilience' or 'adaptive' mindset instead of a 'pathology' mindset
are normal reactions to abnormal situations
all of the above
the first and second choices above
A trauma-informed approach begins with re-examining treatment strategies and program procedures that could inadvertently replicate traumatic experiences (e.g., loss of control, being trapped, feeling disempowered).
True False
Which is NOT a good practice when working with Trauma Survivors?
Help clients understand the connection between their mental health and substance use issues and their traumatic experiences, which can be a circular pattern.
Help the client gain a sense of control and empowerment by creating opportunities for empowerment.
Give clients/consumers the chance to obtain state training and certification, as well as employment in behavioral health settings as peer specialists.
Develop a knowledge of a client’s strengths, and use a strengths-based approach to helping the client learn 'what works for you?' -- e.g., self-care skills and coping strategies.
Protect the client from difficult situations and emotions whenever possible.
We should educate clients about trauma to help NORMALIZE traumatic stress reactions -- framing them as manageable rather than dangerous.
True False
The individual's culture influences their interpretation of traumatic events, including their beliefs about personal responsibility for the trauma.
True False
This course emphasizes that
traumatic events impact most people in essentially the same way, and therefore we are able to use a standardized treatment approach.
the reaction to and interpretation of any traumatic event is unique to the individual, and the recovery process is therefore a collaborative venture.
We can safely assess the individual's level of traumatic stress and the impact of the trauma by observing the severity of the individual's symptoms.
True False
Common physical disorders and symptoms related to trauma include
somatic complaints and sleep disturbances
gastrointestinal and cardiovascular problems
urological and neurological problems
substance use disorders.
all of the above
A _________ is a is a stimulus that sets off a memory of a trauma or a specific portion of a traumatic experience, i.e., any sensory reminder of the traumatic event: a noise, smell, temperature, a physical sensation, visual scene, time of day, holiday or anniversary.
trauma-induced hallucination or delusion
_____________ contain cognitions that are congruent with the content of the trauma, such as a Trauma Survivor thinking that a person whom they see in a restaurant is their abusive parent because the person is wearing a turtleneck sweater like her abusive mother used to wear.
Trauma-induced hallucinations or delusions
___________ occur when one re-experiences a previous traumatic experience as if it were actually happening at that moment.
Trauma-induced hallucinations or delusions
Flashbacks . . .
may be initiated by a trigger.
may come 'out of the blue'
may occur because of fatigue or stress
all of the above
none of the above
If a client is triggered or has a flashback in a session, use the 'grounding technique', i.e., help him think of one of his favorite activities or a happy event, and return to discussing the trauma at a later time.
True False
This course tells us that clients may attempt to make sense of and gain control over a traumatic experience by
assigning the blame for the trauma to someone with whom the client has had an historically unsatisfying relationship.
assuming responsibility or survivor’s guilt, i.e., guilt because others who experienced the same trauma as the client did not survive.
is feeling alienated from others, sometimes through believing that they are “damaged goods” and different than others.
is disruption of the core belief that the world is safe and that one’s efforts and intentions can protect against bad things.
occurs during severe stress or trauma as a protective element whereby the individual incurs distortion of time, space, or identity in the current environment.
all of the above
Trauma Survivors engage in behaviors to DISPLACE or REDUCE or AVOID the intense emotions and distressing memories associated with the traumatic experience by
engaging in impulsive, high-risk behaviors, self-injurious non-suicidal behaviors, suicidal behaviors, and repetitive destructive relationships
beginning or relapsing to self-medication with drugs and alcohol, especially in early recovery and those with PTSD
projecting, denying, or distorting their trauma-related emotional and cognitive experiences.
attempting to gain control over their experiences by being aggressive or subconsciously reenacting an aspect of the trauma.
all of the above
Some clients will not make the connection between trauma in their histories and their current patterns of behavior (e.g., alcohol and drug use, destructive relationships, self-defeating behaviors, avoidance, seeing a foreshortened future, etc.).
True False
What is NOT an approach used in the 'Trauma-Informed Treatment Objectives and Strategies' section of this course?
Normalize symptoms: Have client make a list of symptoms and identify both the negative and the positive consequences of each one.
Teach “Cognitive Realignment” - a technique to help manage trauma-related triggers when they occur, i.e., helping client to consciously identify triggers and to recognize the difference between the current situation and the past trauma.
Prevent Retraumatization: Be mindful that efforts to control and contain a client’s behaviors in treatment can produce an abnormal reaction, particularly in trauma survivors for whom being trapped was part of the trauma experience.
Help the client develop coping strategies for each trauma-associated trigger situation or feeling, and to report the success or problem with the strategy.
Communicate to the client that treatment is not complete until he or she can fully process the traumatic experience without dissociating, shutting down, or becoming emotionally overwhelmed.
A key therapeutic activity is to support the client's EMPOWERMENT: Help the client to establish a sense of self-efficacy — build and support the clients’ belief in their ability to carry out specific coping strategies successfully.
True False


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