Welcome to CEU By Net's 'Child and Adolescent' Continuing Education Catalog for mental health and addiction counselors and other professionals.
CEU By Net's Child & Adolescent Courses Address Some of the Most Challenging Issues Encountered by Mental Health and Substance Abuse Professionals.
We offer online CEUs and certificates in the assessment and treatment of children and adolescents with mental health and addiction issues at various developmental stages, including youth who are victims of Human Trafficking.
We also offer courses for professionals who are working with LGBTQ children, adolescents, and their parents, including transitional support and affirmation of transsexual youth.
Read a brief overview of some of our Child and Adolescent Courses below.
To see ALL of the courses that we offer in this Child and Adolescent Catalog, go to the bottom of this catalog page and click the + sign next to any course title that interests you.
And consider our Annual Subscription for Unlimited CEUs for an entire year - just $49.
Course 6J Ending Conversion Therapy with LGBTQ Youth 
This course material represents a critical 'sea change' in the understanding of GENDER, specifically as it pertains to LGBTQ children and adolescents. The course is written and published by SAMHSA and takes an in-depth look at the developmental process of gender identity and sexual orientation in LGBTQ youth, from age two forward.
This professionally acclaimed publication provides empirically-based strategies and information about effective and ineffective therapeutic practices and supportive interaction with both the youth and the parents as it pertains to sexual orientation and gender identity in youth.

Course 5N "Growing Up Girl - Girls Matter!" A sponsored SAMHSA Slideshow Course.
- Understanding how the adolescent brain develops, thinks and processes 'risk' vs. immediate gratification.
- What is the impact of the social media spotlight and contemporary social norms on the self-image and emotional wellbeing of female children and adolescents?
Course 2J - Basic Guide to Traumatic Stress, Complex Trauma, and Resilience. A basic clinical guide that assists clinicians in identifying strengths and functionality patterns which can contribute to the development of resiliency and emotional survival of trauma - including Complex Trauma. This course has three parts, each of which focuses on a different aspect of trauma and resilience.

Course 3C - Beyond the Yellow Legal Pad! Biopsychosocial Assessment of Children and Adolescents and Professional Risk - From Ethics to Practice and Into the Courtroom'.
This course may be taken as either an Ethics course or an Assessment course. The course speaks to the legal, ethical, and professional perils in the assessment of children and adolescents - particularly the inherent risks of 'assessing on the fly' without a structured format. The course describes the critical errors that even the most experienced clinicians can make in the assessment and diagnosis of children and adolescents.
Course 3J "Professional Guide to Supporting LGBTQI2-S Children and Adolescents" - Within the School, Community, and Family

Course 3H - "Principles of Adolescent SUD Treatment: A Researched-Based Practical Guide." Neurological Development Issues and Essential Family Therapy in SUD Treatment of Adolescents.
Course 3I - "Bullying Prevention and Response: The Base Training Module" - The Community-Wide Approach to Identifying and Halting Bullying
Course 6A - Mental Health Response to Mass Violence and Terrorism. Clarifies the significant difference in the effective approach to people following a mass violence or terrorist disaster, depending upon age, ethnicity, cultural factors, religion, and proximity to the disaster. Adults vs. children.
Course 2H HIV and SUDs Issues with Adolescents and Families. Two chapters - first addressing therapeutic approaches to HIV positive adolescents, and second, interventions with HIV-AIDS within the context of the family, involving child management and planning issues with infected parents.
Course 2D - 'The Ethics of Advanced Directives: Assisting With Plans for End of Life Care'. A research-based study and guide for professionals which clarifies the ethical and supportive approach to assisting individuals with End of Life Care decisions, based upon different types of critical illness and high-risk conditions, including terminally ill children and HIV-AIDS patients. The research has identified specific approaches to working with terminally ill children and their parents, HIV-AIDS patients and partners, cancer patients, stroke and burn victims, nursing facility residents, etc..
Course 5J Suicide Risk and Prevention with LGBTQ Youth
Course 5J assesses the major 'risk factors' which can contribute to and precipitate suicide attempts and suicide deaths of LGBTQ adolescents and young adults. Identified factors include the internet and social networking, family and friends' history of suicide, harassment at school, rejection by family members, coming out to family members at an early age, etc..
The authors provide specific recommendations through MODEL PROGRAMS for ACTION to reduce the risk of suicide. The strategies are designed to be implemented with LGBTQ youth in schools, communities, screening programs, crisis lines, and gatekeeping clinics.
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Course 4V - Public Mass Shootings - Predictive Factors, Challenges, & Prevention |
Earn and download a certificate immediately upon completion of this module.
Only $21.00
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Public Mass Shootings — Predictive Factors, Challenges, & Prevention
This Course 4V, Public Mass Shootings — Predictive Factors, Challenges, & Prevention — is sponsored online by CEU By Net. The course earns 4 Clock Hours of credit for multiple State Mental Health and Addiction Boards including Texas Mental Health Boards, Florida CE Broker, Texas' TCBAP-TCB-TAAP, Florida Certification Board for CAP, IC&RC, and NAADAC. The course also awards 2.5 Credit Hours for California BBS and NBCC.
Based on these credentials, the course is an acceptable source of continuing education for most state mental health and addiction licensing boards. This Special Report was published in December 2023 by the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice, Nancy La Vigne, Ph.D., Director.
Say the authors, “This Special [Dec 2023] Report of the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) presents a synthesis of select findings from over 60 publications on 18 NIL-supported research projects on public mass shootings, including school mass shootings, since 2014. It also identifies areas of need and interest for future research and recommendations."
Goals of this course:
1. Learn to recognize patterns of behavior that may foreshadow mass shootings — specifically public mass shootings.
2. Understand some of the mental well-being challenges faced by people who plan and commit mass public shootings—such as the trauma of being bullied or friendless—and the strategic responses that may avert tragedy when indicators appear.
3. Learn key factors and challenges that currently serve as barriers to the advance detection and prevention of public mass shootings, particularly in K-12 schools.
4. Understand the widespread CULTURAL impact of public mass shooting in America — including the impact on the American POLITICAL environment and the significance of SOCIAL MEDIA as a key to recognizing impending mass shootings.
5. Understand why indicators of planned shootings, including leaking of plans online and verbally to peers, are often not pursued — particularly in K-12 schools — and specific activities to overcome this 'culture of silence' obstacle.
6. Learn the recommendations of the National Institute of Justice for interventions to use when shooting plans are detected and recommendations of actions to avoid after a shooting occurs.
7. Understand the impact of media coverage that currently distorts public and cultural perceptions about those who commit mass public shootings, and therein discourages accurate prediction and prevention of such events.
8. Know the varying functions of different types of firearms, the preferences of mass shooters, and the implications for legislative action at the State and local levels.
Note: You are free to read, download, save, and print the Study Guide(s) and Quiz(zes) for this Course, before deciding to enroll in the course. These course materials are public domain, and CEU By Net is sponsoring the course for CE Credit. You may STUDY THIS COURSE and the quiz AT NO CHARGE. You may enroll in the course at any time. You must take the quiz ONLINE, by logging into your
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, clicking on the course you want to complete, completing the quiz or quizzes required, and submitting the Feedback Form. You will then instantly receive your course completion certificate! For more information on this course - and to see a COPY of the online quiz - click the '+' symbols, below:
Course 4V - Public Mass Shootings - Guide 1 |
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Course 4V - Public Mass Shootings - Guide 2 |
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Course 4SUD - Surviving the Overdose—But Now What |
Earn and download a certificate immediately upon completion of this module.
Only $21.00
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Course 4SUD - Surviving the Overdose—But Now What
This Course 4SUD — 'Surviving the Overdose—But Now What?' is sponsored online by CEU By Net. The course earns 4 Clock Hours of credit for multiple National and State Mental Health and Addiction Licensing and Certification Boards including NAADAC, IC&RC, Texas Mental Health Boards, Texas' TCBAP-TCB-TAAP, Florida CE Broker, and Florida Certification Board for CAP. The course also awards 2.5 Credit Hours for NBCC and California BBS.
Based on these credentials, the course is an acceptable source of continuing education for most state mental health and addiction licensing boards.
The course material in this sponsored course is newly revised and published in 2024 by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). The training document contains two sections, both of which are published by SAMHSA—'Now What? The Role of Prevention Following a Nonfatal Opioid Overdose' and 'The Overdose Prevention and Response TOOLKIT.'
The publication focuses on the essential discharge activity and the immediate follow-up actions that are necessary when individuals and their family or friends leave the ER following survival of a near-fatal overdose. The goal is to prevent the risk of a repeated overdose and fatality.
The discharge protocol may or may not include a plan for abstinence or connection to a SUD treatment program. The intervention is a HARM REDUCTION model, which emphasizes that the path to recovery must be determined by the individual. After a near-fatal overdose, the individual may not choose abstinence and may not be ready for SUD treatment interventions despite their near-death experience. The role of the Recovery Specialist is to support the individual in their goals and assist in development of a plan to keep the individual SAFE despite continued use of drugs.
The second section of the course—the SAMHSA 'Toolkit'—provides enlightening information about Opioids including Fentanyl that are causing thousands of deaths annually, and other drugs and lethal combinations such as cocaine and methamphetamines that are also increasingly responsible for fatal overdoses.
The information in this course addresses the physical impact of the various drugs and the critical signs (including cessation of breathing) of impending fatal overdose, plus the steps to take when witnessing and responding to an overdose, including restoration of breathing and the administration of Opioid Overdose Reversal Medications (OORM) such as naloxone. The inevitable physical experience of acute withdrawal and some ways to safely reduce the impact are also addressed.
1. Know the immediate and subsequent actions that are necessary when individuals and their family or friends leave the ER after a near-death overdose—including connecting them to people and practices that reduce the risk of re-overdose and fatality.
2.Learn how to support and keep overdose survivors SAFE with Harm Reduction planning—however that is defined by the individual, which may or may not include abstinence or participation in a SUD treatment program.
3. Understand the nature of the physical impact on the body of the various opioid and stimulant drugs and the critical signs (including cessation of breathing) of an impending fatal overdose.
4. Know how to use a lifesaving Opioid Overdose Reversal Medication (OORM) kit, including when and how to administer the medication (by injection or nasal spray), when to repeat a dose, and what to do after breath is restored.
5. Learn the physical impact on the body associated with the various lifesaving Opioid Overdose Reversal Medications (OORMs), and ways to possibly reduce the severity of the associated withdrawal experience.
6. Know why a 'community approach' to post-overdose recovery is essential, and how to facilitate it.
7. Learn the unique issues associated with Prescription Opioids and how to help patients develop a personal plan to maintain safety—including the response to changes in pain levels due to medication tolerance.
8. Have immediate access to multiple resources recommended by SAMHSA, via active links.
Note: You are free to read, download, save, and print the Study Guide(s) and Quiz(zes) for this Course, before deciding to enroll in the course. These course materials are public domain, and CEU By Net is sponsoring the course for CE Credit. You may STUDY THIS COURSE and the quiz AT NO CHARGE. You may enroll in the course at any time. You must take the quiz ONLINE, by logging into your
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, clicking on the course you want to complete, completing the quiz or quizzes required, and submitting the Feedback Form. You will then instantly receive your course completion certificate! For more information on this course - and to see a COPY of the online quiz - click the '+' symbols, below:
Guide 1 - Course SUD |
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Guide 2 - Course 4SD |
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Course 8T - Human Trafficking of Adolescents in America - Ethics, Culture, Identification, Assessment, and Rescue |
Earn and download a certificate immediately upon completion of this module.
Only $22.00
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Course 8T - Human Trafficking of Adolescents in America—Ethics, Culture, Identification, Assessment, and Rescue
CEU By Net, LLC sponsors this online course, 'Course 8T - Human Trafficking of Adolescents in America — Ethics, Culture, Identification, Assessment, and Rescue' NOW RE-APPROVED by Texas HHSC for the required certificate through August 9, 2025.
The course earns 8 credit hours (CEUs) that you can apply to multiple continuing education categories including SUD and mental health Assessment, Cultural Awareness; Federal and State Laws and Rules; Ethics, Crisis Intervention and Trauma-Informed Care; LGBTQ youth; interagency and community coordination; abuse, neglect, exploitation, and more.
The course earns 8 CEUs for Texas, Florida, and most other states nationwide for mental health and addiction licenses and certifications, and 8 hours for NAADAC and IC&RC. Earns 8 PDHs for EACC-EAPA, re-approved May 6, 2024, domains I, II, and III. Earns 5.5 credit hours for NBCC and California BBS (and applies to your required 6 hours of Laws and Ethics for BBS).
This course presents an ethical, sensitive, and culturally appropriate approach to identifying, assessing, and assisting minors who are victims of Human Trafficking, including coordination with local and Federal Law Enforcement in the prosecution of trafficking perpetrators.
The course material includes a printable, downloadable prototype assessment for use with trafficking victims, which is important in securing interagency services for survivors and successful prosecution of perpetrators. The course also explains the Federal laws applying to the trafficking of minors vs. adults and clarifies common misunderstandings about what constitutes 'trafficking.'
The GOALS of this course:
1. Learn the focus, approach, and achievements of the US Department of Justice and its partner organizations in the National Strategy to Combat Human Trafficking.
2. Understand the Federal laws and legal definitions of Human Trafficking for both minors and adults as defined in the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA); know how to recognize the various forms of sex and labor trafficking to which victims are submitted which violate their Human Rights; and understand the volitional difference between Human Trafficking and Prostitution in Adults.
3. Learn a research-based ETHICAL and CULTURALLY AWARE approach to assisting adolescent victims of Human Trafficking with the development of personal SAFETY strategies and methods of escape from the perpetrator.
4. Become familiar with the ETHICALLY formulated Trafficking ASSESSMENT content that is required for the successful prosecution of human trafficking perpetrators. Includes victim-centered language and questions, awareness of trauma-sensitive dynamics, sensitivity to safety issues, and respect for the victim's right to PRIVACY and CONFIDENTIALITY.
5. Understand the ETHICAL ISSUES and PROFESSIONAL CHALLENGES involved when working with the law enforcement team—i.e., the inherent limitations placed on CLIENT CONFIDENTIALITY, to successfully prosecute the perpetrator; and the need for both the credentialed staff and the unlicensed staff to maintain compliance with the rules for SCOPE of PRACTICE.
6. Know the characteristics and methods of Human Trafficking perpetrators and the diverse settings in which they operate, violating the FEDERAL LAW in the United States and the HUMAN RIGHTS of the victim.
7. Understand the typical etiology of how Human Trafficking exploitation and abuse occur in the lives of homeless and runaway youth, and the reasons why escape is difficult or impossible without TRAUMA Informed assistance and INTERAGENCY COORDINATION between LAW enforcement, SOCIAL SERVICES, and behavioral health professionals.
8. Understand the role of drugs, alcohol, homelessness, and survival sex in the deprivation of human rights which is characteristic of Human Trafficking.
9. Know an ethical way to work with trafficking victims to develop a safety plan at various stages in the human trafficking situation – while a victim is in the situation, during the process of leaving, and once the victim has left – and how to ensure safety for staff within the program.
10. Recognize the impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic upon resources for homeless and runaway adolescents who are targets of Human Trafficking perpetrators.
AUTHORS, PUBLISHERS: The material in this manual is published and copyrighted in the public domain by the U.S. Department of Justice, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, SAMHSA, U.S. Office of Victims of Crime, Homeland Security, The Polaris Project, and Family & Youth Services Bureau - Runaway and Homeless Youth Training & Technical Assistance Center - National Safe Place Network.
NBCC, California BBS (including Laws and Ethics), Texas Mental Health licensing boards, Texas TCBAP-TCB-TAAP, California CAADE and CADTP, NAADAC, IC&RC, Florida Certification Board (FCB), Florida Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy and Mental Health Counseling. Earns 8 PDHs in Domain 3 for EACC-EAPA approved Dec 22, 2021. Based on these approvals, the course is approved by most mental health and addiction licensing boards.
Note: You are free to read, download, save, and print the Study Guide(s) and Quiz(zes) for this Course, before deciding to enroll in the course. These course materials are public domain, and CEU By Net is sponsoring the course for CE Credit. You may STUDY THIS COURSE and the quiz AT NO CHARGE. You may enroll in the course at any time. You must take the quiz ONLINE, by logging into your
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Guide 1_Course 8T_Human Trafficking of Adolescents in America |
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Guide 2_Course 8T_Human Trafficking of Adolescents in America |
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Guide 3_Course 8T_Human Trafficking of Adolescents in America |
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Course 5P_A - Part I - Preventing Suicide Tool Kit for High Schools |
Earn and download a certificate immediately upon completion of this module.
Only $24.00
No charge if you have a subscription
Course 5P_A - Part I - Preventing Suicide Tool Kit for High Schools
This Course 5P_A -- Part I of Preventing Suicide, a Tool Kit for High Schools -- presents a comprehensive Risk Management and culturally sensitive approach to PREVENTING primary suicides of students in High Schools as well as a POSTVENTION approach to preventing 'copy cat' or 'contagion' suicides in the surviving student population. The document was originally published in 2012 but is reviewed annually by SAMHSA, and it's currently a featured manual on the SAMHSA website.
This course is sponsored online by CEU By Net. The course earns 5.75 Clock Hours of credit for multiple State Mental Health and Addiction Boards including Texas Mental Health Boards, TCBAP-TCB-TAAP, Florida Certification Board, Florida CE Broker, IC&RC, and NAADAC; EACC for 6.0 PDHs, Domains I, II, III expires June 13, 2025. The course also awards 4 Credit Hours for California BBS and 4 NBCC Hours. Based upon these credentials, the course is accepted by most state boards for multiple licenses.
The document for this course is published by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and was prepared by the National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors (NASMHPD) in collaboration with Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC), and NASMHPD Research Institute, under contract with SAMHSA, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Rosalyn Blogier, LCSW-C and Dr. Tarsha Wilson, Government Project Officers.
The course has two Study Guides and a quiz for each Study Guide. Each of the steps involved in developing a comprehensive Suicide Prevention Plan for High Schools includes one or more TOOLS which guide the implementation of the given step, including forms, worksheets, fact sheets, guidelines, and handouts for use in training staff and educating parents.
Study Guide 1 focuses upon identifying the legal issues and necessary steps involved in the development of a Suicide Prevention Plan which can meet the needs of students -- including cultural factors and characteristics of families. Each plan must accommodate the staffing and community resources which are available to play specific roles in the plan. The first Study Guide also introduces the Risk Factors, the Protective Factors, and the Warning Signs of the potential for suicide among students, which should be communicated to school administrators, staff, and parents.
The second Study Guide describes the steps and tools necessary to IMPLEMENT the components of school-based suicide prevention plans, including the details of Suicide Risk Assessment and determining the Level of Suicide Risk.
The GOALS of the Course:
1. Access an empirically based Suicide Prevention toolkit with step-by-step tools to implement a multifaceted suicide prevention and postvention program addressing the Risk Management needs and cultures of high school students and their families.
2. Know the characteristics of adolescents who are most at risk for suicidal behavior, including depressed and anxious youth, LGBTQ youth, the victims and perpetrators of bullying, those who are using alcohol and drugs, and those with a familial lifestyle or history which includes violence, SUDs, suicide, and poor parental support of children.
3. Understand the steps and the sequence which are necessary to implement the components of a comprehensive school-based suicide prevention and postvention program, including specific tools to implement these steps -- guidelines, forms, checklists, worksheets, documentation formats and procedures, and fact sheets for program planning, training of staff, and education of parents.
4. Know research-based strategies that can help prevent suicide of students in high schools, including a SUICIDE RISK ASSESSMENT format for evaluating the level of risk of an adolescent student and the approach to working with the student's family -- including parents who are resistant, confused, traumatized, in denial, or impacted by cultural bias and/or the LGBTQ status of their child.
5. Know the indicators which correlate with low, moderate, and high Levels of Risk for Suicide among high school students, and the correlation between SUDs, mental health disorders, family dynamics, cultural elements, and suicidal behavior.
6. Understand how to prioritize and select Suicide Prevention programs and activities that will be effective in individual schools, considering the cultural, ethnic and familial characteristics of the school population.
7. Obtain guidance in how to identify school staff and community partners to play specific roles, necessary Risk Management protocols, and effective ways to generate support for the plan in the school system, among families, and within the community.
8. Learn how to integrate suicide prevention and Risk Management into activities that fulfill other aspects of the school’s mission, such as preventing the abuse of alcohol and other drugs and bullying.
A similar course is offered on this website (Course 6B, After a Suicide: A Tool Kit for Schools -- also published by SAMHSA) which primarily addresses Risk Management RESPONSE following a suicide in a school, including response to younger children in the primary and middle school age group. This Course 5P_A has a different structural format than Course 6B, with more attention to the details of stepwise implementation of a Suicide Prevention and Response Plan -- including working with traumatized and resistant parents -- with an eye to Risk Management.
COMING SOON! Parts II and III of Suicide Prevention: A Tool Kit for Schools.
Note: You are free to read, download, save, and print the Study Guide(s) and Quiz(zes) for this Course, before deciding to enroll in the course. These course materials are public domain, and CEU By Net is sponsoring the course for CE Credit. You may STUDY THIS COURSE and the quiz AT NO CHARGE. You may enroll in the course at any time. You must take the quiz ONLINE, by logging into your
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Course 5P_A - Guide 1- Preventing Suicide Tool Kit for High Schools |
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Course 5P_A - Guide 2 - Preventing Suicide Tool Kit for High Schools |
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Course 5T - Traumatic Grief in Childhood |
Earn and download a certificate immediately upon completion of this module.
Only $22.00
No charge if you have a subscription
Course 5T – 'Traumatic Grief in Childhood'
This Course 5T – 'Traumatic Grief in Childhood' - is an online continuing education course sponsored by CEU By Net. This Course 5T earns 5 Clock Hours of CE credit for multiple mental health and addiction licensing and certification boards including Mental Health Boards in Texas and Florida (automatic upload to CE Broker), TCBAP-TCB-TAAP, Florida Certification Board for CAP, Alabama, California CCADE and CADTP, NAADAC and IC&RC. EACC 5 PDHs Domain III Expires June 30, 2024. Also, earns 3.5 Credit Hours for NBCC and California BBS. Based upon these credentials, the course is accepted by most state boards for multiple licenses.
The seven documents which comprise the study materials of this Course 5T are authored and published in the public domain by the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) and funded by the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). There is also a survey-based research study by the New York Life Foundation on the retrospective impact of the death of a parent on a child prior to the age of 20.
Each of the seven sections of this course focuses upon a different circumstance or aspect of Childhood Grief following the death of a family member or other caretaker, or the witnessing of a horrific situation in which people are killed or injured [such as a school or mall shooting or terrorist attack]. These studies also describe the grief process which children and adolescents normally experience following such events, as well as the nature of Childhood Traumatic Grief and how we can identify and treat it.
Traumatic Grief requires different professional and parental interventions and approaches than those ordinarily required to help a child adjust to a death of a loved one or the witnessing of a horrific event. Most children and adolescents do not experience Traumatic Grief after such deaths or events, and are able to adjust with normal targeted support. With Traumatic Grief, the child or adolescent does not adjust with the normal amount of support, and he or she experiences lingering effects, trauma, and symptomatology which can seriously affect their lives. This course addresses multiple such circumstances including military deaths, deaths of parents before the age of 20, deaths of siblings, and sexual health as it pertains to Traumatic Grief.
There are seven relatively short Study Guides (chapters or sections) in this course, and each Study Guide has a different primary focus. These include:
Part 1. Overview - Childhood Traumatic Grief: Information for Mental Health Providers
Part 2. About Child Trauma: Examples of Traumatic Grief, the Risks, and the Protective Factors
Part 3. The Twelve Core Concepts: Concepts for Understanding Traumatic Stress Responses in Children and Families
Part 4. Traumatic Grief in Military Children
Part 5. Sexual Health and Trauma
Part 6. Sibling Death and Childhood Traumatic Grief
Part 7. A Research Report Looks Back at Childhood Experiences with Parental Death
The GOALS of this course:
1. Know the difference between the normal grieving process experienced by children and adolescents when someone close to them dies, vs. Childhood Traumatic Grief requiring professional intervention.
2. Understand the range of behavioral and emotional symptomatology (grief reactions) which become evident with Traumatic Grief, and how these reactions interfere with the child’s daily life and ability to function and interact with others.
3. Know the clinical approach to assessing the presence and severity of Childhood Traumatic Grief at various stages of childhood development (young children, pre-adolescents, adolescents, and young adults).
4. Understand how Traumatic Grief Reactions interfere with the child’s daily life and ability to function and interact with others, as well as his neurophysiological development.
5. Know the '12 Core Concepts' for understanding the complexity of traumatic stress responses in childhood, including familial, cultural, experiential, and physiological issues.
6. Know the specific 'Risk' and 'Protective Factors' which apply to youth with who experience a severe trauma - including those factors which primarily emanate from the home and the reactions of its residents, from the community and its culture, and from the child's personal background and history with trauma.
7. Know the unique features of Military Deaths and Traumatic Grief in children and adolescents.
8. Understand the connection between severe trauma and sexual behaviors in youth, as well as using the traumatic experience to positively shape sexual experiences in the future.
9. Know the unique features of Sibling Death and its impact upon surviving siblings, and specific approaches to recommend to parents and other caretakers in their interactions with sibling survivors.
10. Review and understand a recent research study of now-adult individuals, reporting their experiences and reactions to the death of a parent prior to age 20.
The course materials and the quizzes are free to read, download, and print without registering on the CEU By Net website. You pay only to take the CEU By Net quizzes and earn continuing education credits from the licensing and certification entities by whom CEU By Net is approved or pre-approved.
Note: You are free to read, download, save, and print the Study Guide(s) and Quiz(zes) for this Course, before deciding to enroll in the course. These course materials are public domain, and CEU By Net is sponsoring the course for CE Credit. You may STUDY THIS COURSE and the quiz AT NO CHARGE. You may enroll in the course at any time. You must take the quiz ONLINE, by logging into your
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Course 5T - Guide 1 |
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Course 5T - Guide 2 |
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Course 5T - Guide 3 |
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Course 5T - Guide 4 |
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Course 5T - Guide 5 |
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Course 5T - Guide 6 |
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Course 5T - Guide 7 |
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Course 6B - After a Suicide: Toolkit for Schools |
Earn and download a certificate immediately upon completion of this module.
Only $24.00
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Course 6B - After a Suicide: Toolkit for Schools
This Course 6B - After a Suicide: Toolkit for Schools - is sponsored online by CEU By Net. The course earns 6 Clock Hours of credit for multiple State Mental Health and Addiction Boards including Texas Mental Health Boards, Florida CE Broker, the Alabama Board for Social Work, Texas' TCBAP-TCB-TAAP, Florida Certification Board, IC&RC, and NAADAC. Re-approved May 6, 2024 by EACC for 6 PDHs Domains I, II & III, expiring May 5, 2025. The course also awards 4 Credit Hours for California BBS and 4 NBCC Hours. Based upon these credentials, the course is accepted by most state boards for multiple licenses.
This course is the new, 2nd Edition of the original document created in 2011 by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) and the Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC). The purpose is to assist schools in the aftermath of a suicide in the school community. This second edition includes updated information and new material.
The material in this course reflects consensus recommendations developed in consultation with national experts, including school-based administrators and staff, clinicians, researchers, and crisis response professionals. It provides guidance and an array of tools for school administrators and mental health managers for development of a POSTVENTION approach to student or employee suicide.
In this course, POSTVENTION is strategically implemented by middle and high school administrators and key Crisis Intervention staff, after the death of a student or school employee by suicide, in coordination with community entities including the Coroner or Medical Examiner, Police, Funeral Director, and the Faith Community. The purpose of Postvention is to alleviate the distress of suicidally bereaved individuals – in this case, both students and employees - and to reduce the risk of imitative suicidal behavior (SUICIDE CONTAGION), and to promote the healthy recovery of the affected community.
This resource was originally developed for Administrators and Crisis Team staff in middle and high schools, but it is also valuable for Mental Health and Addiction Treatment Programs - particularly inpatient, residential and Intensive Outpatient programs. Although some of the guidance can also be used to serve other academic groups, the developmental differences between students in elementary, middle, and high school, and college must be taken into account when using the toolkit to respond to a death in a school or treatment program. Likewise, age differences in other workplaces must be taken into consideration.
These materials are useful for Employee Assistance Program (EAP) professionals who are providing management consultation to school districts. The strategic interventions and tools presented in this course apply to both District students and District employees. The essential approach to communication about the death and POSTVENTION procedures which follow a death are also applicable to workplaces other than schools.
Ideally, schools and other organizations should have a crisis response and postvention plan in place before a suicide occurs. That will enable staff to respond in an organized and effective manner. But whether or not a plan is in place, this toolkit contains information to initiate a coordinated response within the facility and the community.
Goals for Learning:
1. Know the Crisis Response Steps that should be taken immediately, internally within the organization and within the community, when a school learns that a student or employee has died by suicide.
2. Know the do's and don'ts of reducing the emotional trauma of a student or employee suicide for all students and staff, including specific approaches to obtaining and communicating information about the death.
3. Understand the concept and process of POSTVENTION within an organization -- i.e., strategic communication and activity implemented by administrators and key staff to alleviate the distress of suicidally bereaved individuals -- with intent to reduce the risk of imitative suicidal behavior (SUICIDE CONTAGION) and promote the healthy recovery of the affected community.
4. Know the approaches to sharing information and coordinating activities with organizations outside the school, including the police department, the coroner or medical examiner, the faith community, the funeral home director, and mental health providers.
5. Know how to effectively work with the Media – helping journalists to ensure that the public gets the information it needs without causing undue emotional stress, and without increasing the risk of suicide contagion to other students or violation of privacy.
6. Know how to appropriately use and guide Social Media to inform, while working to limit the spread of online rumors and the type of media content that can increase the risk of vulnerable students.
7. Understand the dynamics and risks involved in Memorialization – how to establish policies and procedures which guide students toward appropriately remembering and honoring a student who died without contributing to additional emotional trauma or suicide risk among other students.
8. Have direct access to an extensive array of tools and templates including sample guidelines for policy development, letter content, and procedures to be used in the aftermath of a suicide.
9. Direct access to an extensive collection of online resources for the design and implementation of effective POSTVENTION programs in the aftermath of tragedies including student suicide.
This course is published and copyrighted by American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, & Suicide Prevention Resource Center. (2018). After a Suicide: A Toolkit for Schools (2nd edition). Waltham, MA: Education Development Center. Funded by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) and the Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC), supported by a grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS), (Grant No. 5U79SM062297).
Note: You are free to read, download, save, and print the Study Guide(s) and Quiz(zes) for this Course, before deciding to enroll in the course. These course materials are public domain, and CEU By Net is sponsoring the course for CE Credit. You may STUDY THIS COURSE and the quiz AT NO CHARGE. You may enroll in the course at any time. You must take the quiz ONLINE, by logging into your
My Home Page
, clicking on the course you want to complete, completing the quiz or quizzes required, and submitting the Feedback Form. You will then instantly receive your course completion certificate! For more information on this course - and to see a COPY of the online quiz - click the '+' symbols, below:
Course 6B - After a Suicide: Toolkit for Schools - Study Guide |
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to view this study material.
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to view and print the quiz you will take for this material.
Course 3C - Beyond the Yellow Legal Pad! Assessment and Diagnosis of Children and Adolescents - From Ethics to Practice and Into the Courtroom |
Earn and download a certificate immediately upon completion of this module.
Only $24.00
No charge if you have a subscription
Course 3C - Beyond the Yellow Legal Pad! Assessment and Diagnosis of Children and Adolescents - from Ethics to Practice and Into the Courtroom
This course earns 3 Clock Hours of CE Credit in either 'ETHICS' or 'ASSESSMENT and DIAGNOSIS', whichever you need. The course is pre-approved or automatically approved for 3 Credit Hours by multiple State and national mental health and addiction licensing and certification boards including Florida CE Broker, Alabama, and Texas mental health, Texas TCBAP-TCB-TAAP, IC&RC, NAADAC, Florida Certification Board, California CAADE and CADTP, and EACC - 3 PDHs Domain III - Expires June 30, 2024 The course also awards 3.0 California BBS CE Hours and 3.0 NBCC Credit Hours.
FLORIDA LICENSEES, PLEASE TAKE NOTE: This revised Course 3C is now separately approved in Florida for 3 clock hours in the ETHICS category, as well as for 3 clock hours in the GENERAL category. Enroll in THIS COURSE if you want to take it for GENERAL credit in Florida. Alternatively, if you are wanting this course for ETHICS credit in Florida, enroll in the course listed BELOW this item in the catalog - i.e., [Florida] Ethics Course 3C' with 'Florida Ethics' in the course title. (These two instances of the course have the same content, but have different internal codes for Florida CE Broker - one for Ethics, and one for General.)
This course is written, copyrighted and published by Marsha Naylor, MA, LPC and CEU by Net. To read about Ms. Naylor's experience and qualifications, please go to 'The Company' on this website's menu bar and click on 'About Us'.
WHAT'S THIS COURSE ABOUT? It addresses the RISK MANAGEMENT issues involved in ASSESSMENT AND DIAGNOSIS of children and adolescents and how to reduce the ethical and legal risk. The course explains the most common CLINICAL errors and ETHICAL blunders which even seasoned professionals can and do make when assessing children and adolescents -- errors which can inpact the correctness of a differential diagnosis and lead to professional, ethical, and legal problems for you, and treatment outcome problems for your client.
Aside from the potential for clinical embarrassment if we make errors in the write-up of an assessment interview or an error in the diagnosis(es), most clinicians do not give much thought to the potential for legal, ethical or other professional repercussions which might result from these routine activities. Nor do they see the development of a treatment plan as a potential for trouble.
Most professionals believe that such things as becoming sexually involved with a client or violating a client's confidentiality are the primary issues which present a potential for ethics violations. They don't realize that 'scope of practice' and 'professional competence' and 'acting in the best interest of the client' are common reasons why providers are disciplined for ethics violations and may be sued for malpractice in a court of law. Further, few realize that the most vulnerable activities which can lead to such allegations are ASSESSMENT, DIAGNOSIS, and TREATMENT PLANNING. Together, these clinical activities are the Achilles Heel for behavioral health providers.
Furthermore, it’s a common assumption that if an assessment (any assessment), treatment plan (any treatment plan), and any reasonable diagnosis are “in the chart” that all is well. Local Program Managers may even audit their charts internally from that perspective. But this, too, has the potential for trouble. Think: ‘Professional Competence’ . . . ‘Ethics’ . . . ‘Scope of Practice’.
This unique course lays bare the oftentimes overlooked 'traps' which even the most experienced clinicians fall into when assessing and diagnosing children and adolescents without a structured assessment format -- placing us at great LEGAL, ETHICAL, and PROFESSIONAL RISK if overlooked. The course presents a clear description of how such issues can arise when we ASSESS 'ON THE FLY', no matter how many years we have been in this business!
Course 3C focuses upon the details of how to perform and DOCUMENT a professionally competent Biopsychosocial Assessment of Children and Adolescents (whether routine or emergency) without the LEGAL, ETHICAL, AND PROFESSIONAL vulnerability which can come back to haunt us long after the fact. Learn why the ETHICAL canons pertaining to Professional Competency, Acting in the Best Interest of the Client, and Scope of Practice are inseparable from how we go about assessing, diagnosing, and documenting treatment of children and adolescents.
Many providers believe that in order to protect a client's confidentiality, the less said the better, when documenting his or her issues, history, diagnosis, and response to treatment. However, this is a misinterpretation of what is meant by 'client confidentiality'.
In fact, structured, detailed assessments are essential to protect ourselves legally and professionally -- from an ETHICS perspective, a PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE perspective, and a PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY perspective. And therefore in this course, we emphasize the need to avoid on-the-fly notations put to a 'yellow legal pad' when assessing and diagnosing children and adolescents, in favor of using a more formal, detailed, STRUCTURED BIOPSYCHOSOCIAL ASSESSMENT format.
The course clarifies the connection between (1) how effectively we perform the task of Assessment and Diagnosis of Children and Adolescents, and (2) the ETHICAL STANDARDS OF PRACTICE – including both demonstration of Professional Competence within Scope of Practice, and responsibility to act in the best interest of the client.
In this course we explain how and why the use of a structured assessment protocol [which addresses and integrates specific issues] is ultimately the only way to assure that we have complied with the PREVAILING STANDARDS OF PROFESSIONAL CARE which are applied to assessment and treatment of children and adolescents with mental health and SUDs issues. We must demonstrate in writing that we have met the ‘ETHICS’ expectation of ‘COMPETENCE’ to ASSESS and TREAT THIS particular child for THESE issues, and that your actions are consistent with the prevailing standards of care for the specific issues.
The bottom line here: Assessment Course 3C addresses serious assessment ERRORS to avoid, which can result in ETHICAL AND LEGAL complications. Understand the legal and professional implications of (a) erroneous or ignored DIAGNOSIS(ES) and (b) failure to RESPOND appropriately to a client’s regression or failure to progress in treatment. This type of clinical thoroughness is particularly crucial when working with children and adolescents who present a potential for HARM TO SELF OR OTHERS.
ADDED BONUS: Get FREE Downloadable prototype assessment forms for Biopsychosocial Assessment, and for Risk Assessment, which the user can tailor to his or her own needs if software to modify pdf documents is available. NOTE: It is important to note that all of the assessment forms within this training course are intended to serve as a prototypical RESOURCE from which users can extract or adapt content for their own programmatic use – including the development of screening instruments and electronic medical records.
Specific Goals of the Course:
1. Learn how the use of a structured Biopsychosocial Assessment format which integrates all assessment findings supports two key expectations of Ethical Practice -- i.e., (1) working within the SCOPE OF PRACTICE of our license (AUTHORIZED and QUALIFIED to do specific work, having appropriate training and a knowledge base in the youth's specific treatment issues), and (2) demonstrating professional COMPETENCE (actions which are consistent with the prevailing standards of professional care for the given situation).
2. Understand the RISK MANAGEMENT and ETHICAL Issues involved in assessing and diagnosing children and adolescents 'on the fly' without a structured Biopsychosocial Assessment format.which assesses both mental health and substance use issues.
3. Know why failure to assess and diagnose children and adolescents using a structured assessment format which taps in to both mental health and SUD issues can result in errors in differential diagnoses and ETHICAL, LEGAL, and PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY for the licensed professional.
4. Learn why detailed written documentation of history, diagnosis(es), and response to treatment is NOT a violation of the principles of 'Client Confidentiality.'
5. Understand how inadvertent omission of clinical details can adversely impact the correctness and scope of the diagnosis (e.g., can miss or ignore the presence of dual mental health and SUD diagnoses) and the details of the treatment plan - resulting in allegations of CLINICAL INCOMPETENCE.
6. Learn which omissions and errors in Biopsychosocial Assessment of Children and Adolescents most often result in legal and professional liability, in the event of an adverse treatment outcome.
7. Understand the need for extra sensitivity to potential or current LGBT issues with children and adolescents, which can significantly affect differential diagnoses..
8. Understand the LEGAL, ETHICAL and PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE implications of (1) erroneous or ignored DIAGNOSIS(ES), particularly the presence of acknowledged or unacknowledged SUD issues and underlying depression, and (2) failure to DOCUMENT the client's response to each treatment issue (whether it be progress, lack of progress, or regression) and (3) failure of the provider to APPROPRIATELY RESPOND to a client’s regression or failure to progress in treatment by formally modifying the treatment plan and documenting the changes in therapeutic intervention.
9. Learn how to spot your own flawed documentation patterns which lead to audit woes, ethical issues, and potential legal problems.
10. Understand the structure and details involved in competent 'ASSESSMENT OF ACUTE RISK' with children and adolescents.
To view the QUIZ GO HERE.
[Florida] Ethics 3C - Beyond the Yellow Legal Pad: From Ethics to Practice and Into the Courtroom |
Earn and download a certificate immediately upon completion of this module.
Only $24.00
No charge if you have a subscription
[Florida] Ethics 3C - Beyond the Yellow Legal Pad: From Ethics to Practice and Into the Courtroom
FLORIDA LICENSEES, PLEASE TAKE NOTE: This revised Course 3C is now separately approved in Florida for 3 clock hours in the ETHICS category, as well as for 3 clock hours in the GENERAL category. Enroll in THIS COURSE if you want to take it for ETHICS credit in Florida. Alternatively, if you are wanting this course for GENERAL credit in Florida [or for the CLINICAL EVALUATION-ASSESSMENT CATEGORY for Florida CAPs], enroll in the course listed ABOVE this item in the catalog - i.e., 'Course 3C' WITHOUT 'Florida Ethics' in the course title. (These two instances of the course have the same content, but have different internal codes for Florida - one for Ethics, and one for General.)
This course is authored and copyrighted by CEU By Net and earns 3 Clock Hours of credit for multiple State Boards including Florida,Texas, and Alabama, IC&RC, NAADAC, and Florida Certification Board, and 3 total PDHs in Domains I, III for EACC renewed June 6, 2020. Also earns 2.25 NBCC Hours and 2.25 California BBS hours. Based upon these credentials, the course is accepted by most state boards for multiple licenses.
This course is authored, copyrighted, and published by Marsha Naylor, MA, LPC, CEU By Net and Pendragon Associates LLC.
What's this course about? Aside from the potential for clinical embarrassment if we make errors in the write-up of an assessment interview or an error in the diagnosis(es), most clinicians do not give much thought to the potential for legal, ethical or other professional repercussions which might result from these routine activities. Nor do they see the development of a treatment plan as a potential for trouble.
Most professionals believe that such things as becoming sexually involved with a client or violating a client's confidentiality are the primary issues which present a potential for ethics violations. They don't realize that 'scope of practice' and 'professional competence' and 'acting in the best interest of the client' are common reasons why providers are disciplined for ethics violations and may be sued for malpractice in a court of law. Further, few realize that the most vulnerable activities which can lead to such allegations are ASSESSMENT, DIAGNOSIS, and TREATMENT PLANNING. Together, these clinical activities are the Achilles Heel for behavioral health providers.
Furthermore, it’s a common assumption that if an assessment (any assessment), treatment plan (any treatment plan), and any reasonable diagnosis are “in the chart” that all is well. Local Program Managers may even audit their charts internally from that perspective. But this, too, has the potential for trouble. Think: ‘Professional Competence’ . . . ‘Ethics’ . . . ‘Scope of Practice’.
This course focuses upon the details of how to perform and DOCUMENT a professionally competent Biopsychosocial Assessment of Children and Adolescents (whether routine or emergency) without the LEGAL, ETHICAL, AND PROFESSIONAL vulnerability which can come back to haunt us long after the fact. Learn why the ETHICAL canons pertaining to Professional Competency, Acting in the Best Interest of the Client, and Scope of Practice are inseparable from how we go about assessing, diagnosing, and documenting treatment of children and adolescents.
Structured Assessments are essential to protect ourselves legally and professionally -- from an ETHICS perspective, a PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE perspective, and a PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY perspective. And thus we explore the wisdom of foregoing on-the-fly notations put to a 'yellow legal pad' when assessing and diagnosing children and adolescents, in favor of using a more formal, STRUCTURED BIOPSYCHOSOCIAL ASSESSMENT format.
This unique course lays bare the oftentimes overlooked 'traps' which even the most experienced clinicians fall into when assessing and diagnosing children and adolescents without a structured assessment format -- placing us at great LEGAL, ETHICAL, and PROFESSIONAL RISK if overlooked. The course presents a clear description of how such issues can arise when we ASSESS 'ON THE FLY', no matter how many years we have been in this business!
So where’s the ETHICS CONNECTION? The course clarifies the connection between (1) how effectively we perform the task of Assessment and Diagnosis of Children and Adolescents, and (2) the Ethical Standards of Practice – including both demonstration of Professional Competence within Scope of Practice, and responsibility to act in the best interest of the client.
In this course we explain how and why the use of a structured assessment protocol [which addresses and integrates specific issues] is ultimately the only way to assure that we have complied with the PREVAILING STANDARDS OF PROFESSIONAL CARE which are applied to assessment and treatment of children and adolescents with mental health and SUDs issues. We must demonstrate in writing that we have met the ‘ETHICS’ expectation of ‘COMPETENCE’ to treat THIS child for THESE issues, and that your actions are consistent with the prevailing standards of care for the specific issues.
The bottom line here: Assessment Course 3C addresses serious assessment ERRORS to avoid, which can result in ETHICAL AND LEGAL complications. Understand the legal and professional implications of (a) erroneous or ignored DIAGNOSIS(ES) and (b) failure to RESPOND appropriately to a client’s regression or failure to progress in treatment. This type of clinical thoroughness is particularly crucial when working with children and adolescents who present a potential for HARM TO SELF OR OTHERS.
ADDED BONUS: Get FREE Downloadable prototype assessment forms for Biopsychosocial Assessment, and for Risk Assessment, which the user can tailor to his or her own needs if software to modify pdf documents is available. NOTE: It is important to note that all of the assessment forms within this training course are intended to serve as a prototypical RESOURCE from which users can extract or adapt content for their own programmatic use – including the development of screening instruments and electronic medical records.
Specific Goals of the Course:
1. Learn how the use of a structured Biopsychosocial Assessment format [which integrates all key assessment findings] is directly related to two key expectations of Ethical Practice -- i.e., 1) the mandate that we be professionally QUALIFIED to do the work (i.e., having appropriate training and a knowledge base in the specific treatment issues), and 2) the demonstration of professional SKILL or COMPETENCE consistent with the prevailing professional standards for Assessment and Treatment of the assessed youth's presenting issues.
2. Understand why assessing children and adolescents 'on the fly' without a structured Biopsychosocial Assessment format can result in ethical, legal and professional vulnerability and liability for the licensed professional.
3. Learn which omissions and errors in Biopsychosocial Assessment of Children and Adolescents most frequently result in legal and professional liability, in the event of an adverse treatment outcome.
4. Understand how inadvertent omission of clinical details can adversely impact the correctness of diagnosis and the details of the treatment plan - resulting in allegations of clinical incompetence.
5. Understand the need for extra sensitivity to potential or current LGBT issues with children and adolescents.
6. Understand the legal and professional implications of (a) erroneous or ignored DIAGNOSIS(ES) and (b) failure to RESPOND to a client’s regression or failure to progress in treatment, and (c) failure to document the response.
7. Learn how to spot your own flawed documentation patterns which lead to audit woes, ethical issues, and legal problems.
8. Understand the structure and details involved in performing a competent 'Assessment of Acute Risk' with children and adolescents.
9. Learn why detailed written documentation of history, diagnosis(es), and response to treatment is NOT a violation of the principles of 'Client Confidentiality.'
To view the QUIZ GO HERE.
Course 6J - The Ethics of Working with LGBTQ Youth - Ending Conversion Therapy |
Earn and download a certificate immediately upon completion of this module.
Only $24.00
No charge if you have a subscription
Course 6J - The Ethics of Working with LGBTQ Youth - Ending Conversion Therapy
This course – 'Course 6J - The Ethics of Working with LGBTQ Youth - Ending Conversion Therapy' – is sponsored online by CEU By Net and earns 6.75 Clock Hours of credit for multiple State Mental Health and Addiction Boards and Associations including Texas Mental Health Boards, TCB-TCBAP-TAAP, Florida mental health boards and Florida Certification Board. The course is pre-approved by IC&RC and NAADAC for 6.75 Clock Hours through our TCB-TCBAP-TAAP, and Florida Board Approvals. EACC approves 6 PDH Domain I, II, III which expires June 13, 2025. The course awards 4.5 NBCC Hours. Based upon our national credentials, the course is accepted by most state boards for multiple licenses.
To read and download this course for FREE, click links that you will find at the end of this course description.
CEU By Net sponsors this research-based course online for Continuing Education credit - as an ETHICS course, a CULTURAL AWARENESS course, and a COUNSELING intervention course. The training document was prepared and published in the public domain in October 2015 by Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA - Rockville, MD). The Expert Panel consisted of a panel of researchers and practitioners in child and adolescent behavioral health with a strong background in gender development, gender identity, and sexual orientation in children and adolescents. The panel included, among others, Sheri Berenbaum, PhD; Celia B. Fisher, PhD; Laura Edwards-Leeper, PhD; Marco A. Hidalgo, PhD; David Huebner, PhD; Colton L. Keo-Meier, PhD; Scott Leibowitz, MD; Robin Lin Miller, PhD; Caitlin Ryan, PhD, ACSW; Josh Wolff, PhD; and Mark A. Yarhouse, PsyD. The APA activities were coordinated by Clinton W. Anderson, PhD (Associate Executive Director, Public Interest Directorate, Director LGBT Office) and Judith Glassgold, PsyD (Associate Executive Director, Government Relations, Public Interest Directorate).
We at CEU By Net are sponsoring this course because it represents a critical 'sea change' in the mental health and addiction field and in American social thinking. This course should be enlightening for all professionals who are not familiar with the inherent physiological and genetic basis for LGBTQ IDENTITY including TRANSGENDER IDENTITY in very young children, and the developmental process as it unfolds over time. The course is clinically appropriate for Professional Counselors, Social Workers, LMFTs, CEAPs, and Addiction Professionals who are working with or who may work with adolescents and children who are or may be questioning their sexual orientation or gender identity, and their parents.
The course is clear about the impact of understanding and accepting LGBTQ identity and sexual orientation upon achievement of treatment goals. The course provides specific approaches to forming a healthy accepting professional relationship with LGBTQ youth and their families.
The authors/publishers describe the purpose well:
"Ending Conversion Therapy: Supporting and Affirming LGBTQ Youth, is [published] to provide mental health and addiction professionals with accurate information about effective and ineffective therapeutic practices related to children’s and adolescent’s sexual orientation and gender identity. Specifically, this report addresses the issue of CONVERSION THERAPY for minors. .....The conclusions in this report are based on professional consensus statements arrived at by experts in the field. Conversion Therapy - the effort to change an individual’s sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression - is a practice that is not supported by credible evidence and has been disavowed by behavioral health experts and associations.
"..... Conversion therapy perpetuates outdated views of gender roles and identities as well as the negative stereotype that being a sexual or gender minority or identifying as LGBTQ is an abnormal aspect of human development. Most importantly, it may put young people at risk of serious harm."
This publication is abundantly clear that "scientists now recognize that a wide spectrum of gender identities and gender expressions exist (and have always existed), including people who identify as either man or woman, neither man nor woman, a blend of man and woman, or a unique gender identity (Harrison, Grant, & Herman, 2012; Kuper, Nussbaum, & Mustanski, 2012)" Further, "Same-gender sexual identity, behavior, and attraction are not mental disorders. Same-gender sexual attractions are part of the normal spectrum of sexual orientation. Sexual orientation change in
children and adolescents should not be a
goal of mental health and behavioral interventions".
The authors are clear that the inherent gender orientation, gender identity, and gender expression of each individual child CANNOT be changed through behavioral health interventions or social pressure - a conclusion that is now supported by virtually all professional behavioral health and medical associations as well as the DSM and the ICD. This Federal publication presents and supports GENDER as a fluid developmental construct that is experienced individually by children and adolescents from age 2 through puberty.
The AFFIRMATIVE CARE process is presented as a parent-child-professional team effort which allows children and adolescents who identify as TRANSGENDER to explore their identity and cross sex transition at their own pace, in whatever form it may take. Medical interventions (cross sex hormone treatment and gender affirmative surgery) as well as social gender transition are explored by the child and family with the assistance of a medical and behavioral health team, when the youth is ready for such considerations.
Professionals taking this course will know the meaning of Sexual Minority, Gender Minority, Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, Gender Expression, Transgender, Cisgender, Intersex, and Gender Diverse as these terms apply to LGBTQ children and youth, and the possible developmental trajectories of each.
1. Based upon the extensive research which produced this SAMHSA document, understand the new ETHICAL REQUIREMENT for mental health, SUD, and physical healthcare professionals to cease the practice of CONVERSION THERAPY with LGBTQ youth.
2. Recognize the negative impact of failing to acknowledge LGBTQ identity and sexual orientation as an important ETHICAL ISSUE in both mental health and substance abuse programs -- considering the vulnerability of LGBTQ children and adolescents to substance use disorders (SUD) and suicidal behaviors as a function of family rejection and homelessness, anxiety and depression, and submission to CONVERSION THERAPY.
3. Know the various forms of CONVERSION THERAPY to which LGBTQ children and youth have been historically submitted, and the approved alternatives to Conversion Therapy that are appropriate at various stages of LGBTQ identity development.
3. Know the difference between Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and Gender Expression in children, adolescents, and young adults, and the possible blending of these gender attributes.
4. Gain a clear understanding of the difference between GENDER vs. Sex Assigned at Birth, as it pertains to the normal spectrum of sexual expression and development of gender identity in humans.
5. Recognize the negative impact of failing to acknowledge LGBTQ identity and sexual orientation, and the vulnerability of LGBTQ children and adolescents to substance abuse, homelessness, anxiety, depression, and suicidal behaviors when submitted to CONVERSION THERAPY.
6. Know the meaning of Sexual Minority, Gender Minority, Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, Gender Expression, Transgender, Cisgender, Intersex, and Gender Diverse as these terms apply to LGBTQ children and youth, and the possible developmental trajectories of each.
7. Learn effective, ETHICAL approaches to forming a healthy counseling relationship with LGBTQ youth and their families, including families who are not comfortable with their child's LGBTQ identity.
8. Know how to present the LGBTQ status of the child or adolescent to the parent, including (1) the inherent neurological and biochemical basis for LGBTQ identity and (2) the physical and emotional development process from childhood to adulthood.
9. Know the most effective approach to assisting parents in forming a healthy relationship with the child or adolescent despite their difficulty in accepting the child's LGBTQ status.
10. Know and understand the appropriate AFFIRMATIVE CARE for TRANSGENDER and Intersex youth which facilitates timely social and medical transition (including surgery and sex-affirmative hormonal regimen), based upon an understanding of the developmental trajectories from very early childhood through young adulthood.
Note: You are free to read, download, save, and print the Study Guide(s) and Quiz(zes) for this Course, before deciding to enroll in the course. These course materials are public domain, and CEU By Net is sponsoring the course for CE Credit. You may STUDY THIS COURSE and the quiz AT NO CHARGE. You may enroll in the course at any time. You must take the quiz ONLINE, by logging into your
My Home Page
, clicking on the course you want to complete, completing the quiz or quizzes required, and submitting the Feedback Form. You will then instantly receive your course completion certificate! For more information on this course - and to see a COPY of the online quiz - click the '+' symbols, below:
Course 6J - The Ethics of Working with LGBTQ Youth - Ending Conversion Therapy |
Click here
to view this study material.
Click here
to view and print the quiz you will take for this material.
Course 2J_Basic Guide to Traumatic Stress, Complex Trauma, and Resilience |
Earn and download a certificate immediately upon completion of this module.
Only $18.00
No charge if you have a subscription
Course 2J_Basic Guide to Traumatic Stress, Complex Trauma, and Resilience
This course – 'Basic Guide to Traumatic Stress, Complex Trauma, and Resilience' – is sponsored online by CEU By Net and earns 2.5 Clock Hours of credit for multiple State Mental Health and Addiction Boards including Florida CE Broker, Texas BHEC, TCBAP-TCB-TAAP, IC&RC and NAADAC pre-approval, and Florida Certification Board, California CADTP, and CCADE, 3.0 PDHs are re-approved by EACC for Domains I, II and III, effective May 6, 2024. The course also awards 1.5 California BBS Hours and 1.5 NBCC Hours. Based upon these credentials, the course is accepted by most state boards for multiple licenses.
The training document was prepared and published in 2017 in the public domain by the Center for Child Traumatic Stress on behalf of the National Child Traumatic Stress Network. This work was funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
This course document serves as a basic clinical guide which assists clinicians in identifying strengths and functionality patterns which can contribute to the development of resiliency and emotional survival of trauma—including, specifically, Complex Trauma. The Study Guide has three sections, each of which focuses upon a different aspect of trauma and resilience.
The first section of the Study Guide—'Family Resilience and Traumatic Stress'—focuses upon the family as a unit and the factors which impact their reaction to the traumatic event or ongoing traumatic circumstances, and the development of resilience in the face of trauma.
The second section of the document -- 'RESILIENCE and CHILD TRAUMATIC STRESS' -- focuses specifically on the CHILDREN within the family: What does resilience look like in children? What factors might enhance resilience in children after traumatic events? What are some initial steps to enhance recovery during treatment or service delivery?
The third section of this document focuses on the specific topic of 'What is COMPLEX TRAUMA?' in youth, and how it differs from the trauma experienced in single, time-limited events such as natural disasters, terrorist attacks, seeing someone hurt or killed, a major car accident, etc. Complex Trauma occurs in situations of CHRONIC or ONGOING mistreatment or abuse, chronic instability in living conditions and parental support, ongoing or unrelenting uncertainty and insecurity, and potentially in those traumas which ‘don’t end’ following mass tragedy and the aftermath of natural disasters [such as Hurricane Katrina and the disappearance of Malaysian Flight 370].
The authors indicate that this 'workbook' format pertaining to Complex Trauma can be used by clinicians 'to have conversations—sometimes hard, but often freeing—with young adults, teens, pre-teens (and even some …. 7-9 year olds).' CEU By Net sees the third section of the course as perhaps the most compelling, in that it places the understanding and resolution of Complex Trauma into an unusual and workable framework which can serve as a step-by-step guide for mental health and addiction counselors, social workers, family therapists, CEAPs, and their clients.
This course can be of assistance with the delayed aftermath of mass casualty and traumatic occurrences which does not begin to resolve in a timely manner with the initial post-trauma interventions – particularly in situations in which many questions or disruptive circumstances are left hanging and unresolved for the families involved in the traumatic event, such as Malaysian Flight 370 and the socioeconomic impact of the Katrina hurricane.
• In such situations, Complex Trauma reactions may come into play, which presents a potential for long-term disruption of family and individual functionality in the workplace, school, and family life. CEAPs and other therapists can then play a role in helping employers to identify employees in which Complex Trauma has begun to exert an extended impact upon individuals and their families, and to develop a plan for intervention with those so affected.
Goals of this course:
1. Within the context of TRAUMA and COMPLEX TRAUMA, learn to identify family strengths, functionality patterns, and other factors which can contribute to development of resilience and emotional survival of trauma, vs. those factors and characteristics which inhibit resilience and recovery.
2. Learn some initial STRENGTH-BASED steps which providers can take with families to enhance their resilience and resumption of functioning following a traumatic event.
3. Understand the nature of 'child traumatic stress' and 'resilience' in children, as individuals, and what factors and clinical interventions can enhance resilience following a traumatic event.
4. Learn the meaning of 'Complex Trauma' and how it differs from the trauma experienced in events such as natural disasters, terrorist attacks, seeing someone hurt or killed, a major car accident, etc…
5. Learn a specific therapeutic intervention to use with young adults, adolescents and pre-teens who are experiencing Complex Trauma.
Note: You are free to read, download, save, and print the Study Guide(s) and Quiz(zes) for this Course, before deciding to enroll in the course. These course materials are public domain, and CEU By Net is sponsoring the course for CE Credit. You may STUDY THIS COURSE and the quiz AT NO CHARGE. You may enroll in the course at any time. You must take the quiz ONLINE, by logging into your
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, clicking on the course you want to complete, completing the quiz or quizzes required, and submitting the Feedback Form. You will then instantly receive your course completion certificate! For more information on this course - and to see a COPY of the online quiz - click the '+' symbols, below:
Course 2J_Basic Guide to Traumatic Stress and Resilience - Study Guide |
This course is published in the public domain and is therefore FREE to read, download, and copy prior to deciding if you want to enroll in the course, and even before deciding to register on the site. This document has three brief sections which pertain to children and families who have experienced a traumatic event or who suffer from an overwhelming accumulation of traumatic events in their day to day life circumstances. There is one quiz to take following the study of the three sections of the Study Guide.
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to view this study material.
Click here
to view and print the quiz you will take for this material.
Course 5N - Growing Up Girl - Girls Matter! |
Earn and download a certificate immediately upon completion of this module.
Only $24.00
No charge if you have a subscription
Course 5N - Growing Up Girl - Girls Matter!
Course 5N - Growing Up Girl—Girls Matter! [5 Clock Hours of CE Credit]. This course is sponsored online by CEU By Net and earns 5 Clock Hours of credit for multiple State Boards including Florida, Texas, and Alabama, TCBAP-TAAP, IC&RC, NAADAC, and Florida Certification Board, and EACC 3 PDHs Domains I & II reapproved May 1, 2023. It also awards 3.5 CA BBS Hours and 3.5 NBCC Hour. Based upon these credentials, the course is accepted by most state boards for multiple licenses.
The course materials were authored, copyrighted, and published in the public domain by SAMHSA in collaboration with multiple other federal authorities (including CSAT and CMHS) and several nationally recognized experts in adolescent mental health and psychosocial development. The individuals responsible for each of the major sections are acknowledged within the course materials, including contact information.
These materials were presented online by SAMHSA in the form of a webinar series entitled “Girls Matter!”, with live speakers and published slides. SAMHSA's stated purpose: “SAMHSA has created this webinar series to ..... provide research, best practice and critical thinking on the topics that professionals working with girls and young women must know …. to increase the behavioral health workforce’s understanding of the needs and concerns of adolescent girls (primarily ages 12-18), and to bring visibility and attention to the specific behavioral health concerns of adolescent girls.”
Further, “Each session addresses a key area of what matters to adolescent girls today—including challenges, opportunities, and strategies for supporting girls.” A sixth webinar took place at the end of July 2014 and will form the basis for a separate course on this website.
The primary topics addressed within the Study Guides for Course 5N include but are not limited to the following:
-- The psychosocial and neurological development of female children and adolescents, including the issue of how contemporary social norms and practices impact the wellbeing of females
-- The issue of self-image and the formation of identity
-- Understanding how the adolescent brain thinks and processes 'risk' vs. immediate gratification
-- Risks associated with behavioral health conditions of adolescent females including depression, suicide, self-harm, binge-eating, and aggression
-- The 'Triple Bind' for today's adolescent females
-- The issue of self injury as a concomitant of self-image and loss of control within a social milieu.
-- Development and treatment of self-injurious behavior
-- Substance abuse and addiction in adolescent females
-- The impact of the internet upon the emotional development, mental health status, and emotional wellbeing of female adolescents
-- Effective treatment alternatives when girls are in crisis.
There are extensive validating research references and footnotes contained within the course materials.
This is a 'quiz only' course. This sponsored course is FREE to READ, SAVE, AND PRINT. Enroll in the course on this website if you want to take the quiz for a 5 Clock Hour Certificate from CEU By Net.
There are 5 sections in this course (Study Guides 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5). There is a quiz for each of the five Study Guides. You must complete and pass all the five quizzes AND the Feedback Form, to obtain your certificate for 5 Clock Hours of CE Credit.
GOALS for this course::
• Know the typical and atypical developmental trajectories for adolescent females.
• Understand the role of peer pressure and family relationships upon the psychosocial development of girls, in the context of today's social and cultural environment.
• Know what it means to be a “digital native”, and understand how social media is changing the ways girls connect and relate—including risky and unhealthy technological behaviors.
• Recognize the risks for development of behavioral health problems (depression, suicide, self-harm, binge eating, and aggression) in female adolescents.
• Understand the concept of the 'Triple Bind', and how it impacts today's adolescent girls.
• Know the key issues in development and treatment of self-injurious behavior, as a concomitant of self-image and loss of control within a social milieu.
• Know current substance use trends and concerns for adolescent girls, and become familiar with resources for girls with SUDs issues, including recovery schools, family interventions, and the Voices Program approach.
• Become familiar with 'GENDER-RESPONSIVE' and 'TRAUMA-INFORMED' program design and treatment, which are applicable to girls in crisis—particularly those who have experienced sexual and relationship abuse and violence.
• Know effective interventions and programming for young women, including * the fostering of resiliency and empowerment, * the provision of effective treatment alternatives when girls are in crisis, * some technological advances in behavioral health and recovery support, and * the principles for establishing safe and nurturing program environments.
Note: You are free to read, download, save, and print the Study Guide(s) and Quiz(zes) for this Course, before deciding to enroll in the course. These course materials are public domain, and CEU By Net is sponsoring the course for CE Credit. You may STUDY THIS COURSE and the quiz AT NO CHARGE. You may enroll in the course at any time. You must take the quiz ONLINE, by logging into your
My Home Page
, clicking on the course you want to complete, completing the quiz or quizzes required, and submitting the Feedback Form. You will then instantly receive your course completion certificate! For more information on this course - and to see a COPY of the online quiz - click the '+' symbols, below:
Growing Up Girl - Study Guide 1 |
This is Study Guide 1 of this course, and serves as the introduction to the course. It also deals with the following issues:
• The psychosocial and neurological development of female children and adolescents, including the issue of how contemporary social norms and practices impact the wellbeing of female children and adolescents
• Typical and atypical developmental trajectories
• The role of peer pressure and family relationships in development of self-image and choice of behaviors
• The impact of culture and values upon development of gender-specific identity, roles and behaviors
• Introduction to the impact of contemporary social media and societal expectations upon development of identity and self-esteem
• Intro to strategies for fostering resiliency and empowerment
1. Featured Speakers for Growing Up Girl: Adolescent Development and Unique Issues – Study Guide 1
Trina Menden Anglin, M.D., Ph.D. Health Resources And Services Administration
Dr. Anglin is Chief of the Adolescent Health Branch at the Health Resources and Services Administration, Maternal and Child Health Bureau, Department of Health and Human Services, where she has worked since 1996. The Adolescent Health Branch provides national leadership in promoting the health, development, safety, and social and emotional well-being of all school-aged children, adolescents, and young adults in the United States.
Elizabeth Miller, M.D., Ph.D. Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC
Dr. Miller is Chief of Adolescent Medicine at Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC and Associate Professor of Pediatrics, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. Her research focuses on the impact of gender-based violence on young women’s health. She currently heads a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention-funded sexual violence prevention program study as well as National Institutes for Health-funded studies on partner violence intervention in the reproductive clinic setting. Dr. Miller is involved in projects to reduce gender-based violence and improve adolescent girl and young adult women’s health in India and Japan.
Scyatta Wallace, Ph.D. St. John’s University
Dr. Wallace has more than 15 years of experience working with youth and youth-serving organizations. She has a doctorate in developmental psychology from Fordham University and a BA in psychology from Yale University. Dr. Wallace is currently Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology at St. John’s University, and she has received research funding from NIH, CDC, and other agencies. She coauthored the 2013 report “Gender Norms: A Key to Improving Health & Wellness Among Black Women & Girls.”
2. Featured Speakers for ‘Girl In The Mirror’ – Study Guide 2
Stephen Hinshaw, Ph.D. University Of California, Berkeley
Dr. Hinshaw is Professor of Psychology at University of California (UC) Berkeley. He received a BA from Harvard and a doctorate in clinical psychology from UCLA. His work focuses on developmental psychopathology. Dr. Hinshaw has authored more than 275 articles and books, including The Triple Bind: Saving our Teenage Girls from Today’s Pressures (Random House, 2009), The Mark of Shame: Stigma of Mental Illness and an Agenda for Change (Oxford, 2007), and The ADHD Explosion: Myths, Medications, Money, and Today’s Push for Performance (Oxford, 2014). He also is the editor of Psychological Bulletin.
Wendy Lader, Ph.D., M.Ed. Self Injury Foundation
Wendy Lader, Ph.D., M.Ed., is President and Clinical Director of the S.A.F.E. ALTERNATIVES Program, founded in 1986 to address deliberate self-harm behavior. She has a doctorate in clinical psychology from Nova University and an M.Ed. in special education from Lesley College. She is an international speaker on self-injury, and highly regarded as an expert in the field. She is co-author, with Karen Conterio, of the book Bodily Harm: the Breakthrough Healing Program for Self-Injurers (Hyperion, 1998).
Anne Thompson, M.A., MFT
Ms. Thompson has identified as a young person in recovery for more than nine years. She was a founding member of Young People in Recovery (YPR) in 2010 and serves on the Boards of Directors for the Association of Recovery Schools and Connecticut Turning to Youth and Families. Ms. Thompson has a B.A. in sociology and metro urban studies, an M.A. in educational leadership, and an M.A. in marriage and family therapy from University of Connecticut (UConn). She is currently pursuing her Ph.D. in human development and family studies at UConn, where she works in the Department of Wellness & Prevention Services coordinating efforts for the UConn Recovery Community.
3. Featured Speakers for ‘Girls and Substance Abuse’ – Study Guide 3
Candice Norcott, Ph.D. Licensed Clinical Psychologist
Norcott is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist. Currently, she coordinates the behavioral science curriculum for a Family Medicine Residency Program and provides outpatient psychological services in community settings. Before this role, Dr. Norcott coordinated the girls’ mental health services at the Cook County Juvenile Detention Center. Dr. Norcott has a BA from Brown University, a doctoral degree from the University of Connecticut, and received her pre- and post-doctoral training from Yale University’s School of Medicine. Dr. Norcott is a certified training associate for Dr. Stephanie Covington. In this role, she provides training workshops nationally for Dr. Covington’s girls’ program, Voices. Dr. Norcott has conducted these workshops in a variety of settings including programs aimed at adolescent substance abuse, juvenile probation, and mental health treatment.
Sharon Amatetti, M.P.H., Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
Ms. Amatetti is a Senior Public Health Analyst for the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT) and the SAMHSA Women’s Issues Coordinator. She is responsible for ensuring that women and family issues are coordinated throughout SAMHSA and with other federal agencies. Ms. Amatetti manages an interagency agreement with the Administration on Children, Youth, and Families to advance cross-system coordination, which includes developing and managing a National Center on Substance Abuse and Child Welfare. Ms. Amatetti serves as the CSAT coordinator for the State Women Services Coordinators, the SAMHSA National Conference on Behavioral Health for Women and Girls, and the Women’s Addiction Service Leadership Institute (WASLI). She has a BA from Georgetown University and an MPH from the University of California-Berkeley.
Andrew J. Finch, Ph.D., Practice of Human and Organizational Development at Vanderbilt University
Dr. Finch is Associate Professor of the Practice of Human and Organizational Development at Vanderbilt University. He is a co-founder of the Association of Recovery Schools. Among his published works are Starting a Recovery School and Approaches to Substance Abuse and Addiction in Educational Communities: A Guide to Practices that Support Recovery in Adolescents and Young Adults, of which he was a co-editor. For nine years, Dr. Finch worked for Community High School in Nashville, one of the early schools for teens recovering from alcohol and other drug addictions and a school he helped design.
Cynthia Rowe, Ph.D., University of Miami Miller School of Medicine’s Center for Treatment Research on Adolescent Drug Abuse (CTRADA)
Dr. Rowe is Research Associate Professor of Public Health Sciences at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine’s Center for Treatment Research on Adolescent Drug Abuse (CTRADA). Since 1994, she has contributed to the Center’s work focused on refining, testing, and disseminating family-based interventions for adolescents with substance use disorders and related problems. She works with her colleagues to promote the translation of research findings into practice and to train providers to implement Multidimensional Family Therapy (MDFT). She has served as primary investigator and co-primary investigator of several National Institutes of Health grants examining the effects of MDFT with different clinical populations in a range of settings. She was also co-primary investigator of a multisite randomized controlled trial of MDFT in five countries in Europe. She has been a peer reviewer of health services research grants for NIH and has contributed to research and clinical publications, as well as a comprehensive volume on adolescent substance abuse treatment research.
4. Featured Speakers for ‘Digital Girls’ – Study Guide 4
Rachel Simmons, Bestselling Author and Educator
Ms. Simmons authored The New York Times bestsellers Odd Girl Out: The Hidden Culture of Aggression in Girls, which was adapted into a highly acclaimed Lifetime television movie, and The Curse of the Good Girl: Raising Authentic Girls with Courage and Confidence. As an educator, she works internationally to empower young women to be more authentic, assertive, and self-aware. She currently develops leadership programs for undergraduate women at the Center for Work and Life at Smith College, and co-founded the Girls Leadership Institute. Ms. Simmons hosted the recent PBS television special A Girl’s Life and is a contributing writer for TeenVogue. She has appeared on Oprah and the Today show, and appears regularly in the national media. She is a Vassar graduate and Rhodes Scholar.
Danielle Tarino, Public Health Advisor, SAMHSA
Ms. Tarino is a Public Health Advisor for the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. For SAMHSA, she manages a Targeted Capacity Expansion—Technology Assisted Care grant portfolio. This program enables the implementation of health information technology into substance abuse treatment. Before joining SAMHSA, Ms. Tarino was a Resident Assistant at the Rutgers Recovery House for students in recovery from alcohol and other drugs. She has a BA in political science from Rutgers.
5. Featured Speakers for ‘Sanctuary and Supports for Adolescent Girls’ – Study Guide 5
Stephanie Covington, Ph.D., LCSW — Center For Gender And Justice
Dr. Covington is a nationally recognized clinician, author, organizational consultant, and lecturer. She is a pioneer in the field of girl's and women's issues, addiction, and recovery. Dr. Covington is co-director of the Institute for Relational Development and the Center for Gender and Justice. She has developed an innovative, gender-responsive, and trauma-informed approach to the treatment needs of women and girls that results in effective services in public, private, and institutional settings. She is the author of several books, articles, research studies and curricula including Voices: A Program of Self-Discovery and Empowerment for Girls and Beyond Trauma: A Healing Journey for Women.
Jeannette Pai-Esponosa, Ed.D. — The National Crittenton Foundation
Ms. Pai-Espinosa serves as the President of the National Crittenton Foundation, a 130-year-old institution that serves as the national umbrella for the 27 members of the Crittenton family of agencies providing services in 32 states and the District of Columbia. Ms. Pai-Espinosa has more than 35 years of experience in advocacy, education, intercultural communication, public policy, strategic communication, program development, and direct service delivery. She is currently Chair of the National Foster Care Coalition, Co-Director of the National Girls Institute of the Department of Justice Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, and a member of the Board of Directors of the Human Rights Project for Girls.
Kimberly Sokoloff Selvaggi — TaylorLane Consulting, Living in Safe Alternatives, Inc.
Kimberly Sokoloff Selvaggi is an experienced lecturer, trainer, consultant and technical assistance provider. She is currently the Executive Director for Living in Safe Alternatives. Ms. Selvaggi is president of TaylorLane Consulting and is co-author of the Trauma Informed Effective Reinforcement System (TIER) for Girls, which offers a comprehensive, gender-responsive program model for residential programs and facilities; La Mariposa, a personal empowerment program for girls; and SPEAK Up! Youth-Led Advocacy Program for Girls. Ms. Selvaggi was recently named Executive Director at Living in Safe Alternatives, Inc. which provides independent living, group homes for girls, and community based life skills programs for system-involved youth.
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Girl In the Mirror - Study Guide 2 |
This is Study Guide 2 - 'Girl In the Mirror' - and it focuses upon the following:
• Exploration of the issue of self-image and the formation of identity
• Understanding how the adolescent brain thinks and processes 'risk' vs. immediate gratification
• Risks associated with behavioral health conditions including depression, suicide, self-harm, binge eating, and aggression
• The concept of the 'Triple Bind' for adolescent girls in today's culture
• Development and treatment of self-injurious behavior as a concomitant of self image and loss of control within a social milieu.
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Girls and Substance Abuse - Study Guide 3 |
This Study Guide 3 focuses upon substance abuse and addiction in today's adolescent females. Covers current substance use trends and concerns for adolescent girls, and empirically based resources for girls with SUDs issues, including recovery schools, family interventions, and the Voices Program approach.
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Digital Girls - Study Guide 4 |
This Study Guide 4 focuses upon the impact of the internet upon the emotional development, mental health status, and emotional wellbeing of female adolescents. Know what it means to be a “digital native”, and understand how social media is changing the ways girls connect and relate - including risky and unhealthy technological behaviors.
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Sanctuary and Support - Study Guide 5 |
This Study Guide 5 focuses upon the development of effective treatment alternatives when girls are in crisis, and how to provide them with sanctuary and support. Addresses 'GENDER-RESPONSIVE' and 'TRAUMA-INFORMED' program design and treatment which is applicable to girls in crisis - particularly those who have experienced sexual and relationship abuse and violence. Emphasis is upon programming which supports * the fostering of resiliency and empowerment, * the provision of effective treatment alternatives when girls are in crisis, * some technological advances in behavioral health and recovery support, and * the principles for establishing safe and nurturing program environments.
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Course 3H - Principles of Adolescent SUD Assessment and Treatment - A Research-Based Practical Guide |
Earn and download a certificate immediately upon completion of this module.
Only $20.00
No charge if you have a subscription
Principles of Adolescent SUD Assessment and Treatment - A Research-Based Practical Guide
This practical research-based publication is sponsored by CEU By Net and is approved and/or pre-approved for 3.5 Clock Hours of continuing education credit by multiple State Boards including Texas BHEC and Florida, and by TCBAP-TAAP, NAADAC, IC&RC, Florida CE Broker and Florida Certification Board,, and California CADTP and CCADE, Approved for 3.5 PDHs Domain I, II & III by EACC Reapproved May 6, 2024. It also awards 2.5 CA BBS Credit Hours and 2.5 NBCC Credit Hours.
In addition to a clear research-based description of the impact of both illicit and misused prescription drugs on the developing adolescent brain (including marijuana), the course includes an extensive analysis of the intervention approaches which work – including several types of short-term counseling with the entire family. This course is therefore quite appropriate for all Addiction and Mental Health service providers working with adolescents who are experiencing or at risk for the entire spectrum of Substance Use Disorder (SUD)—from early experimentation to addiction. .
This sponsored course is authored, published and copyrighted in the public domain by the National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA), Nora D. Volkow, M.D., NIDA Director. Dr. Volkow says, about the core issue addressed in this well-researched study,
“Historically, the focus with adolescents has tended to be on steering young people clear of drugs before problems arise. But the reality is that different interventions are needed for adolescents at different places along the substance use spectrum, and some require treatment, not just prevention.
Fortunately, scientific research has now established the efficacy of several treatment approaches that can address substance use during the teen years. This guide describes those approaches, as well as presents a set of guiding principles and frequently asked questions about substance abuse and treatment in this age group.”
1. Recognize the realities of adolescent drug use, including the SOCIAL and CULTURAL issues which inherently complicate treatment for adolescent SUDs.
2. Know the principles to consider in assessing, diagnosing, and treating adolescent substance use disorders and the therapeutic components to be included—including intensive involvement of the family.
3. Understand the unique status of the developing adolescent brain, and the biochemical connection between this stage of NEUROLOGICAL development and DRUG-SEEKING, RISK-TAKING BEHAVIORS.
4. Know and understand why there is a physiologically detrimental impact of substance use upon adolescent brain structures and critical neural pathways.
5. Understand why abusing drugs during adolescence can interfere with effectively meeting crucial SOCIAL, CULTURAL, and DEVELOPMENTAL milestones, and can also compromise cognitive development.
6. By category of drug, know the specific dangers, attractions, and potential for adolescent addiction—including the personality, social, and familial characteristics which affect vulnerability.
7. Considering the special treatment needs for youth ages 12 to 17 and the intrinsic role of family dynamics in the process: Know the most effective evidence-based approaches to adolescent SUD assessment and treatment - including the most effective forms of family-based treatment.
Aside from Nora D. Volkow, MD, these additional professionals are cited for their contribution to the development of this publication: Tina Burrell, M.A., Washington State Department of Social and Health Services, Connie Cahalan, Missouri Department of Mental Health, Barbara Cimaglio, Vermont Department of Health, Michael L. Dennis, Ph.D., Chestnut Health Systems, Rochelle Head-Dunham, M.D., Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals, Scott W. Henggeler, Ph.D., Medical University of South Carolina, Sharon Levy, M.D., M.P.H., Children’s Hospital Boston, Kenneth J. Martz, Psy.D., CAS, Pennsylvania Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs, Kathy Paxton, M.S., West Virginia Bureau for Behavioral Health and Health Facilities, Paula D. Riggs, M.D., University of Colorado School of Medicine.
This is a self-paced course. Although you must access it online, you may save and print the course document and a copy of the quiz for FREE, before making a decision to enroll in the course. You may print and study the materials offline, if you prefer, although the interactive quiz MUST be taken online, logged into your account.
To view and print the study materials and the quiz for FREE, CLICK ON THE + SIGN BELOW, and click the links for a preview. When you have enrolled in the course, you will find these same links inside your account, to re-access the course materials and to print and TAKE THE ONLINE QUIZ.
Note: You are free to read, download, save, and print the Study Guide(s) and Quiz(zes) for this Course, before deciding to enroll in the course. These course materials are public domain, and CEU By Net is sponsoring the course for CE Credit. You may STUDY THIS COURSE and the quiz AT NO CHARGE. You may enroll in the course at any time. You must take the quiz ONLINE, by logging into your
My Home Page
, clicking on the course you want to complete, completing the quiz or quizzes required, and submitting the Feedback Form. You will then instantly receive your course completion certificate! For more information on this course - and to see a COPY of the online quiz - click the '+' symbols, below:
Course 3H - Principles of Adolescent SUD Treatment - Study Guide |
As required by some of our certification boards, this is an open-access website. That means that you may read all of the course materials presented on this website and the quizzes for FREE - whether you decide to register and enroll in courses, or not. You may also download and print 85% of the courses on the site for free before registering or enrolling.
You pay only if you wish to enroll in courses and take quizzes to earn certificates. You may buy an Annual Subscription for $54.95 and take unlimited courses on this website at no additional charge, for an entire year.
This course material is comprised of one online downloadable text document (i.e., the study guide) in a PDF format, and one online quiz. As an unscored 'pre-test' or practice quiz, we recommend that you print a COPY of the quiz before beginning to read the document, and mark answers to our questions on the paper copy as you work through the course. When you are ready to take the quiz, be sure that you are logged into your account, and take the quiz online.
If you fail to get 75% of the answers correct, you can retake the quiz. When you have passed it, we give you immediate FEEDBACK (on your screen) as to which questions you missed, and the correct answer to the question(s) you missed, and the answer(s) which you gave. It's INTERACTIVE!!
We hope you enjoy this course!
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Course 3J - Professional Guide to Supporting LGBTQI2-S Children and Adolescents |
Earn and download a certificate immediately upon completion of this module.
Only $20.00
No charge if you have a subscription
Course 3J - Professional Guide to Supporting LGBTQI2-S Children and Adolescents
This course is sponsored by CEU By Net and earns 3 Clock Hours of credit for multiple State Boards including Florida CE Broker and Texas BHEC, California CADTP and CCADE, TCBAP-TCB-TAAP, IC&RC, NAADAC, Florida Certification Board, and 3 PDHs Domain I & II for EACC effective May 1, 2023. It also awards 2.5 CA BBS Hours as of 10.01.15 and 2.5 NBCC Hours. Based upon these credentials, the course is accepted by most state boards for multiple licenses.
This course is appropriate for social workers, mental health and addiction counselors, MFTs and CEAPs who work with LGBTQI2-S youth and their families, and with community service organizations which may serve these youth, such as schools, child protection and welfare agencies, community centers of various types, and health care providers.
This sponsored course is a TRILOGY of excerpts which have been extracted from current SAMHSA publications authored, copyrighted, and published in the public domain by multiple authorities including SAMHSA, CSAT, CMHS, the National Center for Cultural Competence, the National Technical Assistance Center for Children’s Mental Health of the Georgetown University Center for Child and Human Development, and the American Institutes for Research, and other nationally recognized experts in this field. There is an extensive bibliography of validating references. Publication dates are 2014. This sponsored course is FREE to READ, SAVE, AND PRINT. Enroll in the course on this website if you want to take the quiz for a 3 Credit Hour Certificate from CEU By Net.
There are 3 sections in this course (Parts 1, 2, and 3), The course is in effect a TRILOGY containing some of the best collaborative thinking in the behavioral health field, on the subject of how professionals can effectively meet the needs of LGBTQI2-S CHILDREN and ADOLESCENTS and their FAMILIES. Our purpose in offering this course was concisely articulated by the authors of Part 1, and we quote: "This Practice Brief is for policymakers, administrators, and providers seeking to learn more about
(1) youth who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, intersex, or two-spirit (LGBTQI2-S) and
(2) how to develop culturally and linguistically competent programs and services to meet their needs and preferences."
A summary of each of the three sections follows:
PART 1 - 'Practice Brief 1, Providing Services and Supports for Youth Who Are LGBTQI2-S' - is a collaborative effort of these entities: SAMHSA, the National Center for Cultural Competence, the National Technical Assistance Center for Children’s Mental Health of the Georgetown University Center for Child and Human Development, and the American Institutes for Research. Individual contributing authors and editors are numerous and are found within the text. The authors in particular express appreciation to the Youth Advisory Board of the New Jersey Lesbian and Gay Coalition including nine adolescents, who provided valuable insights and experiences to inform the brief’s content.
PART 2 - 'A Guide for Understanding, Supporting, and Affirming LGBTQI2-S Children, Youth, and Families' - clarifies terminology and key concepts used in reference to sexual orientation and gender identity, seeks to debunk myths related to sexual orientation and gender identity, and explores the multi-faceted, emotionally vulnerable process of 'coming out', with specific recommendations about how professionals can positively support this process. The emotional and social challenges faced by LGBTQI2-S adolescents are explored, including the potential for negative outcomes as a result of those challenges. The authors address approaches to creating a safe environment for LGBTQI2-S youth and a constructive professional relationship - approaches which differ significantly from those needed to work with non-LGBTQI2-S adolescents.
-- There is an extensive bibliography, and more than 20 website resources are identified and classified as to content - i.e., for professionals vs. family vs. LGBTQI2-S teens.
-- Part 2 was developed by members of the National Workgroup to Address the Needs of Children and Youth Who Are LGBTQI2-S, supported by SAMHSA and CMHS, and by Poirier, J. M.; Fisher, S. K.; Hunt, R. A. & Bearse, M. (2014) in 'A guide for understanding, supporting, and affirming LGBTQI2-S children, youth, and families'. Washington, DC: American Institutes for Research.
PART 3 of this course is 'Learning From the Field: Summary from the Expert Panel on LGBTQI2-S Youth Who Are Homeless [SAMHSA]'. This section is essentially a 'consciousness raising' piece which serves to summarize the critical need for training of providers to offer services that are culturally and linguistically competent for LBGTQI2-S youth - particularly those who are surviving on the street.
--- This section focuses upon the issues affecting homeless ('unaccompanied') youth who are members of this sexual minority population. These youth most typically have taken ‘to the streets’ because of abuse or rejection by their families or caretakers, who do not have an understanding or acceptance of the youth’s sexual orientation or gender identity. Issues include the profound level of physical and sexual victimization and violence which these youth experience on the street and in the foster care system from which many of them come; the health implications of 'survival sex'; the high incidence of substance use as a way of coping with discrimination and abuse; and the fact that youth who are homeless rarely report or seek treatment for trauma and physical and sexual exploitation - and as a result do not obtain treatment for a relatively high rate or PTSD. Awareness of these empirically validated findings will hopefully lead to a more productive and supportive professional relationship.
This is a self-paced course, which is under your own control to work through and complete. Although accessed online, you may save and print the course document and a copy of the quiz for FREE, before making a decision to enroll in the course. You may read the materials online or offline, as you prefer, although the interactive quiz MUST be taken online, logged into your account.
To view and print the study materials and the quiz for FREE, CLICK ON THE + SIGN BELOW. Look for the links, for a preview. When you have enrolled in the course, you will find these same links inside your account, to access the course materials again, and to print and take the online quiz.
GOALS for this course:
1. Understand the primary differences between youth who refer to their sexual orientation and gender identity as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, intersex, or two-spirit (LGBTQI2-S).
2. Understand what is meant by ‘developing culturally and linguistically competent’ programs and services to meet the needs and preferences of LGBTQI2-S youth.
3. Understand the unique process involved in understanding, supporting, and affirming LGBTQI2-S children, youth, and their families.
4. Prepare to educate others about ‘culturally and linguistically competent interaction’ with LGBTQI2-S youth – including their families or caretakers, school personnel, community service organizations, child protection and welfare agencies, and community leaders.
5. Become sensitive to the issues affecting HOMELESS ('unaccompanied') youth who are members of this sexual minority population, including the profound level of physical and sexual victimization and violence which these youth experience on the street and in the foster care system.
6. Have an awareness of the health implications of 'survival sex' and the high incidence of substance use as a way of coping with discrimination and abuse.
7. Become aware that youth who are homeless rarely report or seek treatment for trauma and physical and sexual exploitation - and as a result do not independently obtain treatment for a relatively high rate of PTSD and substance abuse.
Note: You are free to read, download, save, and print the Study Guide(s) and Quiz(zes) for this Course, before deciding to enroll in the course. These course materials are public domain, and CEU By Net is sponsoring the course for CE Credit. You may STUDY THIS COURSE and the quiz AT NO CHARGE. You may enroll in the course at any time. You must take the quiz ONLINE, by logging into your
My Home Page
, clicking on the course you want to complete, completing the quiz or quizzes required, and submitting the Feedback Form. You will then instantly receive your course completion certificate! For more information on this course - and to see a COPY of the online quiz - click the '+' symbols, below:
Study Guide for Course 3J |
3 Clock Hours of CE credit. Read and print the study guide material and the quiz for FREE, study off-line if you like, and take the quiz online. YOU PAY ONLY to take the online quiz and to obtain your INSTANTLY DOWNLOADED 3 Clock Hour certificate.
This 3 credit hour course has three sections in one PDF study guide. There is one quiz to take, which addresses the three sections of the Study Guide. You may view the quiz for FREE, by clicking the link 'View Quiz', below this link. However you MUST take the quiz on line from inside your account. When you have registered on the site and have enrolled in this course, you will find this course listed on your My Home Page. Click the name of the course there, to find the link for the quiz. Cheers! CEU By Net
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Course 3I - Bullying Prevention and Response - A Training Guide for Use Within Schools and the Community |
Earn and download a certificate immediately upon completion of this module.
Only $20.00
No charge if you have a subscription
Bullying Prevention and Response - A Training Guide for Use Within Schools and the Community
This practical research-based publication is sponsored by CEU By Net and earns 3 Clock Hours of credit for multiple State Boards including Florida CE Broker and Texas BHEC, and by TCBAP- TCB- TAAP, and California CADTP, and CCADE, IC&RC, NAADAC, and Florida Certification Board. Approved for 3 PDHs Domain I & II for EACC May 1, 2023. It also awards 2.25 CA BBS Hours and 2.25 NBCC Hours. Based upon these credentials, the course is accepted by most state boards for multiple licenses.
The course materials were authored, copyrighted, and published in the public domain by StopBullying.gov, a collaborative project involving multiple Federal government agencies, under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.
The StopBullying.gov Editorial Board which is ultimately responsible for authorship and publishing of this course is comprised of the following Federal entities: US Department of Education, US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), US Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), the US Department of Justice (DOJ), and the US Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA).
NOTE: There is intensive focus upon how to assist SCHOOL PERSONNEL to recognize and interrupt and respond to bulling in SCHOOLS, and how to promote ‘NO BULLYING’ in community BUSINESSES where youth tend to congregate such as afterschool and weekend hangouts such as restaurants and popular fast food chains. This course approaches BULLYING as a COMMUNITY PROBLEM.
This course is appropriate for all behavioral health professionals and educators who work with community organizations which serve children and adolescents, and those who work directly with children and adolescents and their families, whether the child in question is a perpetrator or is the subject of the bullying behavior. Providers including CEAPs, who work within the community with schools, businesses which include children and adolescents in their customer base, and in the community at large benefit from this training.
The emotional and behavioral characteristics of the various participants in this behavior are explored - i.e., the bully, the bullied, those who are bullied but also engage in bullying others (referred to as a 'bully-victim'), and those who observe and may or may not take action.
The multiple types of bullying behavior are also explored - direct, indirect, and multiple other forms including the newly accessible opportunity for 'cyber bullying'.
The course also explores the correlation between bullying and anti-social or illegal behaviors including the use of alcohol and other drugs (both illegal drugs and underage smoking), and between bullying and family dynamics including domestic violence.
To aid in understanding the milieu in which bullying occurs, the course identifies the personal, social, and environmental dynamics which contribute to bullying behaviors – for the perpetrator, for the victim, for those who watch and do nothing, and for those who take some form of action.
The course content is structured to ensure that professionals who take the course have a better understanding of this destructive behavior and are thereby equipped with the tools and resources to both prevent and to take action when indicated. The training highlights specific practical approaches to bringing ‘bullying awareness, prevention, and action’ from the classroom and treatment setting into the community.
In addition to working with families and their children who are involved in bullying – whether they be bullies or the bullied – there is extensive focus upon the need for COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT if bullying is to be brought under control. TRAINING to recognize and prevent bullying within the community, and to take action when bullying is identified, is presented as essential – involving entire school systems as well as small and large companies and businesses which serve youth within the community.
The training materials also describe the extensive range of resources which have been developed by the Federal Partners in Bullying Prevention – a collaborative venture of the FBI and multiple leaders in the federal government working together.
As a free supplement to the course (provided but not included in the quiz), the authors provide the course participant with a link to a downloadable, detailed Community Action Toolkit that offers guidance and research‐based resources, to make it as easy as possible to bring awareness, prevention, and action into the home and the community at large. Many of the resources have been tailored for our profession and the work that we do as behavioral health practitioners – such as utilizing groups and family counseling to bring about change.
This is a self-paced course, which is under your own control to work through and complete. Although accessed online, you may save and print the course document and a copy of the quiz for FREE, before making a decision to enroll in the course. You may read the materials online or offline, as you prefer, although the interactive quiz MUST be taken online, logged into your account.
To view and print the study materials and the quiz for FREE - and a quick description of the easy quiz process - CLICK ON THE + SIGN BELOW. Look for the links for a preview. When you have enrolled in the course, you will find these same links inside your account, to access the course materials again, and to print and take the online quiz.
1. Learn the specific definition and context of the term 'BULLYING' - what it IS and the many FORMS it takes, what it is NOT, WHERE it occurs, and WHO is likely to be a target vs. a perpetrator (or both - referred to as 'bully-victims').
2. Know the environmental, social, CULTURAL and PERSONAL DYNAMICS that correlate with various types of bullying - including the high correlation between bullying and the use of alcohol and other drugs (both illegal drugs and underage smoking), and the correlation between bullying and family dynamics, including domestic violence and CULTURAL belief systems.
3. Understand the variable impact and effect which bullying has upon TARGETS and upon PERPETRATORS - including who is most likely to engage in self harm or attempted suicide, and what helps to mitigate the impact of being a target.
4. Know best practices for bullying prevention and early intervention – in families, schools, community businesses with a customer base including children and adolescents, and within the community at large.
5. Review compelling examples of strategies that work to bring bullying to a halt when it is identified.
6. Review the guiding principles of development of a Community Action Plan for prevention of bullying on a community-wide basis, and have free access to a Community Action Tool Kit that can be used for that purpose.
7. Understand the legal implications of bullying from a harassment perspective, and of failure to take action against bullying - including the categories of individuals who are protected from discriminatory harassment by law (e.g., sexual harassment of LGBT individuals).
Note: You are free to read, download, save, and print the Study Guide(s) and Quiz(zes) for this Course, before deciding to enroll in the course. These course materials are public domain, and CEU By Net is sponsoring the course for CE Credit. You may STUDY THIS COURSE and the quiz AT NO CHARGE. You may enroll in the course at any time. You must take the quiz ONLINE, by logging into your
My Home Page
, clicking on the course you want to complete, completing the quiz or quizzes required, and submitting the Feedback Form. You will then instantly receive your course completion certificate! For more information on this course - and to see a COPY of the online quiz - click the '+' symbols, below:
Course 3I - Bullying Prevention and Response within Schools and the Community |
THIS IS A 'QUIZ ONLY' COURSE. That means you pay ONLY if you decide that you want to take the quiz to earn a certificate, after studying the course materials for free. (Or, you may buy an Annual Subscription for $59.95 and take unlimited courses on this website at no additional charge, for an entire year.)
This course material is comprised of one online downloadable text document (i.e., the study guide) in a PDF format, and one online quiz.
As an unscored 'pre-test' or practice quiz, we recommend that you print a COPY of the quiz before beginning to read the document, and simply mark your answers on the paper copy as you move along. You can then take just a couple of minutes to transfer your answers from the quiz copy to the screen, when you decide to take the online quiz. There is no worry about needing to stop in the middle of your quiz, because the transfer of your answers from quiz copy to screen is lightening quick.
If you fail to get 75% correct, you can immediately retake the quiz. When you have passed it, we tell you which questions you got wrong, and the correct answer to the question(s) you missed, and the answer(s) you gave. It's INTERACTIVE!!
We hope you enjoy this course!
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Course 2H - HIV and AOD Issues with Adolescents and Families |
Earn and download a certificate immediately upon completion of this module.
Only $18.00
No charge if you have a subscription
Course 2H - HIV and AOD Issues with Adolescents and Families
This course is sponsored by CEU By Net and earns 2 Clock Hours of credit for multiple State Boards including Florida CE Broker, Texas BHEC, TCBAP-TCB-TAAP, IC&RC, NAADAC, California CADTP and CCADE, Florida Certification Board. EACC 2 PDHs Domain II, III expires June 30, 2024 The course also awards 1.75 CA BBS Hours and 1.75 NBCC Credit hours. Based upon these credentials, the course is accepted by most state boards for multiple licenses.
Note: This course has two study guides. You must complete the quiz for both study guides to obtain your CE Certificate.
Save the publications AND the quizzes to your computer, and read the materials off-line if you choose. Enroll in the course ONLY if you decide to take the quizzes and download your certificate. The quizzes must be taken ONLINE.
Take a quick look at the QUIZZES if you like. (Click the little plus + sign below the GOALS at the end of this overview, and then scroll down to find the quiz link.) Our approach to quiz development makes reading through online publications and completing the quiz 'do-able'. We accept PAYPAL and any regular credit or debit card.
The first Study Guide in Course 2H pertains specifically to adolescents and young adults who are HIV-infected or coping with AIDS. The GOALS for the first section of the course involve the following: :
1. Know how to identify HIV-infected adolescents who are at risk for substance use
2. Learn effective approaches to communication with HIV infected adolescents about substance use.
3. Know how to screen and assess for substance use disorders (SUDs) in HIV-infected adolescents
4. Know how to implement appropriate substance use interventions for use with HIV infected adolescents, and how to make referrals for additional treatment and social intervention as needed.
The second Study Guide in Course 2D focuses upon HIV/AIDS in the context of the FAMILY. This module provides guidance for the following GOALS:
1. Know some approaches for effectively communicating HIV status within the family
2. Understand the issues pertaining to arrangement of future care of children in the HIV infected household.
3. Understand the impact of substance use by the parent in an HIV/AIDS household, including the resulting impairment and complication of family dynamics.
4. Know how to recognize and manage abuse and neglect in HIV-affected families.
5. Pertaining to DOMESTIC VIOLENCE in HIV-affected families: Know the indicators, the assessment approach, some appropriate intervention techniques, and some special treatment planning issues when the HIV patient is the PERPETRATOR vs. when he or she is the VICTIM.
The course is appropriate for AOD-SA-CD Counselors, Pastoral Counselors, Rehab Specialists, LMFTs, LPCs and other licensed counselors, Social Workers, and other treatment providers.
The publication on adolescents is AUTHORED, COPYRIGHTED, AND PUBLISHED in the public domain by the New York State Department of Health AIDS Institute's Office of the Medical Director, in collaboration with The Johns Hopkins University, Division of Infectious Diseases. The AIDS Institute's Clinical Guidelines Program directly oversees the development, publication, dissemination and implementation of clinical practice guidelines addressing the management of adults, adolescents, and children with HIV infection.
The publication on HIV and the Family is AUTHORED, COPYRIGHTED, AND PUBLISHED by the same entity - the AIDS Institute's Office of the Medical Director, in collaboration with The Johns Hopkins University, Division of Infectious Diseases.
Note: You are free to read, download, save, and print the Study Guide(s) and Quiz(zes) for this Course, before deciding to enroll in the course. These course materials are public domain, and CEU By Net is sponsoring the course for CE Credit. You may STUDY THIS COURSE and the quiz AT NO CHARGE. You may enroll in the course at any time. You must take the quiz ONLINE, by logging into your
My Home Page
, clicking on the course you want to complete, completing the quiz or quizzes required, and submitting the Feedback Form. You will then instantly receive your course completion certificate! For more information on this course - and to see a COPY of the online quiz - click the '+' symbols, below:
Study Guide 1 - Substance Use and Dependence Among HIV-Infected Adolescents and Young Adults |
For the focus and goals of this module, see the overview section above.
Say the authors of this sponsored course: "For the purpose of these guidelines, the term adolescents refers to both adolescents and young adults, 13 to 24 years of age. The use and abuse of alcohol and other mood-altering substances can be particularly problematic for both adult and adolescent HIV-infected patients. However, substance use patterns are different between adolescents and adults.
"Screening, assessment, and treatment of substance use in adolescents require unique considerations, including the following: • Social factors, particularly strong peer influences, have a significant impact on adolescent substance use. • Experimentation with substances, especially with alcohol, is common among adolescents and is often considered normative behavior. • HIV-infected adolescents presenting for treatment typically demonstrate a high degree of co-occurring mental health symptoms or prior mental health diagnoses, which frequently precede the onset of problem substance use."
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to view and print the quiz you will take for this material.
Study Guide 2 - Family Issues for Patients with HIV/AIDS |
To review the focus and goals of this module, see the course overview above.
Say the authors of this sponsored course:
"As more women of childbearing age become HIV infected, HIV/AIDS increasingly becomes a disease that involves the family. Primary care practitioners working with HIV-infected parents should, therefore, be aware of the needs of their patients’ families, as the burden of HIV infection becomes much greater when children are involved.
"By providing treatment and solutions for common problems found in HIV-affected families, primary care practitioners help ease the pressure on these patients. Family members of an HIV-infected person also may face particular difficulties. When confronted with the knowledge of a person’s illness or lifestyle, family members can become confused or angry. If not addressed, these emotions can be turned against the HIV-infected person.
"Children who are infected must cope with and adapt to their own chronic and perhaps terminal illness. They often lack the emotional maturity that can help adults, yet they still must try to deal with the psychological effects that the disease can have on them and their families. Similarly, children who live with an HIV-infected family member must bear the psychological impact of this situation. The impact can be especially traumatic if the infected family member is the child’s parent or sibling."
YOU MUST CLICK THE BLUE 'CLICK HERE' LINK BELOW to view Study Guide 2 for free, for this section of the course.
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to view and print the quiz you will take for this material.
Course 5J - Suicide Risk and Prevention for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Youth |
Earn and download a certificate immediately upon completion of this module.
Only $24.00
No charge if you have a subscription
Course 5J - Suicide Risk and Prevention for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Youth
This course is sponsored online by CEU By Net and earns 5 Clock Hours of credit for multiple State Boards including Florida, Texas, and Alabama, TCBAP-TAAP, IC&RC, NAADAC, and Florida Certification Board. EACC - 5 PDHs Domain II, III - Expires June 30, 2024 It also awards 3.5 CA BBS Hours as of 10.01.15 and 5.0 before, and 3.5 NBCC Hours as of 05.01.15 and 5.0 before. Based upon these credentials, the course is accepted by most state boards for multiple licenses.
This is a 'QUIZ ONLY' course. You may read and print the study material (i.e., the Study Guide) AND A COPY of the quiz for FREE, before you decide to enroll in the course, if you wish. Just click the little plus + sign below the GOALS at the end of this overview, and then scroll down to find the links to the course material (Study Guide) and a copy of the quiz.
You may also save this course material to your computer, and work off-line if you choose. YOU ENROLL IN THE COURSE ONLY IF YOU WISH TO TAKE THE QUIZ and to obtain your INSTANTLY DOWNLOADED CEU CERTIFICATE.
This popular 'QUIZ ONLY' treatment intervention and counseling methodology course focuses upon prevention of suicide among Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) youth, ages 15-24, and awareness of the factors (including the internet) which contribute to LGBT suicide attempts and deaths in this age group.
The study materials are accessed free of charge through an internet link to the Suicide Prevention Resource Center in Newton, MA. The publication is a 'public domain' document prepared by the Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC) Education Development Center, Inc. under a grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Center for Mental Health Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), Grant No. 1 U79 SM57392-02 2008, reviewed annually for relevance.
The course is appropriate for Mental Health and AOD Counselors and Therapists, Social Workers, School Counselors, Psychologists, EAP counselors, teachers, and all individuals who serve adolescents and young adults within the community - whether as patients, clients, students or community members.
IMPORTANT: The authors of this well researched and documented publication are clear that because any young person may be LGBT, we must assume that clients or students could be any sexual orientation or gender identity and respond accordingly.
For additional information about these study materials - and to READ the online article and to PREVIEW AND PRINT a copy of the online quiz - JUST CLICK THE + SIGN BELOW THE 'GOALS' IN THIS SUMMARY, seen below.
1. To highlight the higher risk of suicidal behavior among lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) youth, and factors that contribute to it. This higher risk may well extend to transgender (T) youth.
2. Provide specific recommendations for ACTION to reduce the risk of suicide among LGBT youth - to take place in schools, communities, screening programs, crisis lines, practices and gatekeeping clinics.
3. Provide methods to address stigma and prejudice at the institutional and individual level - including the use of an LGBT Cultural Competence Model for working effectively with LGBT youth cultures.
4. Provide an understanding of the role of the internet as it may provoke and contribute to suicide of LGBT youth, as well as the positive ways that the internet may contribute to prevention of such suicides.
5. Heighten awareness of the issues of LGBT youth, and the recent advances in research regarding such youth.
6. Help not only to reduce the disparate rate of suicidal behavior of LGBT youth but to promote the health, safety, and inclusion of LGBT youth as visible and empowered members of our communities.
Note: You are free to read, download, save, and print the Study Guide(s) and Quiz(zes) for this Course, before deciding to enroll in the course. These course materials are public domain, and CEU By Net is sponsoring the course for CE Credit. You may STUDY THIS COURSE and the quiz AT NO CHARGE. You may enroll in the course at any time. You must take the quiz ONLINE, by logging into your
My Home Page
, clicking on the course you want to complete, completing the quiz or quizzes required, and submitting the Feedback Form. You will then instantly receive your course completion certificate! For more information on this course - and to see a COPY of the online quiz - click the '+' symbols, below:
Course 5J - Suicide Risk and Prevention for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Youth |
This sponsored course is written and published by the Suicide Prevention Resource Center in Newton, MA and is funded by the the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and its Center for Mental Health Services.
Special contributory recognition re LGBT youth is given to
-- Vincent M. B. Silenzio, M.D., M.P.H., Assistant Professor of Family Medicine, Psychiatry, and Community and Preventive Medicine, Center for the Study and Prevention of Suicide, University of Rochester Medical Center, and
-- Paul R. Duberstein, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Psychiatry; Director, Laboratory of Personality and Development; Co-Director, Center for the Study and Prevention of Suicide, University of Rochester Medical Center
1. To highlight the higher risk of suicidal behavior among lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) youth, and factors that contribute to it. This higher risk may well extend to transgender (T) youth.
2. Provide specific recommendations for ACTION to reduce the risk of suicide among LGBT youth - to take place in schools, communities, screening programs, crisis lines, practices and gatekeeping clinics.
3. Provide methods to address stigma and prejudice at the institutional and individual level - including the use of an LGBT Cultural Competence Model for working effectively with LGBT youth cultures.
4. Provide an understanding of the role of the internet as it may provoke and contribute to suicide of LGBT youth, as well as the positive ways that the internet may contribute to prevention of such suicides.
5. Heighten awareness of the issues of LGBT youth, and the recent advances in research regarding such youth.
6. Help not only to reduce the disparate rate of suicidal behavior of LGBT youth but to promote the health, safety, and inclusion of LGBT youth as visible and empowered members of our communities.
This paper was published in 2008 by the Suicide Prevention Resource Center, Newton, MA: Education Development Center, Inc.- and it was written by Effie Malley, Marc Posner, and Lloyd Potter with editorial and reference assistance provided by Lori Bradshaw and additional staff of the national Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC).
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Course 5H - Alcohol Problems in Intimate Relationships: Identification and Intervention with Families and Couples |
Earn and download a certificate immediately upon completion of this module.
Only $24.00
No charge if you have a subscription
Course 5H - Alcohol Problems in Intimate Relationships: Identification and Intervention with Families and Couples
This course is sponsored by CEU by Net and is specifically approved in Florida for 5 credit hours in Domestic Violence. It's approved and/or pre-approved by multiple licensing and certification boards including Texas' TCBAP-TCB-TAAP, IC&RC, NAADAC, Florida Certification Board, Texas Mental Health Boards, and three California Addiction Boards. Awards EACC - 5 PDHs Domain I, II, III - Expires June 13, 2025 It also awards 3.5 CALIFORNIA BBS Hours and 3.5 NBCC Hours. Based upon these credentials, our courses are accepted by most states for multiple licenses.
AUTHORS AND PUBLISHERS: This course is sponsored by CEU By Net and is published by the National Institute on Alcohol and Alcoholism (NIAAA), an agency of the National Institute of Health (NIH), and American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT). The material is authored by Linda J. Roberts, Ph.D. and Barbara S. McCrady, Ph.D., with supportive data provided by William F. Northey, Jr., Ph.D., of the AAMFT.
The course is appropriate for Marriage and Family Therapists, licensed counselors, Social Workers, EAP professionals and SUD treatment providers, including those who ASSESS and TREAT or REFER couples and families with PRIMARY or SECONDARY ALCOHOL PROBLEMS -- particularly those clients who have significant ‘problem drinking’ issues which may not be initially identified as a reason for seeking help (i.e., problem drinking that is ‘below the radar’).
This course presents a CBT approach to working with couples and families who present with MARITAL CONFLICT, DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, FINANCIAL STRIFE and/or pending DIVORCE .... in which the precipitating issue of PROBLEM DRINKING is oftentimes unacknowledged. Drinking may not have surfaced at the front end of the intervention process, and must be identified and addressed during assessment and the early stages of intervention. This course provides guidance in how to approach this sensitive issue.
The primary goal of this course, therefore, is to RECOGNIZE problem drinking early on, and its role in the conflict or domestic violence .... and then to address the SUD issues without precipitating a premature termination of treatment sessions. The authors teach a step-wise CBT approach to resolution of this precarious therapeutic situation, as well as very specific steps to take when Domestic Violence and risk to children is part of the picture.
1 Learn an "alcohol problems framework" for working with couples and families from a CBT perspective, and its implications for alcohol treatment and intervention.
2. Learn the defining characteristics and prevalence of a range of alcohol problems, including domestic violence and its management within a family or couples therapy context.
3. Understand the significance of alcohol problems in the couple and family context, vis-a-vis implications for marital conflict, parenting, and domestic violence.
4. Understand the importance of adopting a universal screening procedure in one’s practice or program, for quick and efficient identification of undetected alcohol problems - e.g., domestic violence.
5. Will have access to a downloadable ‘Clinical Toolbox’ – an extensive set of AOD Assessment forms to conduct effective screening, assessment, and diagnosis of alcohol problems, including those that are not clinically blatant.
6. Know how to decide to treat or not, when to treat, and how to select an appropriate intervention to protect spouse and children from ABUSE AND DOMESTIC VIOLENCE.
7. Learn the essentials of providing brief interventions for alcohol problems.
8. Know a range of treatment alternatives, and understand the factors to consider in choosing a treatment strategy or making a referral, including specialty treatment alternatives when appropriate.
ADDITIONAL FEATURES OF THIS MATERIAL: This open-access study material presents a clear, structured approach to ASSESSMENT AND TREATMENT of such alcohol-related issues within relationships and families - including multiple standardized and empirically validated ASSESSMENT FORMS which may be printed on your computer for personal use.
PLEASE CLICK THE + SIGN BELOW to READ the online course for FREE. You may also PREVIEW AND PRINT a copy of the online quiz.
Note: You are free to read, download, save, and print the Study Guide(s) and Quiz(zes) for this Course, before deciding to enroll in the course. These course materials are public domain, and CEU By Net is sponsoring the course for CE Credit. You may STUDY THIS COURSE and the quiz AT NO CHARGE. You may enroll in the course at any time. You must take the quiz ONLINE, by logging into your
My Home Page
, clicking on the course you want to complete, completing the quiz or quizzes required, and submitting the Feedback Form. You will then instantly receive your course completion certificate! For more information on this course - and to see a COPY of the online quiz - click the '+' symbols, below:
Course 5H - Alcohol Problems in Intimate Relationships - Study Guide Link |
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Course 3F - A Community Approach to Reducing Maternal Depression and Its Impact on Young Children |
Earn and download a certificate immediately upon completion of this module.
Only $20.00
No charge if you have a subscription
Course 3F - A Community Approach to Reducing Maternal Depression and Its Impact on Young Children
This course is sponsored by CEU By Net and earns 3 Clock Hours of credit for multiple State Boards including Florida CE Broker, Texas BHEC and TCBAP-TAAP, IC&RC, California CADTP and CCADE, NAADAC, and Florida Certification Board, and EACC 3 PDHs Domain III - Expires June 30, 2024. It also awards 2.75 CA BBS Hours as of 10.01.15 and 3.0 before, and 2.75 NBCC Hours as of 05.01.15 and 3.0 before. Based upon these credentials, course is accepted by most state boards for multiple licenses.
Note: THIS IS A 'QUIZ ONLY' COURSE! Read and print the study material and the quiz for FREE, study off-line if you like, and take the quiz online. YOU ENROLL in the course ONLY TO TAKE THE ONLINE QUIZ and to obtain your INSTANTLY DOWNLOADED CE certificate. NOTE: The quiz for this course was substantially revised in 2014.
The course document is in the public domain, published by the National Center for Children In Poverty [Columbia University].
This informative paper on Maternal Depression in low income families was developed by Jane Knitzer, EdD, Suzanne Theberge, MPH, and Kay Johnson, MPH, MEd. NCCP is a nonpartisan, public interest research organization. The paper is jointly published by Project Thrive and NCCP.
The research studies and model community programs which are reviewed here focus upon MATERNAL DEPRESSION as a significant risk factor in LOW INCOME FAMILIES, affecting the well-being and school readiness of young children. ETHNIC AND CULTURAL factors are important elements which must be included in program design for both prevention and treatment of depression in low income families.
Although there is ample description of how Maternal Depression plays out in the various ETHNIC GROUPS, it is also clear that living in POVERTY is a CULTURE in and of itself, regardless of the individual's ethnicity.
Low-income parents of young children experience particularly high levels of DEPRESSION, often in combination with other risk factors such as SUBSTANCE ABUSE and ADDICTION (including smoking, binge drinking, and illicit drug use), DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, and the daily stress of POVERTY. The negative impact on their children is well documented.
The GOALS of this course appear below the description of how this 'Quiz Only' course works - including how you can view and print the course materials and quizzes for FREE.
THIS IS A 'QUIZ ONLY' COURSE: How is this course different from some of the courses available on the CEU By Net website? Some of the courses on our site are developed by CEU By Net, and you pay your fee to access the in-house course materials and the quiz. However, this is a sponsored 'QUIZ ONLY' course. The material for this course - and the quiz which we have developed to assess mastery of the materials - may be accessed FOR FREE on the internet, by clicking a link on our site. After reviewing the materials free of charge, you may pay the fee to take our online quiz and obtain your instant-download certificate. [We suggest that you print a copy of the quiz and mark your answers as you read through the materials. Then, click the 'SIGN UP NOW' button in the catalog, pay your fee, and take the online quiz. You can transfer your answers from the previously printed copy of the quiz, to the online quiz, if you like.]
For more detail, AND TO ACCESS THE COURSE MATERIALS AND THE QUIZ FOR FREE, click the little + sign, below the GOALS which follow:
1. Identify the risks and key cultural barriers to women of differing ethnicities who are experiencing maternal depression, including drinking and use of illicit drugs, poverty, domestic violence, and inability to effectively parent their young children.
2. Review the research-based knowledge about the impact of maternal depression on young children, particularly infants and toddlers, and the prevalence of maternal depression among different ethnic and economic groups.
3. Obtain an empirically based understanding of how the mental health and AOD aspects of maternal depression result in cognitive, social, emotional and behavioral deficits in young children. 4. Review examples of community prevention and treatment strategies designed to be sensitive to ethnic and cultural biases of Caucasian, Latino, and African American adult and teen women.
5. Learn about model programs which address the community, cultural, and ethnic barriers to obtaining treatment - thereby to craft more appropriate intervention responses for use by mental health and substance abuse providers.
Note: You are free to read, download, save, and print the Study Guide(s) and Quiz(zes) for this Course, before deciding to enroll in the course. These course materials are public domain, and CEU By Net is sponsoring the course for CE Credit. You may STUDY THIS COURSE and the quiz AT NO CHARGE. You may enroll in the course at any time. You must take the quiz ONLINE, by logging into your
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This 3-credit hour course is a pdf document accessed FREE by an open-access internet link to the National Center for Children In Poverty [Columbia University] website. If you wish to earn CE CREDIT and a CE Certificate for reading this well documented material, you may do so by taking a quiz on our website. NOTE: YOU NEED TO HAVE ADOBE READER 8 or 9 or ANOTHER PDF READER on your computer to view this document over the internet.
This paper presents an extensive description of MODEL COMMUNITY and THERAPEUTIC PROGRAMS in multiple ethnic communities, as well as some key research studies related to prevalence, outcomes, and BEST PRACTICES.
The GOALS of this Continuing Education activity are seen in the section above.
The paper also provides a superior BIBLIOGRAPHY of position papers and research studies of this subject, should the CE participant wish to follow up with more information and study.
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