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Quiz_Course 3J



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Beginning at Part 1: This Practice Brief focuses upon development of culturally and linguistically competent programs and services to meet the needs and preferences of LGBTQI2-S adolescents and other youth.
True False
In this publication, LGBTQI2-S is the acronym for
lesbian, gay, bisexual, transvestite, questioning, intersex, or two-spirit
lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, or two-spirit
lesbian, gay, bisexual, transvestite, questioning, intersex, or two-spirit
lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, intersex, or two-spirit
The term 'Intersex' refers to
individuals who are emotionally and sexually attracted to, and may partner with, both males and females.
individuals with medically defined biological attributes that are not exclusively male or female; frequently “assigned” a gender at birth, which may differ from their gender identity later in life
individuals whose gender identity varies, depending upon the circumstances and the environment they are in.
'Gay' can be used as an overarching term used to refer to a broad array of sexual orientation identities other than heterosexual.
True False
LGBTQI2-S youth also may use other terms to describe their sexual orientation and gender identity, such as
homosexual or asexual
gender queer or non-gendered
all of the above
only the 1st and 2nd answers
'Transgender' refers to individuals who
have undergone a sex change operation.
express a gender identity different from their birth-assigned gender.
are heterosexuals but enjoy cross-dressing.
Two-Spirit (2-S)
is a culture-specific general identity for Native Americans (American Indians and Alaska Natives) with homosexual or transgendered identities.
refers to Native Americans who are perceived to bridge different sectors of society (e.g., the male-female dichotomy, and the Spirit and natural worlds).
both of the above
Youth who are LGBTQI2-S are part of a distinctive cultural group which includes a defined set of norms, social events, styles, and use of language.
True False
There are ample programs and services that are tailored for LGBTQI2-S youth and their families, and thus there is no reason for an adolescent to fear 'coming out' or seeking support.
True False
Moving to 'Recommendations and Strategies': Which statement below is NOT a recommended approach to developing a constructive environment for LGBTQI2-S youth?
Ensure that staff have a high level of awareness of LGBTQI2-S issues.
Services should be linguistically competent (e.g., welcoming and nonjudgmental, respectful of preferred terms for sexual orientation and/or gender identity, and offered in sign language and in languages other than English)
Display symbols of support for LGBTQI2-S issues within offices and public areas, such as hanging rainbow flags or pink triangles on agency walls and in windows.
Maintain confidentiality and privacy of all youth self-disclosures (particularly when youth share their LGBTQI2-S identity) to protect them from victimization, stigma, abuse, and discrimination.
Insist that LGBTQI2-S youth bring their legal guardians and siblings into the service setting before services are provided.
Offering services and supports to the entire family unit
may seem like a good idea; but families need to obtain understanding and acceptance of their child’s sexual orientation or gender identity on their own - otherwise the youth's treatment may be compromised
helps families who may be struggling with understanding or accepting their child’s sexual orientation or gender identity, and may also be seeking resources or supports.
Social networking and online LGBTQI2-S resources can be an effective substitute for having direct contact with a supportive individual.
True False
Requiring youth who are transgender or non-gender to identify their sex or a male-female gender identity on agency forms - with no option for 'other' - is especially problematic when youth are in crisis.
True False
Unless the youth confides information about LGBTQI2-S status, we should assume that he or she is heterosexual.
True False
When we become aware that a youth identifies as LGBTQI2-S, we should assume that the youth is distressed or troubled about their LGBTQI2-S identity, in order to facilitate discussion.
True False
It is important to understand that
mental health challenges experienced by LGBTQI2-S youth are typically caused by their LGBTQI2-S status.
some mental health challenges experienced by youth who are LGBTQI2-S are independent of their LGBTQI2-S identity.
The most effective way for staff to become educated about the health and medical issues of transgender youth is to listen and learn from the youth who have self-identified as transgender.
True False
Although we should create a safe environment for youth who are transgender or do not identify as male or female, these youth need to adjust to gendered bathroom facilities.
True False
From one community to another, beliefs and norms about persons who are LGBTQI2-S
are essentially the same, and we can therefore utilize a consistent approach to development of service programs across communities.
differ significantly based on both cultural and geographic factors, and thus services should be planned accordingly.
Agency planners
should not become involved in providing a meeting place for youth who are LGBTQI2-S, because to do so may be perceived as 'controlling' and intrusive.
should provide a community center or other 'safe' meeting place for youth who are LGBTQI2-S to obtain needed information and to interact socially.
Social Networking websites offer many online resources to LGBTQI2-S youth, but there are very few online resources available to professionals who are seeking training and tools for working with LGBTQI2-S youth and their families.
True False
Moving on to Part 2 of this course, 'A Guide for Understanding, Supporting, and Affirming LGBTQI2-S Children, Youth, and Families':

Disorder of Sex Development (DSD) refers to ____________
a medical label for being being gay, lesbian, or bisexual.
a medical condition in which an individual is born with a reproductive/sexual anatomy that does not fit typical definitions of male or female.
those whose gender identity/expression is different from that typically associated with their assigned sex at birth.
'Gender identity' is our internal sense of being male, female, or something else.
True False
'Gender expression' is the manner in which people represent their gender [gender identity] to others, e.g., an individual may express their gender identity through mannerisms, clothes, and personal interests.
True False
'Cisgender' __________
refers to people whose gender identity and gender expression do not differ from that typically associated with their assigned sex at birth.
describes people whose gender identity/expression is different from that typically associated with their assigned sex at birth.
Based upon the correct answer to the question above, a CIGENDER male may be
homosexual ('gay')
any of the above
Which of the statements below is true?
People choose to be gay, bisexual, or transgender - i.e., it is a lifestyle choice.
Being gay or bisexual is a dysfunction that can be cured.
Gay and bisexual people who keep their sexual orientation to themselves fit into society better, and are happier.and more successful.
None of the above are true.
Which of the following statements is not true?
Research indicates that young people who are LGBT and experience high levels of family rejection are more than eight times as likely to attempt suicide and more than three times as likely to use illegal drugs.
Transgender or intersex people may refer to the 'coming out' process as 'disclosure'.
Respect and acknowledge the identity of young people who are LGBTQI2-S by using acceptable and inclusive language, such as 'Are you seeing anyone?' rather than, 'Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?'
When the youth has made a decision about sexual orientation and gender identity, 'coming out' is then a clearly defined step--by-step process.
Professionals must let LGBTQI2-S children and youth choose when to come out and to whom.
Moving on to PART 3 of this course:

LGBT youth are frequently placed in child welfare settings to escape abuse at home. Based upon known outcomes, Foster Care should be viewed as ____________ .
a typically safe choice for alternative housing of LGBTQI2-S youth.
a setting that typically offers culturally and linguistically appropriate care to LGBTQI2-S youth.
a living situation that most LGBTQI2-S youth consider to be safer than living on the street.
oftentimes unsafe, with reported harassment and abuse in Foster Care occurring in up to 78 percent of cases studied.
oftentimes unsafe, with reported harassment and abuse in Foster Care occurring in up to 15 percent of cases studied.
With regard to homelessness and LGBTQI2-S youth, which is not true?
Survival sex is defined as exchanging sex for anything needed, including money, food, clothes, a place to stay or drugs.
Research indicates that homeless LGBT youth are at especially high risk for engaging in survival sex.
Studies indicate that male youth who are homeless experience higher rates of survival sex and prostitution than homeless females.
Studies indicate that homeless LGBT youth have low rates of substance use because they don't have the cash to pay for it.
Lifetime suicide attempts for LGBT youth who are homeless are significantly higher than their heterosexual peers.


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