Required Human Trafficking Training — Ethics, Culture, Identification, Assessment, and Rescue
This course prepares you to recognize, ethically assess, and safely rescue sexually trafficked children and adolescents living on the street or in plain sight. Know how to ethically interact with the US Department of Justice in its prosecution of perpetrators.
Enroll in our online training course 8T and download your TX HHSC-required certificate in Human Trafficking, including 8 credit hours applicable to several required Continuing Education categories.
Go Here to Enroll in the Course
Spread these 8 CEUs over various required CE topics! In addition to instant download of your Human Trafficking certificate, you can apply your eight credit hours (CEUs) to cultural competence, ethics, HIV, SUD and mental health assessment, trauma-informed care, abuse and exploitation, and Federal LAWS and RULES.
CEU By Net's Human Trafficking Course is approved by Texas HHSC, NBCC, NAADAC, EACC-EAPA, IC&RC, and most state licensing boards nationwide based on these credentials.
It's FREE with our $49 Unlimited CE Plan, or $22 if taken alone. Sign up now and finish your CEUs!
What will you learn in this course?
View Our National and State Approvals
View the National Authors and Publishers of This Course Material, Sponsored by CEU By Net, LLC
This Course Is Client-Centered
Course 8T provides essential, research-validated information about how to work ethically and effectively with adolescent Human Trafficking victims from a client-centered perspective. The knowledge contained in this course is shared by national organizations and hundreds of adolescent survivors of Sex Trafficking.
The client-centered, trauma-informed care you provide to young trafficking victims is unique. Trafficked adolescents have been severely traumatized, sexually and physically assaulted, and stripped of their dignity and personal safety.
As emancipated minors—victims of a traumatizing crime—these youth are guests in your office or voluntary contacts on the street, and are communicating with you of their own volition.
Knowledge of these dynamics is critical for ethicality and the success of your clinical work with trafficking survivors.
Learn the essential features of working with minors under these circumstances—those who are in danger but legally free to make independent decisions, giving them a unique measure of control.
This course provides an actionable understanding of the 'first steps' following your initial encounter with the trafficking victim, and it paves the way for all that follows.
Ultimately, your priorities are to ethically facilitate the victim's safe escape from the Sex Trafficking situation; to assist the Department of Justice in successful prosecution of the trafficking perpetrators; and to obtain community and Federally assisted services for the victim which will promote recovery.
Learn the legal difference between sex trafficking and prostitution. Understand the Federal laws pertaining to sex trafficking of children and adolescents vs. adults, applicable to all states.
The Trafficking Assessment Format
At the front end, the assessment and the therapeutic approach with trafficked youth differs significantly from that occurring in a normal office environment.
Download a complete Trafficking Assessment, specifically designed for use with trafficking victims. The Trafficking Assessment in this course is client centered and research-based, for safe and effective use in your work with this special client population.
Learn the varying perspectives of different cultures about sex trafficking, the major vulnerability of LGBTQ youth, and how to integrate this knowledge into your assessment of trafficking victims.
Learn the specific information which you must gather to ethically support successful prosecution of the perpetrator by the U.S. Department of Justice, and how the interagency coordination is conducted.
Why Is Behavioral Health Now Involved in Human Trafficking?
In the past 3 years, the U.S. Department of Justice has increased its national campaign to dismantle the organized crime rings in which Human Trafficking is a lucrative business.
At the local and state level, the initial priorities are to increase the general public's and health care providers' awareness of Human Trafficking activity with an understanding that it is a Federal Crime. Learn what is needed to take appropriate action, and how to coordinate with the US Department of Justice to prosecute perpetrators.
Publishers, Copyrights
This Continuing Education course is sponsored online by CEU By Net, LLC. The research and didactic material in the course is published and copyrighted by the Federal Department of Justice, the Department of Health and Human Services, SAMHSA, the Office of Victims of Crime, the Polaris Project, and Family & Youth Services Bureau — Runaway and Homeless Youth Training & Technical Assistance Center—National Safe Place Network.
Feedback from over 2,275 professionals who have taken this 8 credit hour course gave an average rating of 4.6 on a 5-point scale for quality, understandability, and relevance to the behavioral health work they do.
CEU By Net's Licensing Approvals
8 Credit Hours are pre-approved by the Texas HHSC, Behavioral Health Executive Council and the Texas Mental Health and Addiction Licensing Boards; and by NAADAC, EACC-EAPA, IC&RC, Florida Mental Health Board, CE Broker and Florida Certification Board, Texas TCB-TCBAP-TAAP, and most states for mental health and addiction treatment providers.
California BBS and NBCC approve 5.5 credit hours for counselors, social workers, marriage and family therapists, and NCCs, based on 6,000 words per credit hour.
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