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Welcome to CEU By Net!  This Is Our FAQ Page!  The Most Common Questions Asked by New Website Customers Are Found in the 'Quick Link' Section at the Top.  There Are Additional Questions Lower On the Page.

Just Click a Question for Answers.  If You Don't See What You Are Looking for On This Page, Please Go to Our Troubleshooting Page.  

Or you can always Contact Us!  We are here from around noon until 10 PM Central Time, seven days per week.  Call us or text us or send us an email.   




















Before we get to the FAQs in more detail  . . . An important note about the meaning of 'CEUs' and 'PDHs' and 'NBCC HOURS' and 'CLOCK HOURS:' 


This website serves professionals from every state and US Territory, with many different licenses and certifications.  We know that 'continuing education credit' can be confusing at times, because State Licensing Boards and State and National Certification Boards across the country are not consistent with each other, in the terminology they use to describe 'CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDIT’.  

Please go here, to see a complete explanation about how we determine the number of credits you earn for a course.     



Now, on with more FAQs!

What form of PAYMENT do we accept?    

How to PURCHASE a course?

How Much Do Your Courses COST?  And How to PAY?

Can I get a REFUND if I don't like the course(s)?

You bought an ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION, but when you click the 'Sign Up Now' button to enroll in a course, you are ASKED TO PAY?  What went wrong there? 

Forgot your PASSWORD or USERNAME?  No problem.  

Do I Have to Take a QUIZ in One Sitting?  Or Can I Stop in the Middle of a Quiz, and Pick Up Where I Left Off?  

What is a 'QUIZ ONLY' course?


I need to CHANGE THE LICENSE or certification on my certificates.  How do I do that?  

Want to CHANGE YOUR EMAIL address or other personal information - or your password?  Easy.  

If a LINK to a course won't open, just disable your POPUP BLOCKER to view the course.  

If you have a MAC with problems opening courses, go here.

I  DON'T HAVE A PRINTER, How Do I Get a 'Hard Copy' of My Certificate? 

Can I EMAIL MY CERTIFICATE To Myself or Someone Else?


Are we 'TRADITIONAL HOME STUDY' or 'Independent Study' or a 'Correspondence Course'?  NO.

Do we provide INTERACTIVE continuing education?  YES.    

What APPROVALS do our courses have? 

Do You Guarantee That My BOARD WILL ACCEPT Your Course Credits? 

EACC Approved PDHs? Yes! Our courses on this site are either already approved by EACC for EAPA CEAPs or in the process of submission and review.  See the course definition in the catalog to know the current status of the course.    

And In Case You Missed It . . . About CLOCK HOURS of CE Credit

About Acrobat Reader

How to Turn Off Your Pop-Up Blockers

How to Reach Us For ROUTINE QUESTIONS or Issues 

How to Reach Us in URGENT SITUATIONS?    

Have QUESTIONS about COURSES?  Concepts?  ISSUES?  Our answers to quiz questions?  Want to argue a point?  Need a better understanding of something you have read?  


For a few more questions and answers click here!       



What Form of Payment Do We Accept?  

We accept all major credit cards.  And please note, we NEVER automatically bill your credit card.  In fact, we don't retain any of your credit card information on our website.  When you make a purchase, your credit card information is seamlessly transmitted directly to your credit card gateway for processing, and is not recorded in our website database for any purpose whatsoever.      


How Much Is Each Course?  And How to Pay for Individual Courses?

The price for individual courses is located in our online catalog, to the left of each course description.  We'll describe how to purchase individual courses, below. 

However, you may wish to consider our Annual Subscription, for only $49.00.  With an Annual Subscription, you can enroll in UNLIMITED courses and earn UNLIMITED credit hours at no additional charge for one full year from date of subscription purchase. To learn more about our Annual Subscription, go HERE.

If you want to purchase a single course - or one course at a time - please read on below.

1. To find a course which interests you, please click the 'Courses' tab on the menu bar near the top of this page. You will see a drop-down menu of subject areas.  Click an area in which you are interested - for example 'Ethics Courses' - and you will be taken directly to that topic in the catalog. 

2. When you have selected a particular catalog to explore, you will see the titles of the courses offered in that subject area, listed below the catalog introduction. 

3. Just click on the little + signs to read the description of each course.

4. Unless you have an Annual Subscription, the individual price of each course (or quiz, for 'Quiz Only' courses) is to the left of the course description, below the 'Sign Up Now' button.   


You have already purchased an Annual Subscription - but we asked you to PAY when you clicked SIGN UP NOW in the catalog to enroll in a course?  What went wrong there?

The problem here is that when you clicked the 'Sign Up Now' button in the catalog, you weren't logged in to the account WHICH IS ATTACHED TO YOUR ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION.  And IF you have two or more accounts on this website, you must log in to the right account:  The one which is attached to the CURRENT Annual Subscription.  

Otherwise, our system won't know who you are, and will ask you to pay for the individual course. 

P.S. - The prices below the SIGN UP NOW button are for people who don't have an Annual Subscription.  If you have a subscription, ignore the price tag.  Just be sure that you are logged in with your username and your password - and click SIGN UP NOW.     


Can I Get a Refund if I Don't Like the Course(s)?

The Fine Print: All purchases on our website are nonrefundable and non-transferable. Users will not receive a refund or be able to transfer payment to another course or individual, once the course or Annual Subscription has been purchased. 

We provide detailed descriptions of the courses and the goals of the courses in the catalog, which can help you make a decision to purchase or not.

Further, with all of the courses we offer, you can READ the course and the quiz(zes) for FREE. With 95% of the courses, you can also DOWNLOAD, SAVE, AND PRINT both the course materials AND the quizzes for FREE before deciding to register on the site or to enroll in a course.  In other words, you have full access to information about our site and what we offer, before you make a decision to register or purchase anything.      


Want to change your email address or other personal information - or maybe your password?  Here's how: 

If at any time you want to change your email address or your license designation, log in to your My Home Page and click PROFILE. Highlight and change your email address or other information, and SAVE it. If you want to change your password, you can do so from your My Home Page, by clicking STUDENT HOME and then CHANGE PASSWORD. Enter a new password and SAVE it.       


 Who Approves or Accepts Our Courses?    

We're a Certified Continuing Education Provider for the National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC - and we are ACEP #6338), the international Employee Assistance Certification Commission (EACC), Texas Certification Board of Addiction Professionals (TCBAP - an IC&RC Member Board) and Texas Association of Addiction Professionals (TAAP - an Approved CE Provider for NAADAC). 

We are also an Approved CE Provider for the California Board of Behavioral Science (BBS) through our NBCC ACEP status (#6338); Florida State Board for Social Workers, LMHCs, and LMFTs, registered by Florida CE Broker (#50-9610);  Alabama Board of Social Work; and Texas Boards for Social Workers, Professional Counselors, and Marriage and Family Therapists by Statutory Rule.  

Based upon our various credentials, our Course Credits are accepted by most Other States, for most licenses.  Go to our INTERACTIVE MAP to see if YOUR state board accepts our course credits.    

Because we are licensed CE Provider for an IC&RC Member Board (TCBAP), our course credits are accepted by all Branches of the US Military, and by most State Boards for addiction professionals, including Florida Certification Board. 


Please read on below ....       


Are Our Credits Guaranteed to Be Acceptable to Your Board? 

Most States do accept our course credits for multiple licenses, BASED UPON the fact that we are approved, licensed, certified, and/or pre-approved as an Online CE Provider for multiple State Boards and national and international accrediting bodies (e.g., NBCC, EACC, State Licensure and Certification Boards, IC&RC, NAADAC and other pre-approval organizations). 

However, State Boards do differ in whether or not they will recognize credits approved by other licensing and accrediting bodies.  THEREFORE, we encourage you to check with your State Board if you have any questions about whether or not they will accept our course credits based upon our multiple certifications.

You can also check here to see what we have found about approval criteria for your state (based upon your State's online publications), here on our Interactive Licensure Map.           


Are We 'Traditional Home Study' or 'Independent Study' or a 'Correspondence Course'? No, We Are Not Any of Those.  We Are Online, Interactive Distance Learning.   

CEU By Net's CE courses and competency quizzes and certificates are provided via the internet through 'INTERACTIVE Distance Learning Technology'.  Our program is an 'Interactive, Electronic Computer-Based Learning' program.     



No state or organization which has audited and certified our CE program has considered us to be a 'correspondence course' or 'home study' in the traditional sense.  We are audited as an ONLINE INTERACTIVE Continuing Education Provider.      

Course Documents Won't Open or Download, or Your Certificate Won't Download or Print? 

Problem:   If you click on a link to download your certificate, or to view course materials in the catalog or in your account, but the link won't open (it just sits there), the problem is most likely that your POPUP BLOCKER is TURNED ON. You will need to turn your popup blockers OFF.    

If that doesn't solve the problem you will need to update or install Adobe Reader.  Go here to get instructions for installing or updating Adobe Reader - including mobile devices.   FOR MAC WITH THESE PROBLEMS, GO HERE.


Forgot Your Username or Password?

Please notice that we have a 'Forgot Password' link and also a 'Forgot Username' link in the login area on the left side of the page, below our logo. They are readily available to you  - placed next to the username and password fields.  Please try the 'Forgot Password' or 'Forgot Username' link.  And remember that we always email the reset link back to the email address with which you registered.  

If you no longer have access to that email address just send us a request with your NEW email address,  to and we will reset your password for you. 

Your License or Certification Doesn't Show on Your Certificate? Here's What to Do.

The problem is that you did not enter a license or certification on your registration information profile.  Therefore, your certificates do not specify a license.  You can add a license or certification to your registration data at any time, and can then re-download and reprint your certificates.  Your newly entered license or certification will print correctly.  If you need to specify a license or provisional license category that is not listed there,  simply enter the license in the 'OTHER' field.

You can download and re-download your certificates as often as you choose.  If you don't like the way your name or license is displayed, just make changes in your profile, and RE-DOWNLOAD your certificate.  Your changes will be there. 

OR do you need to make a change in the license or certification that appears on your certificates?  Here's how to do it:  

1. log in,   

2. click My Profile under Student Home,  

3. scroll down to the licensure section,   

4. look for the link above the licensure list that says 'To make changes in your licenses, click here' and click the blue link that says 'click here'. 

5. make your changes or additions, and be sure to click SAVE.  You may need to uncheck a box, or may need to check a new box, or may need to enter the initials of your license or certification in the 'OTHER' FIELD.    

6.  If you want to add a graduate degree that will appear BEFORE the license or certification (such as a Masters Degree or Ph.D. preceding an LCSW, LPC, LCDC or other license), then UNCHECK any box you have checked, and THEN ENTER the entire credential string in the 'OTHER' FIELD (e.g., MA, LPC ... or MS, LCSW, ... or PhD, Licensed Psychologist, etc.).    

 7.  Then ALWAYS be sure to click SAVE after you have made your changes.  

You can check to see if the credentials are as you want them to be, by downloading a certificate and viewing it on the screen. If it's not what you want, give it another try by repeating the steps above. However, please know that we will be happy to make any changes you might desire, if this approach doesn't work for you.  



Have Questions About Course Material? Concepts? Issues? Want to Argue a Point?  Need a Better Understanding of Something You've Read?  

Just email us at  We are here seven days per week, including holidays - and we are available to answer your questions and requests for clarification about any of the course materials presented on our continuing education website.  We provide personal response to your questions until 10:00 PM Central Time.

We'll first respond to your question by email - and if additional dialog is needed, we are available to talk by phone.  The place to start is an email.

All certificates earned on this website will then show the most recent changes which are made and SAVED in your account.     

About Our Online Quizzes . . .

Q: How do I find the quizzes - where are they on your web site?  And how do I know if I have completed all the quizzes for a course?  

A: All of our quizzes are online, INTERACTIVE, and are graded automatically.  

If there is more than one quiz link on a Study Guides and Quizzes page, that means that your course is divided into sections - and there is a quiz for each section.  Most of our courses have only one quiz.  But if there is more than one quiz, take them in any order you choose.   

Your 'progress' column on your My Home Page will tell you if you have completed all of the quizzes AND the Feedback Form. If it says 'in process', that means something isn't done yet.  9 times out of 10, it's the Feedback Form.

DON'T forget that you must do the Feedback Form after you have completed all of the quizzes.  If you don't submit it, you can't get a certificate.  

NOTE:  When you have completed all of the quizzes required for the course (1 or more), you will see a message from us: 

'CONGRATULATIONS! Please complete the FEEDBACK QUESTIONNAIRE, to Get Your Certificate.'  Just click the link to the Feedback form, complete it and submit it.  THEN you have completed the course and may download your certificate.  



On this site, you don't have to worry about whether you can stop in the middle of a quiz.  Why not?  There are two approaches:  

1. Print a PAPER COPY of the online quiz before you start reading the course material, and mark your answers on the quiz copy as you read along.  Take as much time as you want to read through the course materials ... marking answers on your QUIZ COPY as you read. 

Then when you are ready to take the quiz online, just click the 'Take the Quiz' link on your Study Guides and Quizzes page, and then TRANSFER THE ANSWERS that you marked on your COPY of the quiz, onto the SCREEN, and then click SUBMIT when  you are finished. 

It takes just a couple of minutes to complete a quiz, using this easy approach. 


2.  Even if you have to stop in the middle of taking a quiz, just don't close the quiz page.  It will stay open and active as long as your computer stays connected to the page - even if you have your computer set to 'sleep' after a certain number of minutes.  If you don't close the quiz page, and don't turn off your computer, it will be there waiting for you, when you return to your computer.  

This is an open-access website.    

NOTE:  This is an OPEN ACCESS WEBSITE. This means that you can read the entire course and the quiz(zes) for FREE, BEFORE YOU DECIDE IF YOU WANT TO ENROLL IN THE COURSE. You don't even have to set up an account or register to view all of the course materials and quizzes for FREE.  

You pay a fee ONLY if you decide to enroll in the course and take the quiz (OR buy an Annual Subscription for only $49 and enroll for free).  

Other Questions:

Q: How long do I have, to complete the course and the quizzes?

A:  There is no time limit - for anything! You may return to both the quizzes AND the course material as many times as you like, until you have obtained all of the certificates that are available for the course(s) in which you are enrolled, or until one year has passed since you purchased your course.

Q: So are you saying that I don't have to print out the quiz, complete it, fax it in to you, and wait for a response in order to get my certificate?

A.  That is correct! Our quiz process is entirely automatic, on a 24/7 basis, 365 days per year. Our automated software does it all! No mailing, no faxing, no waiting for someone to come back from lunch!

Q: So, no one at CEU By Net has to actually see or score my QUIZZES?

A: That is correct. Our software - powered by Pendragon Associates - scores the quizzes electronically. Human eyes and hands never touch them! You know right away if you have answered enough questions correctly to pass each quiz. If not, just take it again, right then and there, or later if you choose.

Q: Is taking the QUIZZES a complicated procedure?

A: The process of taking and passing quizzes is ultra-easy. You take the short quizzes on line, while connected to the internet. Quizzes are a mixture of  True-False and Multiple Choice.
Take a look at the Quiz for Course 5J -  'Quiz Only' Course 5J - Suicide Risk and Prevention with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Youth

Q: Can I take the QUIZZES in any order that I wish?

A: YES. And don't worry - if you forget which quizzes you have already passed, we'll tell you.  Go to your 'My Home Page' and click the name of the course about which you need this information.  We have a GREAT 'status' page for each course in which you are enrolled - the 'Study Guides and Quizzes' page.  Clicking the link on your My Home Page will take you there.  You can easily toggle back and forth from course materials to quizzes, just by 'clicking'!  


CEU By Net - Thanks for visiting!   Z


All content on this site is Copyright (c) 2006-2021 by Pendragon Associates and/or CEU by Net