Welcome to CEU By Net's online Cultural Competence and DEI training that moves beyond the traditional focus. These courses focus on the importance of the individual client's PERSONAL CULTURE — beyond traditional DEI concepts.
These courses expand the meaning of Cultural Competence and DEI with an important client-centered 'reframe' that focuses on the client's internal, personal culture — rather than on the social, political, and legal aspects of inclusivity, equity, and diversity.
In a clinical practice, each client's PERSONAL CULTURE is unique, and our recognition of that uniqueness is the core of effective mental health and addiction counseling.
'Personal Culture' is formed from the totality of a client's life experience — and this personal experience must be the ultimate focus of crisis intervention and subsequent treatment.
Therapeutic success depends on your selection of client-centered tools and techniques that support and accommodate the personal culture and life circumstances of the client.
CEU By Net's sponsored courses share research-validated approaches to assessment, diagnosis, and intervention that mesh with your client's PERSONAL CULTURE.
Courses are appropriate for Counselors, Social Workers, LMFTs, and Addiction Professionals.
What You Will Find Here
CEU By Net's sponsored courses share research-validated approaches to assessment, diagnosis, and intervention that mesh with your client's PERSONAL CULTURE, aside from traditional concepts of inclusivity, equity, and diversity.
Our courses include toolkits and client-centered counseling techniques for accurate clinical assessment, diagnosis, and counseling in specific situations and age groups:
Explore specific counseling methods for PTSD arising from different traumatic situations, with children vs. adults vs. combat veterans.
Get the details of telemental health setup and operation, considering the personal culture and experiences of the client.
Learn and download situation-specific protocols for suicide prevention and postvention in schools. Work with families and communities to prevent suicide of youth may vary significantly.
Know how to halt a near-fatal overdose of Fentanyl and the essential follow up after discharge from the ER, when the client is not ready for abstinence.
Know how to use CBT in dual diagnosis anger management groups where personal experiences of clients may vary significantly. Workbooks are published in English, Spanish, and Korean.
Understand the unique culture and trauma of sexually trafficked victims, how to assess and rescue them as emancipated minors, and how to work with law enforcement.
Learn how to operate and adapt politically challenging HIV Harm Reduction programs, using three different research-validated program designs published by SAMHSA.
And more.
Course credits are nationally developed and nationally approved.
Earn FREE cultural competence & counseling CEUs with our Unlimited CEUs Annual Subscription, only $49 per year.
What Constitutes the Client's Personal Culture?
The life experiences that impact the individual's personal culture include many things that are addressed in these courses, including these key factors:
Religious, familial, and personal belief systems, mass violence and trauma, crisis, suicide, and grief.
Entrenched values and goals, circumstantial or chosen lifestyle, and sexual identity issues. Quality of life and social environment, anger management issues, employment identity, life expectancy, and more.
For a complete list of our Cultural Competence courses and to enroll in a course, go to the Cultural Competence Catalog.
CEU By Net's sponsored continuing education courses are research-based and published by SAMHSA, Department of Justice, Polaris, the Office for Victims of Crime, NIH, and their national partners. Take courses that demonstrate client-centered counseling and accommodates the client's personal culture.
Courses are nationally APPROVED for behavioral health professionals, earning CE credit for NBCC, NAADAC, IC&RC, and are an acceptable source of continuing education for most state boards.
Brief Guide to Popular Client-Centered Cultural Competence Courses
Course 8T — Become aware of the cultural elements that significantly impact the effective assessment and rescue of sexually trafficked children, adolescents, and young adults.
Course 4V addresses the widespread cultural impact of public mass shooting in K-12 schools and workplaces in America — including its political environment. Provides detail about how to train students, teachers, and co-workers to recognize impending threats, and approaches to prevention.
Course 8K and 1K — Understand how cultural diversity impacts Harm Reduction approaches to individuals with co-occurring HIV and addiction.
Courses 6J, 5J, 3J, 5P-A — Learn culturally competent skills for counseling with LGBTQ adolescents and their families, including prevention of suicide, ending conversion therapy, working toward affirmative transition, and rescue from the crime of human sex trafficking.
Courses 2M, 4S, 7R — Know the crucial role of cultural competence in the clinical supervision and management of clinical staff and behavioral health programs.
Courses 5K, 5L, 3TMH — Provide competent care of War Zone Veterans with an understanding of the unique Military culture and the situational stressors which result in PTSD, SUD, domestic violence, and suicidality of veterans.
Courses 3H, 5N - Recognize the impact of the adolescent drug use culture, including the social and cultural issues which inherently complicate treatment for adolescent SUDs.
Course 6A — Know how cultural issues affect the victims of terrorism and mass violence, and how to provide culturally competent First Response and Aftercare.
Course 3F — Know the importance of personal culture when working with maternal depression in an inner-city poverty environment. Although there is ample description of how Maternal Depression evolves in various ethnic groups, it is also clear that living in poverty is a 'culture' in and of itself, regardless of the individual's ethnicity.
Course 2D — Learn about the impact of personal culture factors on decisions about End of Life Care. This course utilizes research-based knowledge of end of life preferences for specific terminal conditions including AIDS, terminal illness in children and the elderly, victims of fire, and other life-threatening conditions.
Multiple Courses - Understand the role and need for cultural awareness in immediate and ongoing Trauma-Informed Care with adults and youth. These courses teach that there are multiple cultural considerations when assisting communities, family members, survivors, and victims in the immediate and ongoing aftermath of tragedy and trauma.
See the entire list of Cultural Competence and DEI Courses Here.
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