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Course Catalog

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SAMHSA's Ending Conversion Therapy with LGBTQ Youth

Welcome to CEU By Net's LGBTQ Course Catalog. Our online courses provide research-based CE training for counselors and therapists in the genetic, biological, and emotional aspects of LGBTQ gender identity and orientation in children and adolescents. 

For a brief summary of each of these courses, go to our LGBTQ course overview page. To see more details and to enroll in these courses, click the + signs in front of the course titles at the BOTTOM of this page. 

These courses offer CEUs, PDHs and Credit Hours which are approved by NBCC, EACC, NAADAC, IC&RC, California BBS, California CCADE and CADTP,  Florida CE Broker and FCB, Texas Mental Health Boards, TCBAP-TCB-TAAP, and most behavioral health Licensing Boards for multiple licenses.





Click the links below to enroll in the courses. You can view the course material and quizzes for free with links at the bottom of the course description, and then enroll in courses if you wish.

Plus    Course 8T - Human Trafficking of Adolescents in America
Plus    Course 5P_A - Part I - Preventing Suicide Tool Kit for High Schools
Plus    Course 6J - The Ethics of Working with LGBTQ Youth - Ending Conversion Therapy
Plus    Course 5J - Suicide Risk and Prevention for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Youth
Plus    Course 3J - Professional Guide to Supporting LGBTQI2-S Children and Adolescents
Plus    Course 3I - Bullying Prevention and Response - A Training Guide for Use Within Schools and the Community
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