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HIV and Harm Reduction Models - SAMHSA


Welcome to CEU By Net's HIV Course Catalog. Select from HIV courses with varying perspectives, including HARM-REDUCTION models for treatment of people dually diagnosed with HIV and SUD and/or SMI or SED


For a brief summary of each course, go to our HIV Course Overview.


CEU By Net is an approved CE provider for Texas TCB (TCBAP-TAAP), NAADAC, NBCC, Florida CE Broker and FCB, EACC-EAPA, CAADE, CADTP, California BBS, IC&RC, and most State Boards for behavioral health professionals.

New - Three HIV Harm-Reduction Models - Course 8K - 8 CEUs

Try our Annual Subscription. It's only $49 for unlimited CEUs for one full year. Read about it here. 



To read a full description of a course and the course goals, click the + sign in front of the course title, below.  At the bottom of the each course description, you will find links to the study materials and the quizzes.  You may download and print these for FREE if you like.  




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Plus    Course 8K - Harm Reduction Strategies & Challenges with Co-Occurring HIV, SUD, & Mental Disorders
Plus    Course 1K - Introduction to Effective Harm-Reduction Strategies for Prevention and Treatment of HIV in Persons with Co-Occurring Behavioral Health Disorders
Plus    Course 2H - HIV and AOD Issues with Adolescents and Families
Plus    Course 8T - Human Trafficking of Adolescents in America
Plus    Course 2F - Personality Disorders in Patients With HIV/AIDS and SUD
Plus    Course 2D - The Ethics of Advance Directives: Assisting Clients and Families with Preferences for End of Life Care Including Those with HIV-AIDS
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