Wecome to CEU By Net - offering online Continuing Education courses for prevention, treatment, and support of persons living with or at risk for HIV/AIDS and other STDs.
NEW! We now include two courses which present three research-based models of 'Harm Reduction' for your clients with co-occurring HIV-STDs and behavioral health disorders - Courses 1K and 8K.
CEU By Net sponsors online training for social workers, therapists, and counselors in the effective use of research-based HIV assessment and treatment tools and models, in various treatment situations.
You will find important information here about three effective HIV Harm Reduction (HR) Models, published by SAMHSA, which will help you navigate the social and political issues that are associated with Harm Reduction.
Choose from courses which address prevention, counseling, and treatment of HIV from varying perspectives: Psychosocial, Emotional, Behavioral, Biomedical, and End of Life.
We offer online CE courses in treatment of adolescents and families living with HIV, management of Personality Disorders in persons with HIV, Human Trafficking with physical abuse and untreated STDs in adolescents, and ethical counseling approaches to End of Life Care with persons living with HIV and AIDS.
Go here, for brief summaries of all of our HIV courses. Detailed descriptions, including the GOALS of each course, are found in the HIV Catalog, where you can also enroll in courses.All of our HIV courses are approved for CE Credit by NAADAC, IC&RC, EACC, NBCC, and multiple state licensing boards.
Take any or all of these courses for FREE, with our Unlimited CEU Credits Plan on this site for only $49 per Year.
ApprovalsGo to the HIV Course Catalog to enroll in courses
Overview of Our HIV Courses
NEW Courses 8K and 1K: The Harm Reduction Model of Treatment of Persons with HIV and Co-Occurring Major Behavioral Health Disorders'
These two helpful courses, published by SAMHSA, present three current, operational models of HIV Harm Reduction including syringe exchange, extensive psychosocial programming, and pharmalogical and networking support program. Course 8K offers 8 CEUs (6 for NBCC and California BBS) and is more extensive than Course 1K in its description of the medical and medication compliance aspects of prevention and treatment.
Harm Reduction models of care are gaining popularity at both the State and Federal Government levels, for prevention and treatment of those who have or are at-risk for HIV. This course presents three active, successful models for Harm Reduction in persons who live with HIV and co-occurring SUD/SMI, and it's written and published by SAMHSA.
Course 8K earns 8 CEUs (6 for NBCC and California), and Course 1K earns 1.75 CEUs (1.25 for NBCC and California BBS)
Human Trafficking Course 8T
This course addresses the crime of human trafficking of adolescents, the physical abuse injuries and sexually transmitted illnesses to which they are subjected; the cultural factors which frequently prevent rescue and treatment for abuse, neglect, and STDs; and how to legally assess, rescue, teach prevention, and obtain treatment for emancipated minors who live on the street without adult oversight.
The 8 credit hours earned for this course (6 credit hours for NBCC and California BBS) can be spread across multiple continuing education categories - ethics, HIV-STDs, abuse and neglect, cultural awareness, and the primary required category of Human Trafficking.
Course 2H: HIV and AOD Issues with Adolescents and Families'
This course has two sections - both of which are published and copyrighted by the New York State Department of Health AIDS Institute’s Clinical Guidelines Development Program. Each section (i.e., 'chapter') of the course has a short quiz. CEU By Net is sponsoring this professional publication for 2 CE Credit Hours (total).
The first Study Guide in Course 2H pertains specifically to assessment and counseling with adolescents and young adults who are HIV-infected or diagnosed with AIDS.
The second Study Guide in this course focuses upon the impact of HIV and AIDS upon the family - particularly when it is the parent or caretaker who is ill - and how to address the multiple issues within the family in a therapeutic manner. Includes the complicated family dynamics which are present when the infected parent is not able or willing to share the specifics of his or her illness with children in the family, and how to approach this therapeutic challenge.
Course 2F: Personality Disorders in Persons with HIV/AIDS.
This assessment and treatment course addresses the behavioral health counseling side of HIV/AIDS health care when working with HIV-infected individuals who have a co-occurring diagnosis of Personality Disorder and, most frequently, SUDs. Special attention is devoted to the TREATMENT TEAM interactions and communications which are necessary to work with HIV-AIDS patients who have a diagnosis of Personality Disorder.
This sponsored publication is published and copyrighted by the New York AIDS Institute’s Clinical Guidelines Development Program, a division of HIV Clinical Education Initiative (CEI), in collaboration with the Johns Hopkins University Division of Infectious Diseases.
The authors make the point that antisocial and borderline personality disorders are the two most prevalent personality disorders among clients with SUDs, and that those with borderline and antisocial personality disorders are more likely to participate in sexual and needle-sharing HIV risk behaviors.
Say the authors: "This chapter focuses on the fixed patterns of behavior and interpersonal relationships that characterize personality disorders, particularly the ways in which these behaviors impact medical care . . . Clinicians can interact with these patients effectively with a plan that focuses on support between the patient and the care team."
Course 2D: Advance Directives: Assisting with Plans for End of Life Care
This course is both a 'Counseling Intervention Course' and an 'Ethics Course' which is appropriate for those working with HIV-AIDS patients and their partners as well as other categories of patients for whom End of Life Care is an issue - adults and children with cancer or other critical illnesses or injuries, those with Alzheimer's and strokes, those in nursing homes and hospice, and other patients with an uncertain outcome.
The course compares and explains why the varying categories of patients express differing preferences for End of Life Care. The most common choices of the various groups are explained based upon research studies.
Why can this course be counted EITHER as a counseling intervention course or an ethics course? Because the issue of counseling dying or gravely ill or at-risk people and their families regarding their decisions for End of Life Care (Advance Directives) is fraught with both ethical and intervention issues.
CEU By Net is an approved CE provider for Texas Certification Board (TCBAP-TAAP), IC&RC, NAADAC, NBCC, Florida CE Broker and FCB, EACC, California BBS, and most State Boards for behavioral health professionals.
CEU By Net - www.ceubynet.com
All content on this site is Copyright (c) 2006-2024 by Pendragon Associates and/or CEU by Net