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Course 4SUD - Surviving the Overdose—But Now What |
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Only $21.00
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Course 4SUD - Surviving the Overdose—But Now What
This Course 4SUD — 'Surviving the Overdose—But Now What?' is sponsored online by CEU By Net. The course earns 4 Clock Hours of credit for multiple National and State Mental Health and Addiction Licensing and Certification Boards including NAADAC, IC&RC, Texas Mental Health Boards, Texas' TCBAP-TCB-TAAP, Florida CE Broker, and Florida Certification Board for CAP. The course also awards 2.5 Credit Hours for NBCC and California BBS.
Based on these credentials, the course is an acceptable source of continuing education for most state mental health and addiction licensing boards.
The course material in this sponsored course is newly revised and published in 2024 by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). The training document contains two sections, both of which are published by SAMHSA—'Now What? The Role of Prevention Following a Nonfatal Opioid Overdose' and 'The Overdose Prevention and Response TOOLKIT.'
The publication focuses on the essential discharge activity and the immediate follow-up actions that are necessary when individuals and their family or friends leave the ER following survival of a near-fatal overdose. The goal is to prevent the risk of a repeated overdose and fatality.
The discharge protocol may or may not include a plan for abstinence or connection to a SUD treatment program. The intervention is a HARM REDUCTION model, which emphasizes that the path to recovery must be determined by the individual. After a near-fatal overdose, the individual may not choose abstinence and may not be ready for SUD treatment interventions despite their near-death experience. The role of the Recovery Specialist is to support the individual in their goals and assist in development of a plan to keep the individual SAFE despite continued use of drugs.
The second section of the course—the SAMHSA 'Toolkit'—provides enlightening information about Opioids including Fentanyl that are causing thousands of deaths annually, and other drugs and lethal combinations such as cocaine and methamphetamines that are also increasingly responsible for fatal overdoses.
The information in this course addresses the physical impact of the various drugs and the critical signs (including cessation of breathing) of impending fatal overdose, plus the steps to take when witnessing and responding to an overdose, including restoration of breathing and the administration of Opioid Overdose Reversal Medications (OORM) such as naloxone. The inevitable physical experience of acute withdrawal and some ways to safely reduce the impact are also addressed.
1. Know the immediate and subsequent actions that are necessary when individuals and their family or friends leave the ER after a near-death overdose—including connecting them to people and practices that reduce the risk of re-overdose and fatality.
2.Learn how to support and keep overdose survivors SAFE with Harm Reduction planning—however that is defined by the individual, which may or may not include abstinence or participation in a SUD treatment program.
3. Understand the nature of the physical impact on the body of the various opioid and stimulant drugs and the critical signs (including cessation of breathing) of an impending fatal overdose.
4. Know how to use a lifesaving Opioid Overdose Reversal Medication (OORM) kit, including when and how to administer the medication (by injection or nasal spray), when to repeat a dose, and what to do after breath is restored.
5. Learn the physical impact on the body associated with the various lifesaving Opioid Overdose Reversal Medications (OORMs), and ways to possibly reduce the severity of the associated withdrawal experience.
6. Know why a 'community approach' to post-overdose recovery is essential, and how to facilitate it.
7. Learn the unique issues associated with Prescription Opioids and how to help patients develop a personal plan to maintain safety—including the response to changes in pain levels due to medication tolerance.
8. Have immediate access to multiple resources recommended by SAMHSA, via active links.
Note: You are free to read, download, save, and print the Study Guide(s) and Quiz(zes) for this Course, before deciding to enroll in the course. These course materials are public domain, and CEU By Net is sponsoring the course for CE Credit. You may STUDY THIS COURSE and the quiz AT NO CHARGE. You may enroll in the course at any time. You must take the quiz ONLINE, by logging into your
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Guide 1 - Course SUD |
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Guide 2 - Course 4SD |
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Course 4S - Developmental Model of Clinical Supervision in Behavioral Health |
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Only $24.00
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Course 4S - Developmental Model of Clinical Supervision in Behavioral Health
Course 4S - 'The Developmental Model of Clinical Supervision in Behavioral Health' - is sponsored online by CEU By Net. The course earns 4.5 Credit Hours in Clinical Supervision [also valid for Ethics credit and Risk Management credit]. For social workers, mental health and addiction counselors, LMFTs, NAADAC, IC&RC, TCBAP-TCB-TAAP, California CAADE and CADTP. Florida Certification Board for CAP. General Credit for Florida Mental Health. Re-approved by EACC for 4 PDHs, Domains I, II, III expires June 13, 2025. For NBCC and California BBS, the course awards 3.0 Credit Hours in Clinical Supervision.
Based upon these credentials, the course is accepted by most state boards for behavioral health CE credit. Some boards may require formal review and approval of the course for purposes of Supervisor Training credit.
This sponsored course presents the Blended or Integrated Developmental Model of Supervision, articulated and published by Stoltenberg, McNeill, and Delworth (1998), in which both the Supervisee and the Supervisor progress through specific DEVELOPMENTAL LEVELS or STAGES of professional identity and functionality.
Originally published by SAMHSA-CSAT (2009 - Rockville Maryland) as part of ‘Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) No. 52’, it was revised and updated by SAMHSA-CSAT in 2014; and was subsequently indexed and published online in this document’s format in 2014 by National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health (NIH) 8600 Rockville Pike, Bethesda MD, 20894 USA as ‘Part 1, Chapter 1, Clinical Supervision and Professional Development of the Substance Abuse Counselor: Information You Need to Know.’
References and bibliographical notations are included within the text from NBCC, AAMFT, NASW, and numerous recognized mental health research publications.
The course addresses in detail the purposes, principles, ETHICS, METHODS, and TECHNIQUES of CLINICAL SUPERVISION of Behavioral Health SUPERVISEES by licensed Supervisors, including the LEGAL necessity of written documentation of all supervisory interactions, observations, and assessments including formative and summative performance evaluations.
The course further addresses the legal issues and vulnerabilities (Risk Management) involved in the supervision of mental health and SUD professionals by licensed supervisors, and the need for ethical and legal DIRECT OBSERVATION of the supervisee's work with clients. The benefits and disadvantages of each of the OBSERVATION METHODS is described.
The course explains the nature of the collaborative relationship between Supervisors and Supervisees, and the Supervisor's function as role model and mentor for Supervisees, as well as the role of GATEKEEPER for licensure in the profession.
1. Understand the purpose and essential functions of the supervisory relationship and process -- teacher, consultant, coach, mentor/role model, and guardian of the welfare of the organization's clients.
2. Understand the Supervisor's role as 'Gatekeeper' for the behavioral health professions.
3. Know the central principles and guidelines of Clinical Supervision and Risk Management pertaining to ethical and legal vulnerability of both the supervisor and the supervisee, dual relationships and boundary issues, informed consent, confidentiality, and supervisor-specific responsibilities including prevention of supervisee burnout and compassion fatigue.
4. Understand the legal distinction between 'direct liability' and 'vicarious liability' (respondeat superior), and how these apply to the ethical and legal need for DIRECT OBSERVATION of supervisees' work and DOCUMENTATION of supervisory actions and interactions.
5. Know how to implement the steps in a 'decision tree' to effectively manage a situation in which the supervisor is concerned about a possible ETHICAL or LEGAL violation by a supervisee.
6. According to the Developmental Model of Supervision, know and be able to recognize the levels/stages of development of Behavioral Health Supervisees, and the levels/stages of Supervisor development.
7. Know the various methods and techniques of MONITORING and EVALUATING the development and clinical performance of supervisees, including DIRECT and INDIRECT methods of observation and the benefits and limitations which apply to each.
8. Understand the difference between clinical and administrative supervision, and learn approaches to balancing both responsibilities when necessary.
9. Know how to integrate CULTURAL COMPETENCE into supervision and how to prevent, recognize and address issues of problematic cultural competence between the supervisee and the client, and between the supervisor and the supervisee.
10. Learn about the June 2020 changes in Federal statute ‘42 CFR, Part 2,’ pertaining to confidentiality for persons receiving treatment for SUD, and the revision of NBCC's ETHICS policy for Online Counseling, which was expanded to include Provision of Distance Professional Services in multiple distance media formats.
Note: You are free to read, download, save, and print the Study Guide(s) and Quiz(zes) for this Course, before deciding to enroll in the course. These course materials are public domain, and CEU By Net is sponsoring the course for CE Credit. You may STUDY THIS COURSE and the quiz AT NO CHARGE. You may enroll in the course at any time. You must take the quiz ONLINE, by logging into your
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Guide 1_Course 4S |
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Guide 2_Course_4S |
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Course 4V - Public Mass Shootings - Predictive Factors, Challenges, & Prevention |
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Only $21.00
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Public Mass Shootings — Predictive Factors, Challenges, & Prevention
This Course 4V, Public Mass Shootings — Predictive Factors, Challenges, & Prevention — is sponsored online by CEU By Net. The course earns 4 Clock Hours of credit for multiple State Mental Health and Addiction Boards including Texas Mental Health Boards, Florida CE Broker, Texas' TCBAP-TCB-TAAP, Florida Certification Board for CAP, IC&RC, and NAADAC. The course also awards 2.5 Credit Hours for California BBS and NBCC.
Based on these credentials, the course is an acceptable source of continuing education for most state mental health and addiction licensing boards. This Special Report was published in December 2023 by the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice, Nancy La Vigne, Ph.D., Director.
Say the authors, “This Special [Dec 2023] Report of the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) presents a synthesis of select findings from over 60 publications on 18 NIL-supported research projects on public mass shootings, including school mass shootings, since 2014. It also identifies areas of need and interest for future research and recommendations."
Goals of this course:
1. Learn to recognize patterns of behavior that may foreshadow mass shootings — specifically public mass shootings.
2. Understand some of the mental well-being challenges faced by people who plan and commit mass public shootings—such as the trauma of being bullied or friendless—and the strategic responses that may avert tragedy when indicators appear.
3. Learn key factors and challenges that currently serve as barriers to the advance detection and prevention of public mass shootings, particularly in K-12 schools.
4. Understand the widespread CULTURAL impact of public mass shooting in America — including the impact on the American POLITICAL environment and the significance of SOCIAL MEDIA as a key to recognizing impending mass shootings.
5. Understand why indicators of planned shootings, including leaking of plans online and verbally to peers, are often not pursued — particularly in K-12 schools — and specific activities to overcome this 'culture of silence' obstacle.
6. Learn the recommendations of the National Institute of Justice for interventions to use when shooting plans are detected and recommendations of actions to avoid after a shooting occurs.
7. Understand the impact of media coverage that currently distorts public and cultural perceptions about those who commit mass public shootings, and therein discourages accurate prediction and prevention of such events.
8. Know the varying functions of different types of firearms, the preferences of mass shooters, and the implications for legislative action at the State and local levels.
Note: You are free to read, download, save, and print the Study Guide(s) and Quiz(zes) for this Course, before deciding to enroll in the course. These course materials are public domain, and CEU By Net is sponsoring the course for CE Credit. You may STUDY THIS COURSE and the quiz AT NO CHARGE. You may enroll in the course at any time. You must take the quiz ONLINE, by logging into your
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Course 4V - Public Mass Shootings - Guide 1 |
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Course 4V - Public Mass Shootings - Guide 2 |
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Aging Course 4G - Assessment and Treatment of [Non-Alzheimer's] Cognitive and Behavioral Dysfunction in Aging Adults |
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Only $28.00
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Aging Course 4G - Assessment and Treatment of [Non-Alzheimer's] Cognitive and Behavioral Dysfunction in Aging Adults
This course is written, copyrighted and published by Marsha Naylor, MA, LPC - Co-owner of CEU By Net. The course has been revised to include DSM V Diagnoses and other data. The course now earns 6 Clock Hours of credit for multiple State Boards including Florida, Texas Mental Health Boards, TCBAP-TCB-TAAP, California CCADE and CADTP, Alabama, and Florida Certification Board (Addiction). EACC 4 PDHs Domain II, III expires June 30, 2024. Also earns 4 NBCC and 4 CA BBS Hours of Credit. Based on these credentials, the course is accepted by most state boards for multiple licenses.
This course presents a STRUCTURED SKILLS-BASED, STRENGTH-BASED TREATMENT APPROACH to assessing, treating, and managing NON-Alzheimer's cognitive impairment and associated behavioral difficulty in the elderly including those with a history of long term misuse of alcohol and other drugs (SUDs). Interventions are appropriate for use in multiple settings including nursing facilities, personal care homes, day treatment programs, outpatient settings, and in-home support.
This course is appropriate for mental health and addiction counselors, CEAPs, social workers, LMFTs, Rehabilitation Specialists, and others who work directly with affected individuals. It is also appropriate for those who are working with adults who are coping with an impaired person's cognitive and behavioral disturbance on a day to day basis - seeking to prevent burnout and 'melt down' of an elderly patient's family members and treatment staff.
The assessment and treatment interventions taught in this course address COGNITIVE CONFUSION AND IMPAIRMENT in aging individuals (which at times may mimic dementia) - oftentimes appearing concurrent with long-term SUDs and serious AFFECTIVE conditions (such as DEPRESSION with or without agitation) and BEHAVIORAL difficulties (such as angry or explosive behavior, aggression, refusal to perform essential activities, and other behaviors which may lead to inpatient care if not stabilized).
DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS in this age group is crucial and oftentimes more difficult than with the non-elderly client population. The clinical picture presented by such clients is oftentimes confusing and misleading, i.e., what “looks like Alzheimer’s” isn’t always Alzheimer’s disease, and isn’t always a case of organically based dementia which can be unresponsive to non-medical treatment interventions.
In the non-Alzheimer’s client, what we frequently see is cognitive confusion and behavioral abnormality following long-term abuse of alcohol and drugs, medical trauma including strokes and major surgery, loss of health or home or independence, and other such disruptive events. These functional difficulties are oftentimes complicated by depression and anxiety, and perhaps by difficulty in communicating basic wants and needs. These issues may lead to withdrawal from the environment and from social interaction, which can mimic organically based dementia.
Oftentimes we must “back into a diagnosis” . . . interacting with the individual in the treatment environment for a period of time that exceeds that normally required with non-elderly clients, and then formulate a differential diagnosis based on our experiences with the individual.
Perhaps more than with any other age group, ASSESSMENT AND DIAGNOSIS with the elderly is a DYNAMIC process. We must observe changes in affect and functional response to treatment interventions for a period of time that extends beyond a formal “intake evaluation”. How best to approach these non-Alzheimer's AGING issues, therapeutically, in a variety of settings? That’s the focus of this course.
Details: The course presents a STRUCTURED SKILLS-BASED, STRENGTH-BASED APPROACH to assessing, treating, and documenting cognitive and behavioral difficulties of the elderly, in various settings. We present information that will allow you to effectively ASSESS and PRIORITIZE the cognitive and behavioral issues at hand, and to develop creative INTERVENTIONS that work!
We may find our aging clients in an outpatient clinic, residing in nursing facilities or participating in Day Care Centers operated by churches or private individuals – or simply living at home with adult children or other relatives.
More details: The interventions are particularly helpful with COGNITIVE confusion or impairment and BEHAVIORAL difficulties associated with any one of a number of precipitating factors – e.g., a mild stroke resulting in cognitive disturbance (with sensory-motor issues, perhaps receptive or expressive aphasia, mental confusion, etc) .... or cognitive confusion resulting from grief, loss, dislocation, etc. (e.g., a move to a nursing home, the loss of one’s personal home and possessions, death of a spouse, loss of independence, etc.).
Such elderly individuals oftentimes present with agitated or angry behavior, along with confusion. Such behavior is oftentimes accompanied by depressed and anxious emotionality, which can mimic dementia. How best to approach these issues therapeutically? And how best to resurrect cognitive skills which have fallen into disuse or impaired due to a stroke or situational trauma? That’s the focus of this course.
More details: The interventions we describe can be employed in multiple settings, including mental health clinics, professionally operated church day care programs for aging individuals with mental health issues, nursing homes – and at home with family, under professional supervision.
1. Understand the precipitants of cognitive, functional, and behavioral dysfunction in the elderly, when not the result of Alzheimer's Disease - including acute reactions to destabilizing events, SUDs, and misuse of prescription medication.
2. Based upon detailed case histories, understand the interactive relationship between depression with cognitive confusion and behavioral dysfunction in the elderly.
3. Understand the issue of 'differential diagnosis' in the elderly, and how to apply this understanding at a practical level. Know that cognitive confusion, depression, and behavioral dysfunction in the elderly can be confused with active neurological disease, serious psychiatric illness, and Alzheimer's disease.
4. Understand that the symptoms of cognitive confusion and behavioral dysfunction are oftentimes an acute reaction to destabilizing events and circumstances in the elderly, and may also be the product of treatable depression.
5. Through review of specific SKILLS BASED, STRENGTH-BASED techniques and approaches, know how to prioritize target behaviors, and to bring about improvement both in functional COGNITION and in disruptive BEHAVIORAL difficulty.
6. Learn practical approaches to stabilize and revitalize impaired COGNITIVE skills - thereby improving DAILY FUNCTIONING [cognitive, behavioral, and emotional] and reducing stress upon caregivers.
IT'S NOW FREE TO VIEW! You may now view the entire course and the quizzes for free, before enrolling, if you like - or even before you register on our site. There are four 'chapters' or 'Study Guides' in this course, and one quiz for each Study Guide. Just click the links below.
To view Study Guide 1 now CLICK HERE
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To view and print QUIZ 4 for free, CLICK HERE.
Ethics Course 4B_Rights of Persons Living with Serious Mental Illness and Co-Occurring Substance Use Disorders - Our Ethical and Practical Responsibilities |
Earn and download a certificate immediately upon completion of this module.
Only $24.00
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Ethics Course 4B_Rights of Persons Living with Serious Mental Illness and Co-Occurring Substance Use Disorders - Our Ethical and Practical Responsibilities
This course, Ethics Course 4B: 'Rights of Persons Living with Serious Mental Illness and Co-Occurring Substance Use Disorders—Our Ethical and Practical Responsibilities', is sponsored online by CEU By Net and earns 4.25 Clock Hours of credit for multiple State Boards for Mental Health and Addiction, including Florida, Texas, and Alabama, TCBAP-TCB-TAAP, NAADAC, IC&RC, Florida Certification Board, and California CADTP and CCADE. The course also awards 3.0 California BBS Hours and 3.0 NBCC Hours. 4.50 PDHs Domains I & II, re-approved by EACC, effective May 1, 2023. Based upon these credentials, the course is accepted by most state boards for multiple licenses. See our Addiction Course Catalog for our IC&RC and NAADAC approved Status.
CEU By Net sponsors this course online for Continuing Education credit. The training document is authored by the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), and was published in the public domain in December 2015, as the 11th Edition of their Public Policy Platform.
The platform addresses the ETHICAL and PRACTICAL RESPONSIBILITY of licensed, certified, and allied professionals to help individuals with serious mental disorders including SUDs to achieve recovery and resiliency in their lives, and to be assured the SAME RIGHTS that are accorded to persons without mental disorders. These materials clearly reflect NAMI's commitment to the principles of recovery and resilience, and the RIGHT of individuals to be intrinsically involved in the planning and review of their own treatment, including medication.
The ethical and professional responsibility to protect the individual's rights in the treatment process—and to reduce the stigma and discrimination associated with mental illness and co-occurring SUDs—are addressed throughout the document. CEU By Net has included the substantial majority of the document as it is published by NAMI, for purposes of this online CE course.
The situational content addresses the circumstances of adults, children, and families who are in crisis or involved in active treatment, as well as those involved with the judicial system, or in a formal educational environment. The oftentimes discriminatory use of seclusion, restraint, solitary confinement, and weapons of force are addressed, including the appropriate use and the negatives of each.
The NAMI platform also addresses the rights and circumstances of underserved populations who are living with mental illness, e.g., people who are difficult to engage in treatment, the homeless, those involved in the criminal justice system and/or veterans or military personnel.
NAMI repeatedly asserts that individuals with serious disorders have the right to INTEGRATED mental health, addiction, and physical health treatment. This approach to treatment is consistent with the requirements of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Assuring integrated health care for one's clients with serious mental disorders is in keeping with the ETHICAL responsibility to act in the BEST INTEREST of the client.
Issues of the handling of mental illness and co-occurring addiction in the judicial system are also addressed in some detail—including the varying positions of the States in the application of the death penalty vis-à-vis individuals with mental illness. NAMI is clear that when viewing the rights that should be accorded to persons with serious mental illness and co-occurring disorders within the judicial system, mental illness must not be confused with sociopathic behavior.
The course is appropriate for Social Workers, Mental Health and AOD Counselors and Therapists, LMFTs, School Counselors, Psychologists, EAP counselors, teachers, law enforcement professionals, and all allied professionals who serve children, adolescents, and adults with serious mental illness and co-occurring substance use disorders.
1. Know the ETHICAL and practical responsibilities of licensed, certified, and allied professionals in specific treatment, crisis, educational, and law enforcement situations involving individuals with serious mental illness including co-occurring substance use disorder.
2. Become aware of core principles of PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY, including protection of individuals from stigma and discrimination, the support of their right to recovery and resiliency in their daily lives, and their right to be intrinsically involved in planning and review of their mental health and/or SUDs treatment including medication.
3.. Understand what is meant by the INTEGRATION of physical health, mental health and addiction treatment, and know how it is best implemented with people living with serious mental illness and co-occurring SUDs.
4. Understand how Integration of Treatment Services relates to our ETHICAL requirement to act in the BEST INTEREST of the client.
5. Become aware of the inappropriate and discriminatory use of certain interventions used to 'control' individuals with mental illness and co-occurring SUDs—including restraint, seclusion, and solitary confinement—and the effective, acceptable, and ETHICAL alternative interventions.
6. Learn NAMI's view of the rights and accommodations that should be accorded to persons with serious mental illness and co-occurring Substance Use Disorders within the judicial system, vs. the handling of individuals with sociopathic behavior.
7. Understand the differing ways that States handle mental illness and co-occurring addiction in the judicial system, including the varying positions of the States in the application of the death penalty to people with mental illness.
Note: You are free to read, download, save, and print the Study Guide(s) and Quiz(zes) for this Course, before deciding to enroll in the course. These course materials are public domain, and CEU By Net is sponsoring the course for CE Credit. You may STUDY THIS COURSE and the quiz AT NO CHARGE. You may enroll in the course at any time. You must take the quiz ONLINE, by logging into your
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Ethics Course 4B - Study Guide |
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Ethics 4D - Ethics of Treatment Documentation and Other Ethical Dilemmas When Insurance and State Contracts Are Paying the Bill |
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Only $28.00
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Ethics 4D - Ethics of Treatment Documentation and Other Ethical Dilemmas When Insurance and State Contracts Are Paying the Bill
This is an Ethics Course copyrighted and published by CEU By Net. This course is sponsored online by CEU By Net and earns 4 Clock Hours of credit for multiple State Boards including Florida and Texas, TCBAP-TAAP, IC&RC, NAADAC, California CCADE and CADTP, and Florida Certification Board. EACC 4 PDHs Domain I, II, III expires June 30, 2024 The course also awards 3.0 CA BBS Hours and 3.0 NBCC Hours. Based upon these credentials, course is accepted by most state boards for multiple licenses.
NOTE: Ethics 4D contains the same core material as the 3 credit-hour Ethics Course 3D, except that 4D includes additional material regarding these ethical issues, plus one additional Credit Hour. And so take either 3D or 4D, but not both.
This course is appropriate for Professional Counselors, LMHCs, LMFTs, Social Workers, Addiction and Substance Abuse Drug and Alcohol Counselors, CEAP providers, and other behavioral health practitioners.
Ethics 4D is a self-paced 3-part online slide show with content that's easy to understand and never boring - regarding the ETHICAL DILEMMAS and PRESSURES encountered on a daily basis by those whose clients' fees-for-service are paid by insurance, managed care, Employee Assistance Programs, self-insured companies, or other closely monitored state or local contracts which have reduction of healthcare cost as a mandate.
Behavioral health care services is now, more than ever before, carefully monitored for clear documented evidence of 'the medical necessity of treatment'. No longer considered to be a 'social service', mental health and addiction treatment is carefully monitored in terms of 'increments of service', 'duration of service', and 'medical necessity' for the type of service being provided. These issues are the basis for approval or denial of treatment requests, and the decisions are based upon what is DOCUMENTED in the client's treatment record - assessments, treatment plans, and progress notes.
This course is a close-up view of that sticky issue ... what to write (and not write) in a client's treatment record, from an ETHICS perspective, in this new era of tightly controlled health care costs. How much do you divulge about your ASSESSMENT of the client's DIAGNOSIS(ES), his prognosis, his functional status, and his response to treatment? What's ETHICAL - when the payor is demanding details? What's NECESSARY?
Is such scrutiny legitimate and ethical, or is it an invasion of your (and your client's) privacy? And is it ethical to provide the requested information? Do most states’ licensure standards SUPPORT - or OVERRULE - this type of documentation of a client's treatment information? The answer may surprise you.
GOALS of this course:
1. Understand the ETHICAL AND PRACTICAL impact of CARE MANAGEMENT (a.k.a., Managed Care) upon WHO gets treatment or related services, WHAT treatments and related services they may receive, and HOW MUCH of each intervention is allowed.
2. Identify the ETHICAL ISSUES faced by providers due to the Care Management approach to authorization of behavioral health services - in both the delivery of treatment services AND in the DOCUMENTATION of the Assessment, Diagnosis, and Response to treatment of intervention.
3. Understand the connection between the concept of ‘Medically Necessary Treatment’ and what must be DOCUMENTED in clients’ records, vis-à-vis the professional’s ETHICAL PRECEPTS and LICENSURE REQUIREMENTS.
4. Recognize how these new health care system requirements do in fact mesh and correlate with the longstanding ETHICAL and LEGAL requirements for practicing in the mental health and substance abuse treatment profession.
5. Learn how we can ETHICALLY and LEGALLY accommodate these new service and documentation requirements, while simultaneously meeting the requirements of our Provider Agreements.
6. Learn some creative, alternative treatment options which can lessen the provider's ETHICAL concerns when faced with denial of ‘traditional services’.
7. Review and understand additional ethics-related issues involved in the treatment of clients under a managed system of care - such as the health care insurers' contractual right to explore the PROVIDER's effectiveness and adherence to best practices in the treatment of individual clients, through review of the OUTCOME of an individual's treatment or intervention.
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To view and print QUIZ 3 for free, CLICK HERE
Course 4J - Anger Management: A Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Manual |
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Only $22.00
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Course 4J - Anger Management for Substance Abuse and Mental Health Clients: A Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Manual
The course is a research-based TRAINING MANUAL which is appropriate for Addiction and Mental Health Professionals, school counselors and school psychologists, CEAPs, and others who work with Anger Management, Domestic Violence, and Dual Diagnoses.
The course earns 4 Clock Hours of Continuing Education credit for multiple Mental Health and Addiction Licensing and Certification Boards including the Texas and Florida Mental Health Boards, TxCBAP-TAAP, IC&RC, NAADAC, California CCAPP, CCADE and CADTP, and Florida FCB. EACC 4 PDHs Domain I, II, III expires June 13, 2025. Earns 3 Credit Hours for NBCC and California BBS. Based upon these credentials, the course is accepted by most other states for multiple licenses including Social Workers, Mental Health Counselors, MFTs, CEAPs, and School Counselors.
This course is specifically approved for 4 credit hours in DOMESTIC VIOLENCE by Florida Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy and Mental Health Counseling.
The treatment approach is ideal for ongoing programmatic operations in clinics, treatment centers, schools, and in criminal justice and deferred adjudication programs. EAP providers working in industry may wish to utilize this program on a short-term basis as an intervention in the workplace – whether the employees are the perpetrator or the receiver of uncontrolled anger or abuse. In EAP situations, referral on to longer term treatment may be indicated, particularly where SUD is a diagnostic issue.
The course is published in the public domain by the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT). The publication is authored by Patrick M. Reilly, Ph.D. and Michael S. Shopshire, Ph.D. of the San Francisco Treatment Research Center, Department of Psychiatry, University of California, San Francisco. Sharon Hall, Ph.D., was the Treatment Research Center’s Principal Investigator.
IMPORTANT NOTE: There is a free, supplemental CLIENT WORKBOOK ('Participant Workbook') for use by group members which is published in three languages (ENGLISH, KOREAN, AND SPANISH). The workbook provides group members with a summary of the information presented in each session, which they can notate and review on their own between sessions. The Client Workbook is NOT a part of the course material upon which you will be tested, but you may wish to save and print it for use by your clients in the treatment process. You can print the workbooks for free, for use by you and/or your clients, even if you don't want to take the quiz on the course material. Just click the links below for the language of your choice.
INTRODUCTION FROM THE PUBLISHERS: 'Despite the connection of anger and violence to substance abuse, few treatments have been developed to address anger and violence problems among people who abuse substances. To provide clinicians with tools to help deal with this important issue, [we are] pleased to present Anger Management for Substance Abuse and Mental Health Clients: A Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Manual ..... The anger management treatment design in this manual, which has been delivered to hundreds of clients over the past 8 years, has been popular with both clinicians and clients. This treatment design can be used in a variety of clinical settings and will be beneficial to the field.'
The approach used in the intervention model described in this manual is a combined CBT approach that employs relaxation, cognitive, and communication skills interventions.
Readers learn the four types of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) interventions most often used when working with ANGER and DOMESTIC VIOLENCE and ABUSE DISORDERS, and how to implement them ..... particularly in the context of anger which becomes abusive and violent toward spouses and other family members, co-workers, and friends.
EAP providers may wish to utilize these interventions for clients on a short term basis in order to help affected individuals - whether they be the perpetrator or the receiver of uncontrolled anger or abuse. In EAP situations, referral on to longer term treatment may be needed, as indicated. Goals for learning:
1. Learn specific relaxation interventions to be taught to clients in a CBT group therapy context, which target emotional and physiological components of verbal and physical expression of anger.
2. Learn specific cognitive interventions (CBT) which target negative cognitive processes, such as assigning hostile appraisals and attributions to others, irrational beliefs, and inflammatory thinking.
3. Know how to teach specific communication skills which target deficits in conflict resolution and constructive assertiveness.
4. Understand that use of cognitive techniques to control anger is a STRENGTH-BASED approach which can be employed in multiple situations - on the job, within the family, with colleagues, within the community to avoid legal repercussions, and in situations in which the use of alcohol had been previously utilized in response to anger.
5. Know how to present clients with MULTIPLE anger control TECHNIQUES that encourage development of INDIVIDUALIZED ANGER CONTROL PLANS, using as many of the techniques as possible
6. Learn how to teach the use of COMBINED techniques which integrate two or more strategies for control of multiple RESPONSE DOMAINS. (verbal, physical, and use of alcohol).
This is a 'QUIZ ONLY' COURSE! Read and print the study material and the quiz for FREE. Save it to your computer, and study the publication off-line if you choose. YOU PAY ONLY TO TAKE THE ONLINE QUIZ and to obtain your INSTANTLY DOWNLOADED CEU CERTIFICATE. If you have an Annual Subscription, you can enroll in this and all other courses on this website for FREE.
Note: You are free to read, download, save, and print the Study Guide(s) and Quiz(zes) for this Course, before deciding to enroll in the course. These course materials are public domain, and CEU By Net is sponsoring the course for CE Credit. You may STUDY THIS COURSE and the quiz AT NO CHARGE. You may enroll in the course at any time. You must take the quiz ONLINE, by logging into your
My Home Page
, clicking on the course you want to complete, completing the quiz or quizzes required, and submitting the Feedback Form. You will then instantly receive your course completion certificate! For more information on this course - and to see a COPY of the online quiz - click the '+' symbols, below:
Course 4J - Anger Management: A Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Manual |
This is a 4-credit hour course on 'Anger Management for Substance Abuse and Mental Health Clients: A Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Manual'. It's a 'QUIZ ONLY' COURSE! This means that you can read and print the study material AND the quiz for FREE, before you decide to enroll in the course.
The course material is accessed free of charge on the website of the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Substance Abuse Treatment. This is DHHS Publication No. 07-4008, originally printed in 2002, and revised in 2007, reviewed annually, and currently featured by SAMHSA in its Professional Publications section.
NOTE: This is an online PDF document, which can be opened and read with Adobe Reader and possibly other pdf readers. You may need to download (save) this document to your computer in order to open it, depending upon your operating system and browser settings. To do that, with your browser window showing the URL for the document, click FILE, and then SAVE AS, and place the document in the desired directory or sub-directory folder of your computer or laptop or an external device (e.g., a memory stick), etc..
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to view this study material.
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Course 4H - Psychotherapeutic Medications: What Every Counselor Should Know |
Earn and download a certificate immediately upon completion of this module.
Only $22.00
No charge if you have a subscription
Course 4H - Psychotherapeutic Medications: What Every Counselor Should Know
'Psychotherapeutic Medications - What Every Counselor Should Know' - This course is sponsored by CEU By Net and earns 4 Clock Hours of credit for multiple State Boards including Florida, Texas, and Alabama, TCBAP-TAAP, IC&RC, NAADAC, and Florida Certification Board. EACC - 4 PDHs Domain II expires June 30, 2024. Also awards 3.25 CA BBS Hours and 3.25 NBCC Hours. Based upon these credentials, the course is accepted by most state boards for multiple licenses.
ATTENTION FLORIDA USERS: This course is approved in Florida in the GENERAL category for 4 credit hours - but IT IS NOT approved as the Medical Errors course required in Florida. We do not offer that 2 hour course because out-of-state providers are prohibited from offering the required Medical Errors Course or the Jurisprudence Exam ('Laws and Rules'). However, we offer everything else you need - including Ethics and Domestic Violence.
This is a 'QUIZ ONLY' COURSE! Read and print the study material and the quiz for FREE. Save it to your computer, and work off-line if you choose. YOU ENROLL ONLY TO TAKE THE QUIZ and to obtain your INSTANTLY DOWNLOADED 4 CLOCK HOUR CE CERTIFICATE. We accept PAYPAL and any regular credit or debit card.
This 4 hour course is copyrighted and published by the Mid-Atlantic Addiction Technology Transfer Center (MA-ATTC), a Regional Center of the National Office of ATTC - part of the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). The course is appropriate for Mental Health, AOD, Dual Diagnosis, and EAP service providers - regardless of treatment or service delivery setting.
Say the authors: "This publication is designed as a quick 'desk reference' for substance abuse and mental health treatment providers. It is not intended to be used as a complete reference for psychotherapeutic medications."
However, there is a comprehensive INDEX to current information about generic and brand name medication for each of the major psychotherapeutic and addiction treatment medication categories.
There are dedicated sections in the appendix of the publication which provide guidance in communicating with physicians who are prescribing psychotherapeutic medications to your clients, and step by step approaches to talking with clients about their medication regimen.
The major sections within this document - and inherently the GOALS OF THE COURSE - target knowledge about the following:
- Usage and Emergency Conditions and Precautions for each of the major drug categories below including Stimulants [Cocaine and Methamphetamine], Alcohol, Opiods, etc., and know how to use the reference manual for future use.
• Addiction Treatment Medications for Alcohol, Tobacco, and other drugs – i.e., Alcohol withdrawal agents, Alcohol relapse prevention agents, Opioid withdrawal agents, Opioid maintenance agents, Nicotine Replacement Therapies (NRT), Stimulant (Cocaine and Methamphetamine) Withdrawal and Relapse Prevention, Club Drugs and Marijuana, and Pharmacotherapies for Smoking Cessation,
• Antipsychotics/Neuroleptics
• Antiparkinsonian Medications
• Antimanic Medications
• Antidepressant Medications
• Antianxiety Medications
• Stimulant Medications - Cocaine and Methamphetamine
• Narcotic and Opioid Analgesics
• Hypnotics
• Addiction Treatment Medications
NOTE: There is a comprehensive INDEX to current information about generic and brand name medication for each of the medication categories listed above. And there are detailed 'HOW TO' guides for providers containing SPECIFIC TECHNIQUES to use with clients around the following issues:
- Talking with Clients about Their Psychotherapeutic Medications
- Brief Counselor Strategies for Tobacco Users—the Five A’s
- Brief Counselor Strategies for Tobacco Users Unwilling to Quit—the Five R’s
There are also specific approaches to working with clients about cessation of smoking - both those who wish to quit and those who are unwilling.
NOTE: As are all of our courses, this is a 'QUIZ ONLY' course. The material for this course - and the quiz which we have developed to assess mastery of the materials - may be accessed FOR FREE by clicking the link in the course catalog. After reading the materials free of charge, you may formally enroll in the course to take our online competency quiz and obtain your instant-download certificate. With an Annual Subscription for $54.95, you pay no additional fee to enroll in as many courses as you like for one full year at no additional charge, to take quizzes and earn certificates.
[We suggest that you print a copy of the online quiz and mark your answers as you read through the materials. Then, click the 'SIGN UP NOW' button in the catalog, pay your fee (or use your Annual Subscription), and take the online quiz. You can transfer your answers from the previously printed copy of the quiz, to the online quiz, if you like.]
For additional information about the study materials - and to READ and PRINT the online article, and to PREVIEW AND PRINT a copy of the online quiz - JUST CLICK THE + SIGN BELOW.
Note: You are free to read, download, save, and print the Study Guide(s) and Quiz(zes) for this Course, before deciding to enroll in the course. These course materials are public domain, and CEU By Net is sponsoring the course for CE Credit. You may STUDY THIS COURSE and the quiz AT NO CHARGE. You may enroll in the course at any time. You must take the quiz ONLINE, by logging into your
My Home Page
, clicking on the course you want to complete, completing the quiz or quizzes required, and submitting the Feedback Form. You will then instantly receive your course completion certificate! For more information on this course - and to see a COPY of the online quiz - click the '+' symbols, below:
Course 4H - Psychotherapeutic Medications: What Every Counselor Should Know |
This is the 7th Edition of this document, originally developed in 2000, revised in 2008, and currently reviewed. It is a featured resource and training publication of the federal Office of SAMHSA-CSAT, for mastery of this subject matter.
NOTE: There is a comprehensive INDEX to current information about generic and brand name medication for each of the medication categories listed above. And there are detailed 'HOW TO' guides for providers containing SPECIFIC TECHNIQUES to use with clients around the following issues:
- Talking with Clients about Their Psychotherapeutic Medications
- Brief Counselor Strategies for Tobacco Users—the Five A’s
- Brief Counselor Strategies for Tobacco Users Unwilling to Quit—the Five R’s
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to view this study material.
Click here
to view and print the quiz you will take for this material.