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Quiz - Ethics Course 4B



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In their definition of 'Priority Population', the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) includes the following diagnoses in the term 'SERIOUS MENTAL ILLNESS':
schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, bipolar disorder, and major depressive disorder, and panic and other severe anxiety disorders
obsessive-compulsive disorder, borderline personality disorder, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), autism and pervasive developmental disorders, and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder
co-occurring substance use disorders
all of the above
only the first and second options above
NAMI believes that referring to individuals with mental illness in a stigmatizing way -- such as 'the mentally ill' or 'schizophrenics' -- is DISCRIMINATION.
True False
NAMI believes that use of the term 'BEHAVIORAL HEALTH' in news articles and publications can help to reduce the stigma and discrimination endured by people living with a mental illness or co-occurring substance use disorder.
True False
Which statement below accurately reflects NAMI's position on the use of the term 'Behavioral'?
The term 'behavioral health' is less stigmatizing than the term 'mental illness'.
Mental illness affects behavior and behavior can affect mental illness, but mental illnesses are not behavioral.
The essence of a specific mental illness is best understood by observing its behavioral core.
NAMI recognizes that returning veterans, National Guard members and reservists with mental illnesses face discrimination as well as higher rates of unemployment and underemployment than in the general population.
True False
The RIGHT to safe, decent and affordable HOUSING for persons with mental health disorders is dependent upon maintaining mental and functional stability in a crisis.
True False
When a psychiatric crisis occurs with a child in school, or in the community or at home, the intervention of law enforcement personnel is usually appropriate in order to protect the child and/or the public.
True False
Concerning the right to treatment for veterans and active duty military personnel, which below is the correct answer?
Integrated treatment programs for co-occurring disorders, including medications, must be made available.
Diagnosis, treatment and referral for active military duty personnel with serious mental illnesses should occur upon induction and throughout the period of military service.
When active military personnel have evidence of serious mental illness, they should be placed on medical leave with pay.
The first and third answers above
The first and second answers above
Concerning the rights of homeless individuals with serious mental illness, which answer is correct?
They have the right to safe, decent and affordable housing that meets their needs, just as those without mental illness.
When helping to reunite families of the homeless, we may have to make some decisions which are outside the usual bounds of ethical practice and legal guidelines.
Jails can be an effective short term alternative for housing of persons with serious mental illness, in communities without sufficient shelter space.
All of the above
The NAMI Platform asserts that persons with serious mental illnesses living in institutional settings have been identified as high risks for HIV infection, and should therefore receive mandatory HIV testing.
True False
The acronym IDEA stands for
Individuals with Disabilities Educational Association
Independent Division of Educational Associates
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
Children and families must never be forced to seek mental health services for their child through the child welfare and juvenile justice systems.
True False
The diagnosis of a serious mental illness may be sufficient grounds for losing custody of one's children, depending upon the age of the child.
True False
NAMI believes that parental consent or consent from legal guardians is desirable but not mandatory, in order for a school to conduct a mental health screening of a child.
True False
Concerning Individual Treatment Plans (ITP): It is sufficient for persons with serious mental health issues to have one ITP developed for them, i.e., prior to the beginning of the treatment program.
True False
NAMI believes that people with serious mental illnesses should have access to effective prevention and treatment with respect to alcohol, drug and tobacco addiction.
True False
Stigma associated with receiving services for mental health and substance use disorders at colleges can be reduced by
locating university-provided mental health and SUDs services off-campus to ensure privacy.
contracting with private practitioners to see students in off-campus offices.
co-locating and integrating mental health and SUDs services with other college health services.
Restraints refer to .
escorting and the immediate physical separation of children in conflict
involuntary confinement in a room, box, structure or space from which a child cannot leave.
the forced restriction or immobilization of a child’s body or parts of the body to control behavior
Seclusion . . .
includes requiring a child to leave an activity and remain by himself.
is placing an individual in an unlocked room designed to reduce stimulation or anxiety.
is involuntary confinement in a room, box, structure or space from which a child cannot leave.
is movement to a quieter or less stimulating location.
NAMI strongly supports INTEGRATED treatment for physical health, mental health, and addiction. Which item below is NOT consistent with an INTEGRATED TREATMENT approach?
Treatment for persons with serious mental illness and co-occurring addictive disorders should be provided by cross-trained staff.
Treatment programs for persons with serious mental illness and co-occurring addictive disorders are collaborative and/or parallel in nature.
Mental health and addiction treatment for those with co-occurring disorders is delivered in the same program location.
Which of the answers below are correct?
NAMI's Platform opposes legal restrictions on housing that discriminate in location, limit and equal access,
NAMI's Platform opposes legal restrictions on housing that segregate, prevent family preservation or deny choices in occupancy or living arrangements solely on the basis of mental illness.
NAMI's opposition to legal restrictions on housing includes people who are seeking treatment or are in recovery from co-occurring substance abuse.
All of the above
Only the first and second options above
Pertaining to NAMI's position on the use of restraint and seclusion, which statement is not true?
Restraint and seclusion have no therapeutic value.
Restraint and seclusion should never be used to educate patients about socially acceptable behavior.
Restraint and seclusion should only be used in a crisis, to prevent disruption of the therapeutic milieu or harm to self or others.
Professionals have a responsibility to share information with both their patients or clients and family members and other verified caregivers, as part of good professional practice and professional ethics.
True False
NAMI believes that treatment providers are responsible for making known to caring families and caregivers any information necessary to the ongoing care of persons with serious mental illnesses. In the event a patient objects to disclosure, the provider should use best clinical judgment in determining how to proceed.
True False
It is extensively documented that solitary confinement is used disproportionately in correctional settings for juveniles and adults with severe psychiatric symptoms.
True False
Youth with serious mental illnesses should never be placed in boot camps, “scared straight” or similar programs that use punishment as the primary source of behavior change. There is sufficient evidence that these programs are non-therapeutic and cause harm.
True False
Gun violence is overwhelmingly committed by people without mental illness.
True False
Concerning violence and firearms, which assertions are made within the NAMI Platform?
People with mental illnesses should not be stigmatized and subjected to discrimination by being labeled “criminal” or “violent.”
There is very rarely correlation between mental illness and violent behavior.
NAMI recognizes that when dangerous or violent acts are committed by persons with serious mental illnesses, it is too often the result of neglect or ineffective treatment.
Mental illness must not be confused with sociopathic behavior.
All of the above.
'Guilty but mentally ill' (GBMI) statutes have been adopted in the criminal codes of a number of states. Which item below is true in these states?
GBMI statutes currently function very similarly to guilty verdicts.
An individual found to be GBMI could be sentenced to life in prison.
A verdict of 'GBMI' does not guarantee psychiatric treatment.
An individual found to be GBMI could be sentenced to death.
All of the above.
NAMI urges jurisdictions that impose capital punishment to NOT sentence to death or execute persons under certain circumstances. Which is NOT one of those circumstances?
If they have a persistent mental disability, with onset before the offense, characterized by significant limitations in both intellectual functioning and adaptive behavior.
If, at the time of their offense, they had a severe mental disorder or disability that significantly impaired their capacity to appreciate the nature, consequences or wrongfulness of their conduct,
If, at the time of their offense, they had a severe mental disorder or disability that significantly impaired their capacity to exercise rational judgment in relation to conduct.
If they have a disorder manifested primarily by repeated criminal conduct or attributable solely to the acute effects of alcohol or other drugs.
If, at the time of their offense, they had a severe mental disorder or disability that significantly impaired their capacity to conform their conduct to the requirements of the law.


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