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SAMHSA - Using CBT in Anger Management Groups

Enroll in CEU By Net's online Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) training courses that teach creative strategies for use in your counseling work with adults and children in a variety of clinical situations. 

When and where to use CBT techniques?  Learn the details for use of CBT in Anger Management groups, couples and family therapy, traumatic grief, suicide prevention and postvention in schools, PTSD, HIV Harm Reduction, telehealth, Military Veterans, and more. 

Courses Download helpful plans, charts, checklists, and information handouts to use in suicide prevention and postvention training with teachers, parents, and school administrators.    

Find effective CBT techniques for use in Harm Reduction programs for people living with HIV and co-occurring SUD and mental health disorders.  

Know how to use CBT in your work with adolescents caught in the peer SUD culture, and in your domestic violence work with couples where under-the-radar drinking is a problem.  

Learn why self-directed CBT is effective with military veterans who are struggling with PTSD, SUD, TBI, and the challenges of returning to home from the War Zone.  

Learn how you can use effective CBT interventions in Trauma-Informed Care with children, adults, and adolescents who are recovering from child abuse, traumatic grief, trauma within the community, and escape from the crime of human trafficking.


Go here to the CBT Course Catalog, to find and enroll in these 'how-to' courses.

Read a Brief Description of five of our CBT courses here.  


    Take all of these courses for FREE at no additional charge for an entire year, with our Unlimited CEUs Subscription - $49 per year

All courses are pre-approved by NBCC, NAADAC, EACC-EAPA, IC&RC, and state licensing boards in most states. 




Link to Course 8K  'The Harm Reduction Model of HIV Prevention and Treatment for Persons with Co-Occurring HIV and SUD and/or Mental Disorders.' 

This well-researched course, sponsored by CEU By Net and published by SAMHSA, presents an effective and ethical CBT approach to prevention and treatment of HIV and Hepatitis C, in treatment programs which distribute free syringes and condoms to persons living with co-occurring SUD and Mental Disorder. 

Three effective program models explore the ethics, challenges, and success of the Harm Reduction approach for dual diagnosis individuals who inject drugs and engage in unprotected sex. 


Link to Course 4J  'Anger Management for Substance Abuse and Mental Health Clients: A Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Manual' - Published by SAMHSA.

This popular course is appropriate for Mental Health and Addiction counseling providers, including any professional or case manager who works with Anger Management issues or Domestic Violence in the home or on the job. 

The course format is a 'workbook' or 'training manual' which can be downloaded and reproduced for use in your treatment program. 

The therapeutic approach is unique because it is designed for a GROUP treatment modality, although the techniques are appropriate for any counseling modality which addresses anger management. 

The treatment model is a combined CBT approach that employs relaxation, cognitive thought processes, and communication skills in a group therapy setting.  The course is specifically approved by the Florida mental health board for Domestic Violence. 

A Client Workbook that parallels this course training manual is also available in both English and Spanish, from links you will find in the catalog's Course Description.   

Link to Course 5H  'Alcohol Problems in Intimate Relationships: Identification and Intervention'.  

This course material is sponsored by CEU By Net and is a publication from NIAAA and the National Institute of Health.  

Domestic violence, infidelity, marital conflict, and financial instability are oftentimes associated with unidentified PROBLEM DRINKING.  This course presents CBT interventions to address the underlying issue as well as the overt behavioral problems which are threatening to derail the relationship, including domestic violence. 

When domestic violence is a threat to safety, specific actions to safeguard children and the non-abusing parent are required. The course describes how these safeguards are implemented in a family therapy context.  Approved in Florida for Domestic Violence.    

This Course 5P_A -- Part I of Preventing Suicide, a Tool Kit for High Schools -- presents a comprehensive Risk Management and culturally sensitive approach to PREVENTING primary suicides of students in High Schools as well as a POSTVENTION approach to preventing 'copy cat' or 'contagion' suicides in the surviving student population.  The document was originally published in 2012 but is reviewed annually by SAMHSA, and it's currently a featured manual on the SAMHSA website.  <br><br>   
This course is sponsored online by CEU By Net. The course earns 5.75 Clock Hours of credit for multiple State Mental Health and Addiction Boards including Texas Mental Health Boards, TCBAP-TCB-TAAP, three California Addiction Boards, Florida Certification Board, Florida CE Broker, IC&RC, and NAADAC.  Approved by EACC for 6.0 PDHs, Domain I, II effective October 1, 2022.  The course also awards 4 Credit Hours for California BBS and 4 NBCC Hours. Based upon these credentials, the course is accepted by most state boards for multiple licenses. <br><br>
The document for this course is published by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and was prepared by the National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors (NASMHPD) in collaboration with Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC), and NASMHPD Research Institute, under contract with SAMHSA, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Rosalyn Blogier, LCSW-C and Dr. Tarsha Wilson, Government Project Officers. <br><br>
The course has two Study Guides and a quiz for each Study Guide.  Each of the steps involved in developing a comprehensive Suicide Prevention Plan for High Schools includes one or more TOOLS which guide the implementation of the given step, including forms, worksheets, fact sheets, guidelines, and handouts for use in training staff and educating parents.  <br><br> Study Guide 1 focuses upon identifying the legal issues and necessary steps involved in the development of a Suicide Prevention Plan which can meet the needs of students -- including cultural factors and characteristics of families.  Each plan must accommodate the staffing and community resources which are available to play specific roles in the plan. The first Study Guide also introduces the Risk Factors, the Protective Factors, and the Warning Signs of the potential for suicide among students, which should be communicated to school administrators, staff, and parents.  <br><br>
The second Study Guide describes the steps and tools necessary to IMPLEMENT the components of school-based suicide prevention plans, including the details of Suicide Risk Assessment and determining the Level of Suicide Risk.  <br><br><br>
The GOALS of the Course:  <br><br>
1. Access an empirically based Suicide Prevention toolkit with step-by-step tools to implement a multifaceted suicide prevention and postvention program addressing the Risk Management needs and cultures of high school students and their families.<br><br>
2. Know the characteristics of adolescents who are most at risk for suicidal behavior, including LGBTQ youth, the victims and perpetrators of bullying, those who are using alcohol and drugs, and those with a familial lifestyle or history which includes violence, SUDs, suicide, and poor parental support of its children.
3.  Understand the steps and the sequence which is necessary to implement the components of a comprehensive school-based suicide prevention and postvention program, including specific tools to implement these steps -- guidelines, forms, checklists, worksheets, documentation formats and procedures, and fact sheets for program planning, training of staff, and education of parents.  <br><br>
4. Know research-based strategies that can help prevent suicide of students in high schools, including a Suicide Risk Assessment format for evaluating the level of risk of an adolescent student and the approach to working with the student's family -- including parents who are resistant, confused, traumatized, in denial, or impacted by cultural bias and/or the LGBTQ status of their child. <br><br>
5. Know the indicators which correlate with low, moderate, and high Levels of Risk for Suicide among high school students, and the correlation between SUDs, mental health disorders, family dynamics, cultural elements, and suicidal behavior.<br><br>
6. Understand how to prioritize and select Suicide Prevention programs and activities that will be effective in individual schools, considering the cultural, ethnic and familial characteristics of  the school population. <br><br>
7.  Obtain guidance in how to identify school staff and community partners to play specific roles, necessary Risk Management protocols, and effective ways to generate support for the plan in the school system, among families, and within the community. <br><br>
8.  Learn how to integrate suicide prevention and Risk Management into activities that fulfill other aspects of the school’s mission, such as preventing the abuse of alcohol and other drugs and bullying.<br><br><br>
A similar course is offered on this website (Course 6B, After a Suicide: A Tool Kit for Schools -- also published by SAMHSA)  which primarily addresses Risk Management RESPONSE following a suicide in a school, including response to younger children in the primary and middle school age group.  This Course 5P_A has a different structural format than Course 6B, with more attention to the details of stepwise implementation of a Suicide Prevention and Response Plan -- including working with traumatized and resistant parents -- with an eye to Risk Management. <br><br>
COMING SOON!  Parts II and III of Suicide Prevention:  A Tool Kit for Schools.

Link to Course 5P_A - Preventing Suicide, a Tool Kit for High Schools

 This course presents a comprehensive Risk Management and culturally sensitive approach to PREVENTING primary suicides of students in High Schools as well as a POSTVENTION approach to preventing 'copy cat' or 'contagion' suicides in the surviving student population. 

In this course you will learn practical approaches for working with high school administrators and teachers in development of a step-by-step suicide prevention plan. 

You need downloadable tools for effective implementation, and you will find them here - including forms, worksheets, fact sheets, guidelines, and handouts for use in training staff and educating parents. 

You will also learn how to identify the legal issues and necessary steps required in the development of a Suicide Prevention Plan in a high school, and ways to meet the needs of students and parents including cultural factors and the unique characteristics of families in the school's population. 

The second course pertaining to suicide - Course 6B - addresses strategies and tools needed for POSTVENTION work with schools, following a suicide.  Both courses are published by SAMHSA, and are a featured resource on the SAMHSA website.


Link to Course 5L  'Part 2 of Finding Balance After the War Zone—Considerations in the Treatment of Post-Deployment Stress Effects—A Guide for Clinicians' 

Course 5L addresses important nuances of your interaction with War Zone veterans who return home with PTSD and SUD.  In this course you will find clinical strategies and guides to interpersonal interaction with War Zone veterans, which differs significantly from that employed with your typical client population.

To be effective with this special client population, the CBT plan must be primarily self-directed by the veteran and must be compatible with the ingrained MILITARY CULTURE. The course provides specific therapeutic actions which can effectively assist the Veteran to find his or her personal recovery approach. 



CEU By Net is a nationally accredited Online Continuing Education Provider for NBCC, NAADAC, IC&RC, and EACC, and based on these credentials, our CE Credit is accepted by most state boards.  


Source of Course Material 

CEU By Net, LLC sponsors these research-based training courses as a nationally certified provider of online continuing education, facilitating renewal of your professional license. The documents you will find here are primarily written and published in the public domain by the federal offices of SAMHSA, CSAT, NIDA, Health and Human Services, the Department of Justice, and their multiple partners throughout the national and community health care systems.


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