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Course 4S - Developmental Model of Clinical Supervision in Behavioral Health |
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Only $24.00
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Course 4S - Developmental Model of Clinical Supervision in Behavioral Health
Course 4S - 'The Developmental Model of Clinical Supervision in Behavioral Health' - is sponsored online by CEU By Net. The course earns 4.5 Credit Hours in Clinical Supervision [also valid for Ethics credit and Risk Management credit]. For social workers, mental health and addiction counselors, LMFTs, NAADAC, IC&RC, TCBAP-TCB-TAAP, California CAADE and CADTP. Florida Certification Board for CAP. General Credit for Florida Mental Health. Re-approved by EACC for 4 PDHs, Domains I, II, III expires June 13, 2025. For NBCC and California BBS, the course awards 3.0 Credit Hours in Clinical Supervision.
Based upon these credentials, the course is accepted by most state boards for behavioral health CE credit. Some boards may require formal review and approval of the course for purposes of Supervisor Training credit.
This sponsored course presents the Blended or Integrated Developmental Model of Supervision, articulated and published by Stoltenberg, McNeill, and Delworth (1998), in which both the Supervisee and the Supervisor progress through specific DEVELOPMENTAL LEVELS or STAGES of professional identity and functionality.
Originally published by SAMHSA-CSAT (2009 - Rockville Maryland) as part of ‘Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) No. 52’, it was revised and updated by SAMHSA-CSAT in 2014; and was subsequently indexed and published online in this document’s format in 2014 by National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health (NIH) 8600 Rockville Pike, Bethesda MD, 20894 USA as ‘Part 1, Chapter 1, Clinical Supervision and Professional Development of the Substance Abuse Counselor: Information You Need to Know.’
References and bibliographical notations are included within the text from NBCC, AAMFT, NASW, and numerous recognized mental health research publications.
The course addresses in detail the purposes, principles, ETHICS, METHODS, and TECHNIQUES of CLINICAL SUPERVISION of Behavioral Health SUPERVISEES by licensed Supervisors, including the LEGAL necessity of written documentation of all supervisory interactions, observations, and assessments including formative and summative performance evaluations.
The course further addresses the legal issues and vulnerabilities (Risk Management) involved in the supervision of mental health and SUD professionals by licensed supervisors, and the need for ethical and legal DIRECT OBSERVATION of the supervisee's work with clients. The benefits and disadvantages of each of the OBSERVATION METHODS is described.
The course explains the nature of the collaborative relationship between Supervisors and Supervisees, and the Supervisor's function as role model and mentor for Supervisees, as well as the role of GATEKEEPER for licensure in the profession.
1. Understand the purpose and essential functions of the supervisory relationship and process -- teacher, consultant, coach, mentor/role model, and guardian of the welfare of the organization's clients.
2. Understand the Supervisor's role as 'Gatekeeper' for the behavioral health professions.
3. Know the central principles and guidelines of Clinical Supervision and Risk Management pertaining to ethical and legal vulnerability of both the supervisor and the supervisee, dual relationships and boundary issues, informed consent, confidentiality, and supervisor-specific responsibilities including prevention of supervisee burnout and compassion fatigue.
4. Understand the legal distinction between 'direct liability' and 'vicarious liability' (respondeat superior), and how these apply to the ethical and legal need for DIRECT OBSERVATION of supervisees' work and DOCUMENTATION of supervisory actions and interactions.
5. Know how to implement the steps in a 'decision tree' to effectively manage a situation in which the supervisor is concerned about a possible ETHICAL or LEGAL violation by a supervisee.
6. According to the Developmental Model of Supervision, know and be able to recognize the levels/stages of development of Behavioral Health Supervisees, and the levels/stages of Supervisor development.
7. Know the various methods and techniques of MONITORING and EVALUATING the development and clinical performance of supervisees, including DIRECT and INDIRECT methods of observation and the benefits and limitations which apply to each.
8. Understand the difference between clinical and administrative supervision, and learn approaches to balancing both responsibilities when necessary.
9. Know how to integrate CULTURAL COMPETENCE into supervision and how to prevent, recognize and address issues of problematic cultural competence between the supervisee and the client, and between the supervisor and the supervisee.
10. Learn about the June 2020 changes in Federal statute ‘42 CFR, Part 2,’ pertaining to confidentiality for persons receiving treatment for SUD, and the revision of NBCC's ETHICS policy for Online Counseling, which was expanded to include Provision of Distance Professional Services in multiple distance media formats.
Note: You are free to read, download, save, and print the Study Guide(s) and Quiz(zes) for this Course, before deciding to enroll in the course. These course materials are public domain, and CEU By Net is sponsoring the course for CE Credit. You may STUDY THIS COURSE and the quiz AT NO CHARGE. You may enroll in the course at any time. You must take the quiz ONLINE, by logging into your
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Guide 1_Course 4S |
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Guide 2_Course_4S |
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Course 2M - Risk Management of Medical Error in Behavioral Health Programs and Clinical Supervision |
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Only $20.00
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Course 2M - Risk Management of Medical Error in Behavioral Health Programs and Clinical Supervision
This Course 2M - Risk Management of Medical Error in Behavioral Health Programs and Clinical Supervision - is sponsored online by CEU By Net and is now APPROVED in FLORIDA for 2 CEUs in Medical Errors, effective March 16, 2021. The course earns 2 Credit Hours for Texas LPCs, LMFTs, and LCSWs, TxCBAP-TCB-TAAP, California CADTP and CCADE, NAADAC, IC&RC, Florida Certification Board (FCB) for CAPs, and most State mental health and addiction boards for multiple licenses. EACC awards 2 PDHs in Domain I, II, III expires June 13, 2025. The course also awards 1.5 Credit Hours for California BBS and NBCC.
The course is a compendium of published and copyrighted material, including definitions and excerpts from Joint Commission's 2021 Accreditation Manual for Behavioral Health; the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality's Systems Approach to Medical Errors (AHRQ - a division of the US Department of Health and Human Service); the British Journal of Pharmacology published by the National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine; and Marsha Watson Naylor, MA, LPC, owner of CEU By Net LLC.
It is well-known that working within the mental health and addiction fields and supervising professional staff entails a significant risk of legal and civil liability when something 'goes wrong.' This course explores the risk and repercussions forthcoming from HUMAN MISTAKES (i.e., MEDICAL ERRORS) made by managers, supervisors, supervisees, contractors, and other employees in the delivery of services. The course explains how PROGRAM DESIGN and SYSTEM FLAWS are responsible or play a major role in most human errors which occur in behavioral health programs and other medical settings. In the process of Programmatic and Clinical Supervision, when mistakes are made by supervisees. the Supervisor must not assume that the fault lies exclusively with the supervisee. Issues presented by the program design and functionality of the system must also be explored. The course contributes to the effective development and operation of a comprehensive RISK MANAGEMENT PROGRAM.
Effective prevention of Medical Errors extends beyond mistakes in prescribing and administering medication, to include ANY human mistake made within a treatment program that has harmed, or could have harmed, a patient or employee. The course makes the point that most such errors are committed by otherwise competent behavioral health managers and other professionals in the process of interacting with clients and each other—and that most such errors are precipitated by flaws in the system and design of program components.
The most effective approach, therefore, is to identify systemic and programmatic flaws, develop a remedial plan to correct the identified issues, and closely monitor the results – rather than punish.
GOALS of this course:
1. Understand that 'Medical Error' is an inclusive concept that extends beyond mistakes in prescribing and administering medication, to include any human mistake made within a treatment program that has harmed, or could have harmed, a patient or employee.
2. Know the types of Medical Error that occur in behavioral health programs, the difference between Sentinel (Critical) Incidents and Adverse Incidents, and ways to integrate these concepts into the CLINICAL SUPERVISION and DEVELOPMENT of professional staff.
3. Understand the reasons why Medical Errors occur, including the fact that most human mistakes occur because of flaws in program DESIGN and SYSTEMIC complications.
4. Learn how to establish a Risk Management Program to address Medical Errors, including How to Identify, Evaluate, Correct, Monitor, and Prevent Recurrence.
5. In the prevention and correction of Medical Errors, know the difference between PROSPECTIVE Risk Management Review and RETROSPECTIVE Risk Management Review, and the application of each.
6. Understand the importance of identifying and addressing the INHERENT RISK which is associated with your type of program operation, and how to incorporate the concept of 'inherent risk' into CLINICAL SUPERVISION and DEVELOPMENT of professional staff.
7. Learn the significant difference between 'active errors' and 'latent errors' and the different approaches to RISK MANAGEMENT of each.
8. Understand the critical role of Systems Analysis in the correction of Medical Errors, and incorporate ongoing Systems Analysis into daily program operation and clinical supervision.
9. Learn and teach a classification system for four types of Medication Errors based on psychological theory and how to prevent them: knowledge-based errors, rule-based errors, action-based errors (including technical errors), and memory-based errors (‘lapses’).
Note: You are free to read, download, save, and print the Study Guide(s) and Quiz(zes) for this Course, before deciding to enroll in the course. These course materials are public domain, and CEU By Net is sponsoring the course for CE Credit. You may STUDY THIS COURSE and the quiz AT NO CHARGE. You may enroll in the course at any time. You must take the quiz ONLINE, by logging into your
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Course 2M -Study Guide 1 |
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Course 2M - Study Guide 2 |
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Course 7R - Essentials of Risk Management |
Earn and download a certificate immediately upon completion of this module.
Only $28.00
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Course 7R - The Essentials of Risk Management
This Course 7R—The Essentials of Risk Management—is written and published online by CEU By Net. The course earns 7.5 Clock Hours of credit for multiple State Mental Health and Addiction Boards including Texas and Florida Mental Health Licensing Boards, Texas Certification Board (TCB -TCBAP-TAAP), NAADAC, IC&RC, Florida CE Broker, California CCAPP, CADTP, and CCADE; Florida Certification Board. Approved by EACC for 7.5 PDHs—Domains I & II, effective May 1, 2023. Also awards 5 Credit Hours for California BBS Hours and 5 NBCC Hours. Based upon these credentials, the course is accepted by most state boards for multiple licenses.
This course presents a comprehensive approach to establishing an in-house Risk Management program for the Corporate and Military clients of EAPs, and for the DESIGN and SUPERVISION of Behavioral Health treatment programs and their professional staff (social work, counseling, marriage and family therapy, and addiction professionals).
The course presents the essential processes involved in Risk Management within the workplace—up-front Prospective Prevention Planning and after-the-fact Retrospective Review and Correction. The emphasis is upon identification of the HUMAN FACTORS and the SYSTEMIC and PROGRAM DESIGN ISSUES which potentially contribute(d) to Critical and Adverse Incidents in the workplace, and the development of a PREVENTION or CORRECTION plan.
The course includes numerous vignettes which graphically demonstrate the necessity of Risk Management and the problems which organizations create and face when they fail to establish Risk Management Prevention and Correction Plans. The course also includes a deidentified Internal Risk Management Death Review, which demonstrates the principle of 'leaving no stone unturned' when seeking the Contributing Factors in Critical Incidents.
This course also demonstrates a core philosophy which is derived from the teaching of the Joint Commission—'Your worst day is an Opportunity for Improvement.' Examples of this philosophy are provided through a detailed case study of a suicide in a highly-respected Dual Diagnosis Supported Housing Program, which was followed by an intensive internal Retrospective Risk Management Review. The Review, although at times emotionally painful to both management and staff, identified and corrected several program design and staff management issues which had been heretofore unrecognized. The ultimate result was a significant positive impact upon the quality and safety of program operation.
This course provides practical tools for EAPs and Behavioral Health Managers to use in the process of Risk Management Prevention and Correction of Adverse and Critical Incidents, including a detailed checklist-based approach to uncovering the Human Factors in Critical and Adverse Incidents. Specific examples of both types of Incidents are provided.
In addition to Critical Incidents, we include how to prevent and correct Adverse Incidents—those negative Performance and Outcome indicators and Compliance Violations that can 'sink the ship.' Monitoring of these indicators is essential in the retention of contracts and funding sources in any work organization—whether that be a Detox Unit or a Community MHMR Center or an IT or Social Media giant, or the US Military, or a carpet manufacturer, or a Purina Cat Food Factory.
The Goals for Learning:
1. Learn the definition, the working philosophy, and the process of Risk Management in Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) and in DESIGN and SUPERVISION of Mental Health and Addiction Treatment programs and their staff.
2. Obtain a clear perspective of establishing and conducting an ongoing Risk Management program, from the review of multiple case studies and examples of Critical and Adverse Incidents in the EAP workplace and in Mental Health and Addiction Treatment Programs.
3. Understand that when Critical and Adverse Incidents occur, we must look beyond the errors committed by individuals, to include an unbiased assessment of systemic and program design flaws which contributed to the Critical or Adverse event.
4. Learn how to set up and operate the Risk Management Committees from the first step -- identification of the 'INHERENT RISKS' of operating the business.
5. Understand the need for and the process of PROSPECTIVE RISK MANAGEMENT when contemplating PENDING changes in the workplace
6. Understand the details of performing a Retrospective Review and analysis of Critical and Adverse Incidents which have occurred in the workplace, focusing upon the identification of the HUMAN FACTORS and the SYSTEM DESIGN FACTORS which have caused or contributed to the Incident.
7. From specific examples, learn how to establish Contingency Response Programs to address unpreventable catastrophic and seriously disruptive events WITHIN organizations, with the goal of reducing the IMPACT and speeding the RECOVERY from the incident.
8. From specific examples, learn how to establish Community-Wide Contingency Response Plans to address unpreventable catastrophic events within the community-- with the goal of reducing the IMPACT, speeding the RECOVERY, improving the community's RESPONSE to given catastrophes, and moving forward with an improved Contingency Response Plan.
9. From specific examples, learn about the collaborative partnership between EAPs, the Department of Defense, and the Department of Veterans Affairs from a Risk Management perspective, as well as the role of EAPs in consultation and coaching with organizational management—a sound model for Risk Management in all Behavioral Health programs.
Author and Publisher:
This course is written, published, and copyrighted by Marsha Watson Naylor, MA, LPC, CEU By Net—Pendragon Online LLC, Austin, TX. Ms. Naylor is a former Assistant Deputy Commissioner for the Texas Department of MHMR and has seventeen years experience as a national level consultant to multiple organizations including Behavioral Health Provider Networks, the Managed Care Industry, State Legislators and Advocacy groups, the Annie E Casey Foundation, the Center for Health Care Strategies, and other mental health and addiction organizations. She also has twenty years' experience in program administration and consultation in the mental health and addiction fields, for inpatient and outpatient Mental Health and Addiction services at the state and local level.
Note: You are free to read, download, save, and print the Study Guide(s) and Quiz(zes) for this Course, before deciding to enroll in the course. These course materials are public domain, and CEU By Net is sponsoring the course for CE Credit. You may STUDY THIS COURSE and the quiz AT NO CHARGE. You may enroll in the course at any time. You must take the quiz ONLINE, by logging into your
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Course 7R_Essentials of Risk Management - Study Guide |
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2025 Update of Course 2G_Ethics & Scope of Practice for Texas LPC |
Earn and download a certificate immediately upon completion of this module.
Only $10.00
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2025 Update of Course 2G_Ethics & Scope of Practice for Texas LPC
This course is the 2025 Update of Course 2G — Ethics & Scope of Practice for Texas LPCs. The course is presented online by CEU By Net, LLC, and is downloadable in a PDF format for studying offline if desired. The quiz must be taken online and certificates are available immediately.
The course earns 2.5 Ethics CEUs for Texas LPCs and meets the re-licensure requirement for a course in Texas-Specific Ethics. The course also earns 1.75 NBCC Credit Hours for NCCs who are licensed in Texas.
In December 2024, the Texas Secretary of State, the Behavioral Health Executive Council, and the Board of Examiners of Licensed Professional Counselors re-published RULES for LPCs with some modifications from the previous year. The updated Rules are made available in the new LPC Rule Book dated November 2024. The updated Rules are also published on the TX Secretary of State (SOS) website, where you will always find the MOST CURRENT and OFFICIAL version of any Rule.
NOTE: There is NO NEED to consult the SOS website to take this course. To prepare for the course quiz, enroll in the course, open or download the Study Guide and the quiz, and study online or offline. Quiz questions are drawn from the Study Guide for this course.
On page 7 of the Study Guide, we have included active LINKS to take you directly to specific Rules of Practice categories on the SOS site, at any time in the future.
In this course, we have also included a section on the meaning and implications of Scope of Practice and a brief review of the changes in 42 CFR, Part 2 — the Federal law pertaining to the release of confidential information about the treatment of individuals with Substance Use Disorders.
Goals for Learning:
1. Obtain an understanding of (1) the meaning of 'Scope of Practice,' (2) its importance in the retention of your Texas LPC license, and (3) its importance in the event of a lawsuit alleging unacceptable or unethical practice.
2. Know the meaning and the use of the term 'Prevailing Standard of Professional Care,' its relevance to compliance with the LPC Rules of Practice, and its significance to the outcome of civil suits alleging inappropriate treatment of a client.
3. Reinforce the LPC Rules of Practice, Title 22, PART 30, Chapter 681, SUBCHAPTER B, including some specific rules often overlooked or misunderstood.
4. Understand that the version of any Rule that is published on the website of the Texas Secretary of State shall control, in the event of a conflict with the published LPC Rule Book.
5. Know how to readily access and use ACTIVE LINKS to the most current Rules of Practice on the Texas Secretary of State (SOS) website, which are replicated on page 7 of the course document.
6. Become aware of the finalized changes in Federal regulation 42 CFR, Part 2 that facilitate the exchange of SUD treatment information between healthcare providers, including LPCs.
Note: You are free to read, download, save, and print the Study Guide(s) and Quiz(zes) for this Course, before deciding to enroll in the course. These course materials are public domain, and CEU By Net is sponsoring the course for CE Credit. You may STUDY THIS COURSE and the quiz AT NO CHARGE. You may enroll in the course at any time. You must take the quiz ONLINE, by logging into your
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2025 Update 2G_Ethics & Scope of Practice Texas LPC |
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