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Course Catalog

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1.0 to 1.75 Credit Hour Courses

Just click the + sign next to the course, for details.  

Check out our Annual Subscription Feature 
It's only $54.95 for an entire year of unlimited CE Courses and CEUs. 

Note:  FOR THE DEFINITION OF 'CEU' and 'PDH' when earned on this site, CLICK HERE.

NOTE: If you click on a link to VIEW COURSE MATERIALS in the catalog or here in your account, and the link DOES NOT OPEN .... FIRST make sure that your 'Pop-Up Blocker’ is turned off. How to do it? Click here

ALSO . . . some of our PDF slide show courses have recently been upgraded and expanded, and the course may offer a different number of credits than you may see on the beginning slide.  "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain" as they say :-)  Pay attention to what the COURSE CATALOG tells you about the number of credit hours you will earn. 

Example:  You may see references to Course 1C earning 1 Credit Hour.  Now that it has been expanded, it offers 1.75 Credit Hours for most of our accrediting authorities, and 1.25 NBCC Hours. It still offers only 1 PDH, pending our submission to EACC for a re-review of the course. 

And finally . . . please check the course description to determine the number of regular 'Credit Hours' and the number of 'NBCC Hours' and the number of 'PDHs' awarded for each course.  These credit amounts will typically differ.

The number of NBCC Hours for a given course is typically less than the number of hours ordinarily given for that same course for other accrediting entities.  This is because the NBCC criterion for awarding one NBCC Hour changed effective May 1, 2015 - from 4,000 words per NBCC Hour, to 6,000 words per NBCC Hour. 

If your licensing board has adopted the NBCC criterion of 6,000 words per credit hour, then the specified NBCC Hours for the course will be yours also. 




Plus    Course 1K - Introduction to Effective Harm-Reduction Strategies for Prevention and Treatment of HIV in Persons with Co-Occurring Behavioral Health Disorders
Plus    Free Course 1D Clinical Issues in Intensive Outpatient Treatment
Plus    FREE Course 1B - It's Not Your Grandpa's Chevy - Intro to Goals, Clinical Concerns, and Opportunities In Behavioral Health Managed Care
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