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 Athena Gavaris, LCSW. This Continuing Education (CEU) website is possible through the technical assistance of various individuals with talent and professional expertise. In particular, we wish to acknowledge one such individual - Athena Gavaris, LCSW.  Ms. Gavaris is the Social Work consultant for this website.  Her training and experience in the field of social work, and her direct experience working in complex systems of care with severely ill individuals, are superior.  

Originally from Washington, DC and now returned to DC as a practitioner and academician, Athena spent several years in DC directing complex clinical programs for individuals with major mental illness and chemical dependency issues.  She then relocated to Dallas, TX for a couple of years, as Program Director for a large multi-service community mental health center serving mentally ill dual diagnosis adults, before moving back to the northeast.  Her clinical and management skills were well utilized in these unique and swiftly changing systems of care, providing her with a firm foundation to teach and direct Social Workers and other clinical professionals within the new Health Care Reform environment.

Athena is now once again at home in Washington DC, serving as an Adjunct Professor in the National Catholic School of Social Services (Catholic University of America), and she is also the Director of Clinical Services at the McClendon Center in DC, and a psychotherapist in private practice with Parkhurst and Associates.

As our website prepared to launch several years ago, Ms. Gavaris graciously gave her time to review our courses from the outset, with an eye to relevance and significance to licensed Social Workers and other professionals - particularly those who provide services under a managed behavioral health care system.  Athena was also significantly instrumental in persuading CEU by Net! to eliminate some of the more extraneous and tedious content of our presentations, and for that we all thank her! 

Athena is a contracted member of our management team, serving as our Social Work consultant - reviewing all of our programs for relevance and appropriateness for the field of social work.  She reviews programs with an eye to contemporary needs of Social Workers - drawing from her interaction with her students at the Catholic University of America's National School of Social Services and from her colleagues in the Washington DC social work community.    

Athena obtained her MSW from The Catholic University of America, Washington, DC in May 1994, and her BA from The American University, Washington, DC in December 1989. Adjunctive training experiences beyond graduate school include The Advanced Psychotherapy Training Program, Washington School of Psychiatry, in Washington DC. Athena is fluent in both Greek and English.  She continues her clinical Social Work practice in the northeast.


Marsha Naylor, MA, LPC.  You may read about Marsha Naylor's professional qualifications and activities on the ABOUT US page.  Marsha is the co-owner of CEU By Net.  Ownership is a joint venture with Pendragon Associates, which provides our IT programming, technical support, and ongoing site management and operation. 


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