Licensed Social Workers
Licensed Clinical Social Workers
Licensed Professional Counselors
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists
Licensed Addiction Counselors
Certified Addiction Counselors Levels II and III
The Division of Professions and Occupations now requires continuing education (or Continuing Professional Development) to renew the mental health licenses listed above.
1. HOW MANY of your required 40 Professional Development Hours (PDHs) can you take on our website? You can take ALL 40 OF THEM here if you choose to do so.
You can take all 40 of your hours on our website because the State says this about online courses, IN SECTION 3, PAGE 12 of the PDA Q and A:
'Online courses can be considered Coursework or Independent Study.' Please see the definition of Coursework and Independent Learning:
1. Coursework
PDH may be accrued for many types of coursework including academic courses, continuing education, online coursework, seminars, conferences, in-service trainings, and workshops. Coursework should expand or refine your professional skill and experience. A total of 20 PDH may be accrued for Coursework during each 2-year renewal cycle.
2. Independent Learning
Independent Learning can take many forms which can be used to accrue PDH. One hour spent in active learning (reading, studying, etc) is equivalent to one PDH. A total of 20 PDH may be accrued in Independent Learning activities during each 2-year renewal cycle.
2. DO OUR COURSES MEET PUBLISHED REQUIREMENTS? Yes. The courses provided by meet all published requirements for acceptable CPD for the licenses listed at the top of this page.
3. ARE WE AN APPROVED PROVIDER? The State of Colorado DOES NOT license or (pre)approve Continuing Education Providers:
'You do not need to be registered, certified or otherwise approved by the State of Colorado for your attendees to count your course in the CPD program.'
'There are no approved providers of PDAs. You may select the provider of your learning. Your PDAs should be relevant to your skill as a licensed professional.'
AND also this statement:
'There are no approved providers of PDAs. As the licensee, you are asked to use your discretion in determining if the PDA qualifies as professional development and expand your skill or contributes to your competence as a licensed professional.'