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Assessment Course 3C Quiz



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This course tells us that there is not much difference between assessing adults and children, in terms of 'challenge'.
True False
The purpose of this course is to . . . [select best answer below]
present a structured way to gather information about psychiatric, emotional, behavioral, functional, and addictive history, and to arrive at a diagnostic impression, in a way that protects you ethically, legally and professionally.
provide a guide that will help you file your insurance claims.
teach the criteria for diagnosis of youth with Bipolar Disorder and other Serious Emotional Disturbances (SED).
The thoroughness and the documentation of the assessments we do with children and adolescents are unrelated to a our ETHICAL STANDARDS.
True False
The thoroughness of the Biopsychosocial Assessment, the relevance of the Treatment Plan, the accuracy and inclusiveness of the Diagnosis(es), and the documentation of the treatment process are critical in complying with which elements of our Professional Standards?
Professional Competence
Scope of Practice
All of the above
Only the first and third above
This course tells us that it _____ [click correct answer below] a good idea to use a structured ASSESSMENT protocol.
is not
could be
CEU By Net's prototype ASSESSMENTS are presented as a guide to ethical and competent exploration of a child or adolescent's diagnosis and his need for treatment.
True False
Assessing 'on the fly' and failing to follow a standardized WRITTEN protocol places us in a vulnerable position from an ethical, legal, professional, and risk perspective – no matter how many years we have been in this business.
True False
Using a structured assessment protocol in our clinical work can be very helpful to
avoid allegations of professional negligence and violation of our ethical standards, in the event of an adverse treatment outcome.
ensure that we don't miss some important information which would impact diagnosis and the details of the treatment plan.
secure a valid diagnosis.
All of the above
Only the second and third options above
Except for inappropriate sexual relationships with clients, at a national level the most common ethical violations involve professionals who
fail to release records in a timely manner
operate outside of their ‘Professional Competence Level,’ (i.e., they are judged to be NOT PROFESSIONALLY COMPETENT to perform a given service such as Assessment, Diagnosis, or Treatment.
operate outside the ‘Scope of Practice’ of his or her license
All of the above
Only the second and third answers above
An 'Assessment of Acute Risk' and a 'Biopsychosocial Assessment' are basically the same thing. One is simply shorter and more compact.
True False
The verdict in lawsuits (filed by clients against professionals) is unrelated to the thoroughness of the professional's assessment of the client and the documentation of the treatment process.
True False
The only professional qualification for performing the clinical and diagnostic functions of a Biopsychosocial Assessment is approval of a supervisor.
True False
A goal of performing a good Biopsychosocial Assessment is to facilitate (choose one) . . .
a treatment plan that meets the needs of the client.
accurate diagnosis(es).
a foundation upon which we can assess the progress of the individual.
good documentation of the client's LEVEL OF CARE when a Health Care management organization or other contractor is paying for the treatment.
All of these.
It is LEGALLY and ETHICALLY UNWISE to include our own professional observations and conclusions in a written assessment. We should report ONLY what the client and his legal representatives say about his problems and issues.
True False
This course tells us that the Biopsychosocial Assessment of children and adolescents must be ___________ [click the correct answer] in order to be acceptable.
typed or word-processed
internally consistent
done over a period of several days
re-done every nine months
We have described a few 'Maladaptive Assessment Syndromes' which can apply to even competent professionals. Which below is NOT one of those mentioned?
The Passive Reporter Syndrome
The Incoherent Assessment Syndrome
The Overzealous Syndrome
The Poorly Documented Level of Care Syndrome
Once a mental health or AOD issue has been identified in a Biopsychosocial Assessment, it is not necessary to address the issue again within the treatment record, if it's not the main reason that the client sought treatment.
True False
An Assessment, Diagnosis, and Treatment Plan need to be done only once. From that point forward, auditors and legal representatives will look only at the Progress Notes.
True False
Which answer below is accurate, regarding the issue of LGBT issues and adolescents?
Attention to LGBT issues is recognized as crucial to the responsible assessment of minors, given the high rate of serious suicide attempts reported for LGBT youth which far exceeds the incidence in non-LGBT youth.
We should routinely explore LGBT issues with minor clients and young adults, regardless of the presence or absence of overt indicators that the client may have sexual orientation or gender identity issues.
The Suicide Prevention Resource Center in Newton, MA states that we should “Assume that clients or students could be any sexual orientation or gender identity and respond accordingly.”
all of the above
only the first answer above is correct
Pertaining to the need for sensitive exploration of the issues faced by LGBT youth: There are Federal, state, and local laws and ordinances which
prohibit 'discriminatory harassment' - applicable to sex-based harassment of both adolescent and adult individuals.
require immediate action on the part of school personnel to investigate discriminatory harassment, to attempt to halt it, and to try to achieve solutions
require school personnel to protect the harassed youth, and if it persists, to consider filing a formal grievance with the school district and Federal authorities.
All of the above
Only the first and second above
Timely modification of the treatment approach in response to CHANGES in the CONDITION of the client can reveal either COMPETENT treatment or grounds for civil action and licensure sanctions.
True False
The 'Assessment of Acute Risk' should be performed . . .
when a POTENTIAL client presents with indicators of suicidality or intent to kill or inflict serious bodily harm on self or others.
as a free-standing risk assessment at any time, when indicators of potential harm to self or others arise AFTER admission.
when an admission decision must be made but there is insufficient time to perform a full Biopsychosocial Assessment prior to the admission.
All of the above
The first and second answers above, only
If an adverse outcome or critical event occurs (e.g., client attempts suicide or hurts someone else), the licensed practitioner should be able to say to a court and jury,
'I had no way of knowing that the client would actually try to hurt himself.'
'Clients sometimes say one thing but really mean another.'
'In my best professional judgment as a licensed practitioner, I did not believe that the client was in fact a danger to herself or others, based upon the following findings . . .'
Any of the above responses would be appropriate.
In a Risk Assessment of minors, we do not need to consider whether the client's 'method of harm' is readily available because caretakes will be monitoring him or her.
True False
This course tells us that we should approach the way that we assess and treat clients from a RISK MANAGEMENT and ETHICS perspective. Which item below would be considered a serious FAILURE, from both a Risk Management and Ethics perspective?
Failing to document everything that the client says at each session.
Failing to do a formal Risk Assessment on every client, no matter the age or presenting issues, as a routine practice.
Failing to intervene and change the treatment approach, when it is clear that the client is deteriorating or is at risk of harm or is failing to progress.
Examples of EXTERNALIZING BEHAVIORS which we mentioned in our Biopsychosocial Assessment include such things as . . . [choose one answer]
hyperactivity, aggression, disruptive behavior, substance abuse,
oppositional behaviors, refusal to follow rules and directions
withdrawn behaviors, isolation, crying, sad affect, feelings of inadequacy,
All of the above
The first and second answers only
When we perform the Biopsychosocial Assessment, we are primarily there to listen and record the reports of the child or adolescent and the responsible adults. Clinical formulations and diagnosis must wait until we are engaged in the actual treatment process.
True False
When performing the substance abuse portion of the assessment, we _________ [click the correct answer below] that the child or adolescent has abused substances, before affixing a 'substance use' diagnosis.
must see a positive drug test which will prove
are looking for an admission of guilt
are looking for social, behavioral, and/or physical indicators
Examples of INTERNALIZING BEHAVIORS which we mentioned in our Biopsychosocial Assessment include such things as . . . [choose only one answer]
juvenile delinquency
sleep and eating disturbance, and other clinical indicators of depression or anxiety
anger and frustration, crying, sad affect, feelings of inadequacy
All but the first answer above.
None of the above.
This course tells us that it is not appropriate to affix a DUAL DIAGNOSIS to a Biopsychosocial Assessment of a child or adolescent under the age of 15.
True False
In the Substance Abuse Screening section of the Biopsychosocial Assessment, which of the following is NOT addressed?
Emotional or social/behavioral problems which are (or appear to be) associated with chemical abuse or dependency
Report of presence or absence of physiological events which may be associated with substance use issues
The identity of the client's 'supplier'
Any information indicating that consumer's parents, grandparents, siblings, other relatives, or spouse, or significant other have / had psychological or emotional or drug use problems.
Any feeling that alcohol and/or drug use has affected how he or she behaves sexually.
Determining a diagnosis during a Biopsychosocial Assessment depends upon one thing: The symptoms that you actually SEE.
True False
CEU By Net has divided its Biopsychosocial Assessment into two parts - essentially, the 'historical and social' section (Part A) and the Clinical Interview section (Part B). Questions related to the child's or adolescent's SEXUAL EXPERIENCES AND ISSUES are contained in Part A.
True False
Conducting an Assessment of a client has nothing to do with Ethics unless you violate physical boundaries.
True False


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