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Florida 5L_DV - Quiz for Guide 1



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In the opening of Chapter 5, we are told that we should begin by asking ....
'What was the hardest part about being over there?'
'What’s the hardest part about being home?'
In the section about the personal needs of professionals working with trauma ('taking care of yourself'), what are we NOT told?
Seek consultation when you feel as if you are out of your depth or sphere of expertise.
Keep your self-inventory current, so you know how you are reacting and know your needs.
Keep the 'therapist’s ego' out of the way.
If you don't like a client, just push those feelings aside so that he or she won't feel rejected or stigmatized.
If you don't like a client, transfer the client to someone else.
Vicarious traumatization or 'secondary trauma' refers to ....
the process by which the listener can develop trauma symptoms from exposure to the traumatic experiences of another.
the spouse or significant other fully empathizing with the trauma which the veteran has experienced.
We are told that, as therapists, we will hear things that are completely overwhelming, very difficult for our OWN emotions to bear. We are also told that ....
we must block out our uncomfortable emotions, if we want to help the client.
we must acknowledge that we are listening 'with great difficulty' to many of the things the military client shares about his or her experiences in the war zone. If it’s not difficult, you’re not listening.
Statements from military Service Members and veterans DO NOT reveal (select one)
a tendency to feel largely forgotten by the civilian population.
a tendency to believe that civilians in general do not really understand their circumstances.
a tendency to feel that civilians have a lack of appreciation for their incredible hardships.
that they are too independent to need or want your help.
Looking at 'The Individual and the Military Culture': There is very little difference in the culture of the military and that of any organized society.
True False
Moving on to What to Call Service Members and Veterans: Which is NOT a true statement?
The terms 'Service Member' and 'Military Member' refer to all branches of the U.S. Armed Services.
'Soldier' refers to someone in any branch of the Military who served in a War Zone.
'Soldier' refers to someone in the Army (Active or Reserve).
Using the correct terminology shows awareness of the military culture and is a sign of respect.
The word 'WARRIOR' is used quite a bit within the military culture, but it would likely fall flat if a civilian clinician introduced it in conversation.
True False
Concerning use of the word 'HERO', when working with military service members: Which is true, according to this Guide?
In the media, its uses may range from an expression of admiration and respect to an attempt to flatter and manipulate.
Veterans have expressed discomfort with the idea of civilian therapists use it gratuitously.
It would make sense to use it in response if the Service Member has brought up the concept of heroism or told the story of a heroic act.
Returning Service Members do not think of themselves as heroes, no matter how extraordinary their skills, courage, or actions may be.
All of the above.
This phrase (select one below), stated simply and clearly, is an important message to give the Service Member or returning veteran.
'We are so glad to have you home.'
'I know what you must have gone through over there.'
'Thank you for your service.'
'We are happy to have a hero return home.'
Which is true, according to this Guide?
Depending upon the circumstances, obedience to authority is optional on the battlefield.
The military culture is a culture of courage, respect, discipline, loyalty, honor, obedience to authority, and patriotism.
Which is true?
There are many aspects of the military culture and experience that are positive, reassuring, satisfying.
Service Members and veterans are frustrated when civilians think of the experience in Iraq and Afghanistan purely in terms of violence and destruction.
Both of the above.
None of the above.
'Gallows humor' among those deployed to a war zone is a positive thing.
True False
After return to home, memories of the rush of sympathetic chemicals (e.g., the adrenaline rush, norepinephrine, dopamine) which were part of the battle on the ground, are disturbing to veterans.
True False
In the section entitled Earning Trust: In the process of developing trust, the client is watching for your reactions when ...
he or she says things designed to evoke extreme responses - testing your personality and approach.
he or she tells you stories - accurate or inaccurate - about episodes of extreme violence in the war zone.
both of the above
only the first above
OEF stands for _________________ - officially commencing on Oct. 7, 2001.
Operation Ending Fratricide - a multinational military operation aimed at halting the civil war in Afghanistan through dismantling Al-Qaeda and the Taliban,
Operation Enduring Freedom - a multinational military operation aimed at dismantling terrorist groups, mostly in Afghanistan,
OIF stands for _________________ commencing on March 20th, 2003.
Operation Iraqi Freedom, also known as the Iraq War,
Operation Inside Freedom, also known as the Iraq War,
Service Members are as varied in their political beliefs about the war as everyone else in America.
True False
No matter what his or her opinions about the war are, every Service Member takes a solemn oath to support and follow the President of the United States and thus cannot criticize him.
True False
What should you NOT ask any military client who has returned from a war zone?
Did you kill anyone?
What was the heat like?
Can we discuss your feelings about the killing that occurred there?
Can we continue for a few minutes longer? There is so much I need to know, to help you.
All of the above - ask none of these questions.
OIF/OEF Veterans often want to go back to the war zone. If they tell you they're planning on redeploying, it's a sign of mental imbalance, and you should arrange for a mental status exam.
True False
Still in Earning Trust .... Should the therapist remain emotionally detached from the military client's trauma and emotional reactions to the war zone experience?
In traditional therapy, the prevalent view is that healing can best occur if the therapist remains EMOTIONALLY DETACHED from the client's life and traumatic material.
In working with war zone veterans, the opposite is true: If the therapist remains emotionally detached from the military client's pain, the war experience remains solely the burden of the client.
Therapy becomes effective only when the therapist can affirm that he or she is personally engaged with the veteran’s story, at an emotional level.
The clinician can and must have and show emotions, because these emotions reflect common human response to human experiences. These feelings should be genuine, ordinary, matter-of-fact responses to the veteran’s experience.
All of he above are true.
Moving to Chapter 6, Important Considerations in Treatment Delivery, what is NOT one of the recommended approaches to regaining a sense of safety and resilience?
Developing techniques for noticing when fight-or-flight chemicals are rising, and 'putting on the brake' by pulling back.
Asking oneself questions that will help distinguish past from present experiences, grounding in the here-and-now.
Avoiding unnecessary interaction with other war zone veterans; get a fresh start.
Establishing non-verbal 'stop' signals to use when the conversation becomes too intense.
Under 'Avoiding Iatrogenic Effects' with Military Clients ....
Working with trauma may involve repeatedly activating traumatic memories and the associated feelings, while monitoring and controlling the stress reactions.
Too rapid acceleration can increase traumatic symptoms and/or drive people toward substance abuse.
Many experts allow veterans to choose when and how to tell the stories of their war zone experiences.
Clinicians should not urge their clients to talk about traumatic experiences before they are ready to do so.
All of the above are true.
Veterans unanimously warn against placing veterans in groups with civilian clients, due to the potential for damaging questions which the therapist cannot control.
True False
Under Medication: Even if the military client with PTSD has a substance use disorder, the prevailing medications typically used to stabilize PTSD should be used.
True False
Most veterans seeking help for their post-deployment stress effects will be looking for something that is:
Quick and time limited
Capable of answering in an empowering way the question that most troubles them: 'Am I going crazy?'
Focused on training and skill building, rather than exploring their traumatic experiences.
All of the above.
Only the first and third above.
In the area of Empowerment and Destigmatization: When a veteran describes an outburst with a family member, the best approach is to
help the veteran to decide if his or her words or ACTIONS were 'good' or 'bad'.
help the veteran to decide if this CHOICE was 'helpful' or 'not helpful'.
The therapeutic use of images or feelings of helplessness or powerlessness (as in 12-Step programs) may not a good approach with military clients. Therefore ....
reframe powerlessness as something that applies to the ability to drink or use drugs without consequences
focus on the empowerment that comes through reliance on a Higher Power, however they choose to define that Power.
Both of the above.
The critical brain structure that stores and retrieves bites of sound, scent, images, and raw emotions - warning of danger even when it's not there, throwing out frightening memories, triggering a surge of stress chemicals - is the
temporal lobe
After traumatic war experiences, the brain structure called the Amygdala badly needs evidence of basic safety, in order to stop producing stress chemicals and messages of impending danger when the veteran is awake or asleep. The best way(s) to provide evidence of safety to the amygdala are ....
learn to 'speak to the amygdala', communicating messages of safety and empowerment.
help the veteran to develop positive calming rituals which will speak to and calm the amygdala.
encourage the veteran to structure and control his dream sequences, in order to avoid interacting with the amygdala.
remember that the amygdala is always scanning our words, gestures, faces, and tones of voice for signs of threat - and thus avoid facial expressions that say 'this is not a safe topic'.
All but the third option.
Traditional Substance Abuse CONFRONTIVE techniques should be replaced with respect and empowerment, when working with veterans.
True False


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