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   Please check this box if you are certified by Texas Certification Board of Addiction Professionals (TCBAP).
   Please check this box if you are certified by EACC (CEAP).
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   I have read and do accept and agree to the User Agreement, below.

Copyright Protection Notification
and User Agreement

CEU By Net - Pendragon Online LLC


Copyright Protected - © - January 2006-January 2022 -- Revised January 2010, Dec. 2019, Dec. 2021


Copyrighted Commercial Works. Unless designated as 'Published in the Public Domain',  all continuing education documents and courses, forms and other materials (individually and collectively known as "The Materials" or "Materials") which are published on the Internet by CEU By Net ("CEU By Net") and its partners Pendragon Consulting Group and Pendragon Associates, are copyrighted, commercial works developed by the owners of CEU By Net and are proprietary information.

(a)  Registration on the CEU By Net website, purchase of a course or Annual Subscription, accessing a course through any means whatsoever, or any use of this CEU By Net website whatsoever, constitutes acceptance by the individual so doing (the "Principal User") of the terms of this Limited Use Licensing Notification and Limited User Agreement ("User Agreement").  Principal User agrees to honor the copyright protections.

(b)  The Materials which constitute the courses offered on this website represent the PROFESSIONAL OPINIONS AND EXPERIENCES of the course authors and are not intended to be a declaration of infallible knowledge or guidance by the course authors, CEU By Net, its consultants, owners, operators, partners, or shareholders. 


Authorization to Utilize. This User Agreement applies to all of the Materials which are accessible through any and all Internet websites registered by CEU By Net, Pendragon Consulting Group or Pendragon Associates LLC. This User Agreement serves as the authorization granted to the course enrollee (the "Principal User") to UTILIZE the copyrighted Materials, documents, files, publications, and descriptive page content only for the personal benefit and Continuing Education of the Principal User. 

(a)  Course documents which are identified in the Course Catalog as 'published in the public domain' may be utilized, downloaded, and shared with others in any manner which Principal User chooses.


'Utilize' and 'utilization' of the website Materials shall not be construed to include the following: Printing or otherwise making an electronic or paper copy of the proprietary website content for individual use or for use by any other entity, with the exception of  (1) Glossary of Terms and any Bibliography made available by this website, which are considered to be public domain, and (2) the Course Descriptions published in the Course Catalogs, and (3) the documents which are identified as 'published in the public domain' within the Course Descriptions, and (4) the quizzes (test questions) and (5) the Continuing Education Certificates, which may be downloaded and printed.

(a) 'Utilize' and 'utilization' shall also not be construed to include distribution of the course Materials which are written and copyrighted by CEU By Net or of modifications thereof which are substantially similar by any means whatsoever, whether via software data files or codes or hard paper copy or fax transmission or sharing or sale or Internet publication of these Materials or; utilization by the Principal User of the Materials or of modifications thereof which are substantially similar, as instruments or tools of his or her trade or business or the trade or business of affiliates or customers or employers, which includes but is not limited to consultation for hire and the offering of technical assistance or continuing education either in person or over the World Wide Web (Internet) or by any other means of distribution or representation.

(b) State, regional, or national organizations which have a desire to purchase the Materials for statewide, regional, or national use may do so only through negotiation of a separate Licensure Agreement with CEU By Net. 


Restrictions on use. The majority of the course documents are published in the Public Domain and may be freely copied and distributed at will.  CEU By Net offers a few copyright-protected documents as courses, which are readily accessible to read for free but cannot be downloaded, printed or distributed. 

(a) The proprietary content on the website which is not course material, including the content of informational pages, is protected and copyrighted website Material.  The use, copying, reproduction, duplication, or any other transmission of the text displayed within these website Materials, by any means whatsoever, including but not limited to such transmission via the Internet or through data files or software containing the copyrighted Materials or through paper copies of the copyrighted Materials without prior written authorization of CEU By Net, is a direct violation of this User Agreement and is prohibited.

(b) Likewise, modification of these copyrighted Materials in a form or content which is substantially similar to the originals without the prior written authorization of CEU By Net is a direct violation of The User Agreement and is prohibited. Likewise, the sale or leasing or rental or distribution of said Materials for purposes of monetary or other personal or professional gain is a violation of The User Agreement and is prohibited. Violation of the User Agreement is subject to legal remedy.


Additional Restrictions. This User Agreement to utilize the copyrighted Materials is personal in nature, is limited to the Principal User, and does not extend to any other individual, organization, company or other entity which is affiliated with or not affiliated with the Principal User, either now or in the future. 


Refund and Grievance Policy.  In purchasing CEU By Net's Continuing Education Services, Principal User understands and agrees that he or she has complete, unrestricted access to all course materials and quizzes at no charge, prior to registering on the site or after registering on the site.  Therefore, NO REFUNDS OR MONETARY CREDITS will be given because of Principal User's dissatisfaction with the Course Materials unless the Internet Server upon which these Materials are published is verified by CEU By Net to have failed in its transmission, resulting in an inability of the Principal User to access the Course Materials or the testing modules or certificates. 

(a) Maintenance and content changes.  CEU By Net reserves the right to withdraw access to all or any part of this website for reasonable periods of time in order to modify any of the content or for scheduled or unscheduled maintenance without notice.

(b)  Transmission Failure by Third Party Telecommunications Networks. CEU By Net makes no representation or guarantee as to availability in the event of failure of Principle User's Third Party Telecommunications Network.

(1) As you will receive transmission of the CEU By Net website via your choice of Third Party Telecommunications networks, you acknowledge that CEU By Net cannot guarantee that the availability of our website will be uninterrupted through your Third Party Telecommunication network.  Similarly, the CEU By Net website meets all national requirements for secure transmission, but we cannot guarantee that the transmission of any information by your Third Party Telecommunication network will be secure. 

(c)  Unrestricted Opportunity to Review Course and Quiz Content Prior to Purchase.   CEU By Net's Continuing Education Course Materials and quizzes are 'open-access,' which means that Principal User can access and read 100% of the course document(s) and the associated quiz(zes) for free, without purchasing anything or registering on the site, and therefore has full and unrestricted opportunity to review course Materials before making a purchase.  

(1)  Principal User understands and agrees that CEU By Net's 'Open-Access Policy' provides free, unlimited access to and awareness of the content of each course and quiz which is offered on the CEU By Net website, and therefore NO REFUNDS are made based upon dissatisfaction with course Materials. 

(d)  CEU By Net offers free courses to assess the functionality of the CEU By Net website prior to a purchase of anything from CEU By Net.  CEU By Net's two free courses can be readily accessed by Principal User to assess the efficiency and functionality of CEU By Net's online course presentation process, the competency testing process, and the certificate download process on the CEU By Net website.  These free courses provide an opportunity to assess and confirm the compatibility of the Principal User's computer or other devices and their internet connection and browsers with our online program platform.  

(e) User Responsibility to Verify State Licensure Board Regulations. The Principal User understands and agrees that state licensure boards and other certifying entities may modify their criteria for approval of Continuing Education (CE) materials, CE providers, and the number of credit hours awarded from time to time, and are entirely responsible for such approval, and that state licensure boards do not always comply with the published rules and regulations which are available to the public and to CEU By Net. 

(i) The Principal User understands that he or she is therefore ultimately responsible for verifying the applicability and approval of these courses for his or her own license designation, BEFORE making a purchase of continuing education services from CEU By Net.  Principal User understands and agrees that NO REFUNDS or other damage compensation will be given to Principal User based upon rejection of the course credits by the Principal User's licensure entity. 

User Responsibility for Own Professional Determinations and Actions. 
Principal Users are responsible for making their own decisions about validity and use of the information contained within the Materials within their practices, programs, or other professional undertakings, and Principal Users hold CEU By Net harmless in Principal User's utilization or application of the ideas or recommendations or information contained in the Materials presented on this website.

(a) The continuing education Materials presented on this website, irrespective or regardless of the source or status of the author(s), are in no way to be construed as part of or a direction for use in the treatment of any particular individual, for mental illness or distress or for abuse or dependency upon alcohol or other drugs.  The professional User is solely responsible for assessment and determination of the appropriateness and applicability of any and all treatments or therapeutic interventions which he or she chooses to apply to or deliver to individual patients or clients, within the purview and constraints of his or her specific license(s) to practice. 

(b)The Continuing Education materials presented on this website are collected from various professional sources and are presented as potential options and interventions which may or may not be appropriate for use by a behavioral health professional in the course of his or her practice. Per the licensing requirements of all behavioral health professionals, Users of this website assume responsibility for determining, through competent assessment, that a particular treatment or therapeutic intervention is clinically appropriate, applicable, and medically necessary for the wellbeing of that individual client or patient.

Privacy of Personal Data. Information about your completion of courses on this website may be shared under very limited circumstances, specifically

(a) in the event of an audit of this website's performance, to entities which certify or license or otherwise approve this website for delivery of services to licensed professionals, and

(b) upon request from you, the User, to your licensing board or its representative or to another entity, and 

(c) upon the request of your licensing board which has approved CEU By Net to provide continuing education credit to the board's licensees. 

(d) to your employer or employing company if it has directly paid CEU By Net for your right to access courses and to earn Continuing Education Credits on this website. 


Copyright Protected - © - January 2000 -- Revised January 2010 and January 2019

CEU By Net

Pendragon Consulting Group

Pendragon Associates LLC



All content on this site is Copyright (c) 2006-2021 by Pendragon Associates and/or CEU by Net